domineering tent

When I walked into the tent, it was 30 square meters. The layout of two bedrooms and one living room. The inner wall of the tent is woven from the wool of the top mutated sheep, Chunshang sheep. No matter what happens outside, the temperature in the tent is always like spring, comfortable and pleasant.

The parent next door saw such a luxurious tent suddenly set up next door to his house, and expressed a shocking emotion: "My God, this is, this is..." The parent was so excited that he couldn't speak.

This camping tent is a gold-level camping equipment produced by Wright Manufacturing Co., Ltd., the best camping company in the interstellar world. Only those with a black card are eligible to purchase it. And the tent raised next to him is the only one in the whole star, and he never expected to appear in front of his eyes at such a close distance.

When Chen Baiyu heard the parent's exclamation, his face was full of doubts. Although he himself was amazed at the luxury of the tent, he shouldn't be so surprised by the parent next door.

But no matter what, my tent is definitely the most luxurious and beautiful among all the tents. "Auntie, our tent is really great!" Chen Baiyu exclaimed excitedly.

There are rows of fences outside the tent, forming a small courtyard. This fence has a protective effect. Level 4 beasts can't get close easily, and the sense of security is absolutely great.

Some parents who hadn't set up their tents saw such a beautiful villa rising from the ground, so they simply moved to the next door and built tents next door. Let the originally remote and quiet place suddenly become the most lively place, which shows the charm of this tent.

The occurrence of this accident made the parents who originally thought that their tent was in a good location almost bleed out of anger.

"Chen Baiyu, can we visit your house?"

"Yes, yes, I want to go too."

"We want to go too."

Chen Baiyu looked at the group of friends surrounding him, and his vanity reached its peak in an instant. Glancing at Ding Jie who was standing aside and looking at him with envy, Chen Baiyu said stinkingly, "Of course. But you can't make trouble when you go inside."

"Okay, okay, we will never make trouble."

The children in No. 1 Middle School rushed to make an oath, fearing that Chen Baiyu would not let them in. Just kidding, this is the most famous tent in the entire interstellar world, who wouldn't want to see it?

Not to mention the children, the parents are more interested than the children, and several groups of people have already gone in, coming in and out, so lively.

Su Jin had no choice but to wait for everyone to finish the tour before putting the furniture on. After seeing off the last wave of parents who visited the tent, the two rubbed their stiffly smiling faces.

"Auntie, the tent you bought is so cool! I like it so much!" Chen Baiyu said excitedly.

"I like it too!" Su Jin said. When she bought it, she did not expect that the tent would be so luxurious, it was simply beyond her imagination. At that time, I only heard that this was the best tent, and I happened to have a gold card in my hand, and I used Chen Lie's funds, so I didn't have any psychological burden, so I bought it.

Su Jin released the furniture in the space, and the tent finally looked like a home, full of warmth and comfort.

After tidying up the room, some families in the central square have already put out their homemade delicacies. Su Jin hurried to the courtyard in front of the door, set the table, and placed the ingredients for dinner on the table. Su Jin thought for a while, then took out two bowls of porridge and a few glasses of drinks.

Chen Baiyu looked at the busy Su Jin and wanted to come up to help, but was kicked out by Su Jin: "Go and play, ah, this is enough for me, these ingredients are prepared in advance, and they can be prepared in 10 minutes ."

Seeing that Su Jin really didn't need help, Chen Baiyu turned around and stopped insisting, and went to play with his classmates.

"Ding Jie, what did your family have for dinner tonight?"

"My dad prepared a whole level 5 beef. Light winter beef." Ding Jie said triumphantly.

"Wow, your family is really generous."

The light winter cattle are the most tender meat among the cattle beasts, and they are expensive.

Zhang Ming looked at Lin Dan who was speaking: "Hey, what kind of food does your family cook?"

"Our family is just some ordinary strange beasts, not worth mentioning." Lin Dan said modestly.

"My family brought desserts from Crescent Restaurant. You can come to my house to try later. The big Qian Hong said, "Zhao Ying, I specially bought you a strawberry-flavored Xinxin cake. "

"Thank you Qian Hong." Zhao Ying thanked with a smile.

Everyone talked in a hurry, all kinds of special food of their own. Chen Boyu suddenly felt a little embarrassed, he didn't even ask Su Jin what food he brought.

I just glanced at them when I went out, and they were all ordinary strange beasts, and they didn't seem to have anything to show off.

"Chen Baiyu, what food did your family prepare?" A classmate suddenly asked.

"Hmm..." Chen Baiyu was suddenly at a loss for words. Before he could continue, Ding Jie laughed and said, "Looking at his appearance, he must have brought nothing delicious."

Chen Baiyu was suddenly a little annoyed. Why did Fatty Ding always go against him? He didn't mess with him. Everyone looked over. Chen Baiyu could only pretend to be mysterious and said: "You will know when the time comes."

Seeing that Chen Baiyu said this, everyone couldn't help but wonder what kind of food their family cooks so mysteriously. The tents of their family are so luxurious, presumably the food will not be too bad.

Chen Baiyu watched everyone's food being brought up one by one. But after not seeing Su Jin for a long time, she began to feel a little anxious. Ding Jie looked at himself with mocking eyes, as if waiting for himself to make a fool of himself. Chen Baiyu became anxious when he thought about it.

Thinking of not seeing Su Jin take out the kitchen robot, Chen Baiyu couldn't help feeling a little worried. "I don't know if the food made by my aunt is good or not?"

At this moment, a special fragrance suddenly wafted from the square. It was so wonderful that it overwhelmed the smell of all the food in the square, and one could not help but swallow their saliva after smelling it.

"What kind of smell is this? It smells so good!" The speaker looked around, looking for the source of the fragrance.

"Is it your family?"

"No, no, our family can't make such a fragrance."

"Whose house is that? It smells so good."

Everyone searched for the scent and forgot to look over, only to see Su Jin walking to the table at the end carrying a pot of meat and vegetables covered with small wooden strips.

The parent next to him suddenly screamed: "It turns out that the food is made by you, it smells so good!"

Hearing the parent's shout, everyone could see it, and even ran to the table directly, wanting to see what kind of food it was, it was so attractive.

Chen Baiyu saw that the food brought by his aunt was so attractive, and he stood proudly beside Su Jin, looking like I have something in the world.

"When did Chen Baiyu smell so good?" Ding Jie, the fat man, was attracted by the scent, staring straight at the food in front of him, and asked.