Sweet potato

Su Jin saw that everyone was busy resting, but no one paid any attention to her. I felt that there was no danger around me, so I boldly looked around to see if there were any edible plants.

Relying on the original owner's meager amount of knowledge, Su Jin was pleasantly surprised to find an edible plant, which is the staple food of the original owner's previous planet, the potato. It looks like a potato, and the rhizome is slightly pink.

When Su Jin knew that this body's obesity was caused by eating vermicelli, she did research on this food. It can be turned into non-toxic food by blanching it with water.

"Come quickly, I found an edible food. There are so many here, we can eat them for 5 days after digging them all up." Su Jin shouted loudly.

Hearing the shout, Guo Penghui quickly ran over: "Where is it?"

"That's it." Su Jin brought the mashed potato to Guo Penghui's eyes.

"Wang Jingjing, can you see if this plant is edible?"

"It's true that sweet potato can be eaten. Eating it can cause slight toxicity and make people obese. It has a certain inhibitory and paralyzing effect on supernatural powers. When we fight against strange beasts, it may have some impact." Wang Jingjing replied.

Guo Penghui glanced at Fenshu: "Slight toxicity is acceptable."

"Well, I have a way to get rid of the toxins in it." Just as Su Jin finished speaking, they greeted them with surprised eyes.

Wang Jingjing was full of surprises and said: "Really? Can it really remove the toxins inside? Great, God knows I almost vomited after taking the nutritional supplements."

"You'll know if you can remove the toxin or not," Guo Penghui continued, "I'll be in charge of vigilance."

A few people dug up the surrounding vermicelli. Three meals a day would be enough for 5 days.

in the studio

"Sit and wait for Su Jin to break the sky"

"There is no toxin remover, just rely on her to solve it, I believe you ghost."

It is well known that the toxins in the sweet potatoes are very weak, and only sophisticated machines can safely remove them. Now that they are in the original star, there is no machine. She said that she can remove the toxins inside, and everyone in the live broadcast room did not believe it.

"If they don't get poisoned after eating it, I'll broadcast it live."


The host of the live broadcast also noticed the situation on Team Six's side, and introduced in a crisp voice:

"Team Six has found slightly poisonous vermicelli and is preparing to use them as food for the next 9 days. Let us wait and see whether Team Six can make a breakthrough after losing three teammates."

Obviously, the host of the live broadcast is also very pessimistic about the sixth team. It is currently ranked 9th, and when the other teams are all full, it will be extremely difficult to improve their rankings.

After Su Jin finished speaking, she used the gold-type ability to quickly condense a pot with a diameter of 20 cm. Outsiders looked at it and felt that Su Jin condensed a pot easily. But Su Jin herself knew how much effort it took to condense this pot. All of her gold systems can be used up, not a single drop is left.

When Su Jin put the non-toxin-free vermicelli into Guo Penghui's hands, Guo Penghui took out the tester assigned to each team, and after scanning, "There is indeed no toxin." A gleam flashed in his eyes.

With Fen Potatoes, I will find some edible animals and plants in the next few days. It may not be possible to last until the end of the game. As far as he knows, the other teams have also used up their nutrients, and the situation will not be better than his own team. With fewer people in my own team and less consumption, I'm afraid it will be easier to persevere until the end.

"That's great." Wang Jingjing jumped up happily, "Su Jin, you're really amazing." You'll be able to eat delicious food soon. Wang Jingjing was so excited that she almost vomited after taking nutritional supplements for half a month.

Su Jin divided the cooked vermicelli into three portions: "Let's eat this pot first, and I will cook the rest of the vermicelli. The vermicelli is cooked and easy to store, so I don't have to stop and cook for the next two days."

The live broadcast room became lively again.

"Oh my god, the ability can still be used like this!" Looking at the pot Su Jin made with the ability, she was astonished. "

"It's a good military competition, and it's a camp for Su Jin."

"You mortals, just take away my camping tools, and you won't be able to stop me."

"The upstairs is too skinny"


I saw Su Jin put the noodles into the pot, then put water into the pot with the water system ability, covered the lid, and lit the fire. After 20 minutes, a fragrance spread around.

"It smells so good, Su Jin, is the Fen Potato ready? I'm almost starving to death," Wang Jingjing said. Guo Penghui looked over eagerly when he heard the words.

Su Jin quickly fished out the cooked vermicelli and handed it to Guo Penghui. Then continue to put the remaining vermicelli into the pot to cook. The vermicelli can be cooked and stored, so there is no need to stop and cook every time.

"Delicious." Guo Penghui ate without raising his head. The nutritional supplements for the past 20 days were really frightening.

Wang Jingjing's mouth was full of sweet potatoes, and she said inarticulately, "It would be better if there was salt."

When Su Jin heard about the salt, she simply leaned next to Wang Jingjing: "Jingjing, are there any plants with a salty taste?"

Wang Jingjing stopped eating vermicelli and thought for a while: "There seems to be a kind of purple grass, which tastes salty."

"The purple grass called Yanjin grass is a product of the marginal star. This planet does not have it. But this planet does have a kind of fruit with a salty taste. It is not far ahead. You can drop by tomorrow to pick some." Guo Penghui said.

Su Jin came to the stove and said, "Captain, the remaining sweet potatoes are all cooked."

Guo Penghui felt happy for a while. He had all the food for tomorrow. After a few more days and a half months, the ranking will definitely be higher.

Guo Penghui handed Su Jin a large piece of sulfur: "You take this, just in case there are snakes." Then he said to the two of them, "Go to bed first, I'll keep watch until midnight."

Holding the brimstone, Su Jin's heart trembled for a while. She never thought that there would be snakes on this planet. But he fell asleep in a daze. It was already daylight when I opened my eyes.

"Our ranking dropped to No. 9 today." Guo Penghui said with a heavy heart, "Today's arrangement is still the same as yesterday. Let's go."

"Captain, drop by and pick some salty fruits," Wang Jingjing reminded.

"You foodie, lead the way." Guo Penghui complained.

Half an hour later, they came to a tall tree. Su Jin picked up a fruit that fell on the ground, it was as big as a fist. Su Jin licked the peel, and couldn't help but wrinkled her face, it was so salty.

"What's inside the fruit?" Su Jin asked with a frown.

"I don't know, all I know is that it's salty and hasn't been opened."

As Wang Jingjing said, she broke it off with her hands, her hands were covered with white particles, she put it in her mouth and tasted it, her eyes lit up, it was salty, it was natural salt, it was great.

"Is this fruit not poisonous?" Su Jin asked a little worriedly.

"Don't worry if it's not poisonous, I've eaten it before," Guo Penghui replied. After speaking, he quickly climbed to the top of the tree to pick the fruit.

"Hey! There is a river not far ahead, should we go over and have a look?" Guo Penghui on the tree said.

Wang Jingjing thought about it: "There are always more animals by the river, we can try our luck."

Su Jin has no objections, just follow the team, since she doesn't understand anything anyway.

"Okay, let's go to the river. Our ranking has already dropped to ninth. Time is very tight for us."