Dispute out of the game

After confirming that the tiger was indeed dead, Guo Penghui took it into the frozen space, and several people sat down on the ground to relax.

"This should be the territory of Yanhu. There should be no other animals coming over these two days. We have time to recover our powers and physical strength." Guo Penghui said.

Looking at the five people who collapsed from exhaustion. Su Jin ran to Su Penghui's side, took out the first aid kit and handed Su Penghui an intermediate repair fluid. The wound healed instantly, and Su Jin couldn't help but marvel at the advancement of interstellar medical treatment again. If there is no Su Penghui, the one who is injured now is himself.

It took half an hour for everyone to recover. Flame Tiger is a level 4 beast, killing it gets 6 points. The team is currently ranked 8th.

"What happened to Huang Ying just now? Why wasn't the earth wall raised?" Guo Penghui looked at Huang Ying and asked seriously.

"I...I didn't realize it for a while." Huang Ying lowered her eyes and replied in a low voice.

Wang Jingjing looked at Huang Ying with complicated eyes. At that time, she saw that Huang Ying had raised part of the earth wall, but it was changed into earth thorns in an instant. Wang Jingjing's mouth opened wide, but in the end she didn't say a word.

"Do you know that because of your negligence, Su Jin almost lost his life." Guo Penghui said in a sharp tone. At that time, the tiger was very close to Su Jin. If I hadn't pushed Su Jin away at that time, and resisted the tiger's attack with fire skills, I'm afraid I would have been seriously injured.

Seeing Guo Penghui's tone becoming more and more severe, Miss Huang Ying became angry and said, "If you want to blame, blame her for her own incompetence and need someone else to protect her. I was fighting at the time, so I didn't care so much."

"You know the facts in your heart, don't treat everyone as fools." Guo Penghui stopped talking after finishing speaking.

"I've tried my best, and she can't blame anyone for her own food." Huang Ying clenched her hands tightly into fists, but her eyes were full of unwillingness.

Seeing the increasingly tense atmosphere, Deng Chengtao quickly smoothed things over: "Okay, okay, this is over, let's see what to do next."

"That's right, that's right, let's eat something first, I'm starving to death." Wang Jingjing said. This fight did consume a lot of energy.

Su Jin sat on the sidelines and didn't dare to make a sound. After all, she was indeed a drag on the team. She still had this self-knowledge.

Just like that, another three days passed. Nutrients are also gone. But the team became the second from the bottom and ranked 9th. As soon as the atmosphere in the team dropped to the lowest level, everyone was listless.

"Let's give up on ending the mission early!" Huang Ying said, wiping the sweat from her forehead. The competition task can be ended early according to the wishes of the players. Seeing such results, Huang Ying didn't want to continue anymore, no matter how hard they tried, they couldn't catch up to the first place. If I had known earlier, she would not have participated in this competition.

Everyone was silent for a while without answering.

Deng Chengtao thought for a while and said: "Our nutrient is also used up, and we probably won't be able to continue in the next few days. I am in favor of ending the mission." Anyway, participating in this mission is just to hone your field combat skills. The others are not important to me.

"Zhou Xiao, what about you?" Guo Penghui asked looking at the silent Zhou Xiao. Zhou Xiao frowned, but finally decided to quit the team and end the mission ahead of schedule.

"If you want to quit early, you can quit. I want to continue." After Guo Penghui finished speaking, the three people who decided to quit looked at him in shock. That's right, the rewards of the competition may be nothing to them from aristocratic families, but to them from ordinary families, they are quite attractive.

"I...I also want to continue." Wang Jingjing said weakly. He entered the competition purely for the prize money. She came from the marginal star, and her family was not well-off. She wanted to become an excellent supernatural warrior and get enough training materials. A large investment of money is required.

"Then I will continue to stay, do you mind?" Su Jin said to Wang Jingjing and Guo Penghui. Su Jin's decision surprised Guo Penghui and Wang Jingjing. She didn't expect Su Jinhui to be willing to stay. Although Su Jing's ability level is not high, the two metal thorns she condensed did help a lot when she killed the tiger just now.

Su Jin also had her own selfish intentions in staying. Guo Penghui saved her life. If she quit at this time, she would feel very sorry. She has no combat experience and skills, but she might be sniping at the sidelines. Didn't she also get out when she was fighting the big tiger just now? strength.

"It's great that you can stay. One more person is more strength." Wang Jingjing said happily. Guo Penghui also nodded towards Su Jin, with a hint of gratitude in his eyes. He knew that Su Jin could quit completely. She was neither short of money nor cultivation resources, and there was a certain danger in staying.

Huang Ying glanced at Su Jin without bitterness, then turned her head and snorted softly. He dared to stay with his rubbish fighting power, he really didn't know how to live or die.

"Then we're leaving. Pay attention to your safety." Deng Chengtao pressed the exit button after speaking. But within 10 minutes, a small spaceship came to several people and picked up the three people who had withdrawn.

Seeing the situation of the sixth team in the live broadcast room was also a burst of embarrassment. Unexpectedly, a team with good combat power would fall apart like this. A team with only three people is probably only at the bottom.

At this time, other teams also got the news that 3 members of the 6th team had withdrawn from the competition, and the 5th team, which was ranked 10th, immediately became active: "Captain, there are only 3 players left in the 6th team. We surpassed theirs." The possibilities are greatly increased!"

"What's possible? That's for sure. Can the six of us not compare to the three of them?" Hearing what Ling Feng said, Jiang Tianhuan thought to himself.

Chen Lie, who was watching the live broadcast, turned pale after Su Jin made the decision to stay. . Ji Yun looked at Chen Lie whose face was healed, and felt that the air around him dropped several degrees. "Major general, don't worry, Madam is smart at first glance, and nothing will happen." Ji Yun said cautiously.

"Do I look worried?" Chen Lie glanced at Ji Yun coldly.

Ji Yun was clever, and quickly found an excuse to slip out. The major general was too scary, so he was obviously worried, and he refused to admit it.

Meng Yulan looked at Su Jin's decision in the live broadcast room and was really angry and anxious. She didn't have the ability to force her to stay. Every time I get together with my little sister, I'm always the one who gets complained about. My family, Chen Lie, is so outstanding, and married such a worthless daughter-in-law. That's good, I won't be able to hold my head up even when I go out by myself in the future.

Song Peiyun looked at Su Jin in the holographic video. A person like this who can't see the situation clearly is also worthy of robbing Chen Lie's brother, hum!