Initiating Lockdown Sequence...

"Where am I? What happened?" Tisha asked, her voice weak but steady.

"You're safe. We're in the medical bay on Platinum Spire," Hiro reassured her, but his mind was elsewhere.

After confirming Tisha was in a stable condition, Hiro left her side and walked back to the experimental section, his steps measured, his mind racing.

He approached the glass tube, circling it slowly. As his view cleared and he saw the figure inside, his heart skipped multiple beats.


Hiro's eyes widened in disbelief. There she was, floating in a stasis chamber, her body suspended in the translucent fluid that filled the tube. Suki, his comrade, his friend, his love – someone he had believed was lost forever.

"Suki," he whispered again, his voice barely audible. The sight of her, alive yet unconscious, stirred a whirlwind of emotions in him.