Welcome to Platinum Spire...

"This is Mira, captain of Skylight, requesting permission to dock. Access code: 0432-1B," Mira's voice was steady, her eyes fixed on the main console in the bridge.

Outside the viewport, Platinum Spire loomed, an enormous space station orbiting a desolate planet. Its metal surface gleamed under the distant sun, dotted with lights, antennae, defensive turrets and surveillance drones. The imposing sight was a constant reminder of the stringent security measures in place.

A crackle came over the communication channel, followed by a stern voice. "Skylight, permission to dock is denied. Turn back immediately."

Mira's brow furrowed, but she remained calm. "Platinum Spire Control, I have prisoners onboard. I've been directed to deliver them to your facility."

A pause ensued, the tension evident in the bridge. "Identify the prisoners," the stern voice demanded.

"Two high-value targets," Mira replied smoothly. "Hiro Banks and Tisha Cobbs."