Go, go, go!!!

As they rounded a corner, the already tense atmosphere intensified. The flashing lights ceased their rhythmic warning, shifting to a constant, ominous red.

A mechanical voice, emotionless and cold, echoed through the corridor. "Initiating Lockdown Sequence."

Hiro's pace quickened. The lockdown would seal off exits, making their escape even more perilous. He glanced back at Mira and Tisha, signaling with a nod to pick up the pace.

Their footsteps echoed in the stark corridor, a stark contrast to the silence that had pervaded moments before. The drone ahead paused at intersections, its lights scanning left and right before moving on, a silent guardian leading them through the labyrinth.

As they approached a security checkpoint, Hiro's heart pounded in his ears. This was a critical juncture – one wrong move and they could be trapped.

"Nova, can you bypass the lockdown at this checkpoint?" Hiro thought, hoping for a positive response.