In space?

"Where am I?" Suki demanded, her voice strained against the exertion of her struggle.

"You're in a safe place," one of the medical staff replied, attempting a calming tone.

"Safe? Why am I tied up if it's safe?" Suki's voice rose in pitch, her fear and confusion morphing into anger.

One of the plain-clothed individuals stepped forward, his eyes locking onto Suki's. "Good question," he said coolly. "But perhaps we should be asking you something else. Where's Hiro, and where did he put the AI chip?"

Suki's mind raced, but her face betrayed nothing. She knew exactly what they were referring to – Hiro, the AI chip, the missions they had undertaken together. But loyalty ran deep in her veins, a steadfast rule that bonded the Zlanov Crew.

'Never. I won't say anything.' She decided to feign ignorance, to play the fool for as long as necessary.