Not part of the plan...

Mira dragged Hiro and Tisha forward, positioning them in front of Zenith's desk. She could feel the tension in the air, like a charged current waiting to be unleashed.

"These are the ones you've been looking for," Mira stated, keeping her tone neutral.

Zenith rose from his seat, circling the desk to examine Hiro and Tisha. His gaze was analytical, missing nothing. "So, these are the infamous operatives who've been causing us so much trouble."

He leaned in closer, inspecting Hiro's face. "Hiro Banks, your reputation precedes you."

Zenith's scrutinizing gaze lingered on Hiro's motionless form. "Hmmmm," he mused aloud as he turned around to face Mira. "I must admit, I'm surprised you caught him. How did you manage it?"

Mira maintained her composed demeanor. "Let's just say he underestimated me. I caught him off guard."