The charm of food

Chen Baiyu looked at Ding Jie, with an itchy and unbearable appearance, deliberately turned his face away, as if I didn't care about it. "Let you laugh at me all day long."

Seeing Chen Baiyu ignoring him, Ding Jie hurriedly apologized: "Good Baiyu, I was wrong, please forgive me, tell me what this is, it smells so good."

Su Jin watched Chen Baiyu take Joe, then looked at Ding Jie's pitiful appearance, patted Chen Baiyu's head, and explained with a smile: "This is barbecue, food I specially prepared for camping."

Ding Jie looked at Su Jin, then at Chen Baiyu. With a flattering expression on his face, he said, "Then can I have a taste? I'll just have a bite, okay? Chen Baiyu."

Chen Baiyu gave Ding Jie a blank look: "For your poor sake, I'll let you taste it." Chen Baiyu had a haughty look on his face, as if he had given Ding Jie a great deal. reward. Seeing Idiom Hao's arrogant little appearance, Su Jin felt amused for a while!

Hearing that Chen Baiyu was willing to share delicious food with everyone, the children rushed over and said excitedly: "Chen Baiyu, I want to have a taste too."

"I want to have a taste too."

"I want to eat, too"


Everyone begged for it in a hurry, and the last skewer of barbecue was divided into more than a dozen pieces, and each of them only tasted a piece of meat, and they all looked like they still couldn't finish it.

Ding Jie closed his eyes, enjoying the delicious food in his mouth, "It's delicious! It's so delicious!" Ding Jie praised in his heart while eating, he had never eaten such delicious food! And the energy in the food is also well preserved, no worse than a five-star chef.

Seeing everyone's praise for Su Jin's food, Chen Baiyu felt extremely proud. His aunt is really amazing! Finding her to accompany me to camp was indeed the most correct choice.

As early as in the military competition, when Su Jin cooked food for everyone, he had a hunch that the food made by his aunt must be very delicious. Sure enough, it is now confirmed that the food that my aunt made was praised by everyone. I am looking forward to the next camping activities.

"Auntie?" Chen Baiyu took Su Jin's hand, "I'm not full yet. Is there any food for our family?"

The large plate of barbecue just now was shared by everyone, and I didn't even grab a few slices. I always feel that the food from other families is not as good as Su Jin's, so I ate some hastily.

Su Jin smiled: "Of course, I kept a lot, and I'll eat it later when I go back." Su Jin was quite confident in the food she made, and guessed that it might not be enough, so she reserved some in advance.

Back in their tent, the two ate barbecue, drank porridge and drinks, and lay on the rocking chair, admiring the starry sky, not to mention how comfortable it was.

"Su Jin, your barbecue is really delicious." Li Wenjing from the tent next door said, "It's so satisfying." After speaking, he licked his lips, his face full of aftertaste.

"If you like, I can teach you tomorrow. It's not difficult." Su Jin replied with a smile.

"Will you teach me? Li Wenjing's eyes widened in disbelief, and she said a little embarrassedly: "Is this too abrupt? "Most people would never teach such a delicious recipe to others. It is unheard of for a person like Su Jin to be so generous and willing to share.

"No. This is really simple." Su Jin replied simply.

"Then can we also learn?" Several parents who heard the conversation next to them asked expectantly.

"Of course, as long as you want to learn, you can come and learn with me, just bring your own ingredients." Su Jin said with a smile.

"Yeah! There will be delicious food tomorrow!" The children cheered. In the future, I can make such delicious food at home, which is great. Later, under the urging of the adults, the children reluctantly went back to sleep in the tent, excitedly waiting for the arrival of tomorrow.

Early in the morning of the second day, the family committee called everyone together and announced today's activities. Breakfast is still their own responsibility, after breakfast. There will be a children's mecha competition and the afternoon will be free at leisure.

Hearing that it was a mecha competition, Su Jin instantly became interested. I have only seen mechs on the star network, but I have never seen them in reality.

Mecha production is expensive, even the lowest grade c-level mecha costs 20 million interstellar coins. The maintenance fee of the mecha is also extremely expensive, and only some students with strong backgrounds can afford it.

"Now please students who want to participate in the mech competition come to me to sign up." A parent shouted loudly with a loudspeaker.

"Auntie, can I participate in this competition?" Chen Baiyu was eager to try.

"Yes, why not? I've never seen a real mecha, so I'm optimistic about you!" Su Jin raised her fist and cheered Chen Yuhao.

Chen Baiyu was a little embarrassed, but he was very happy to get Su Jin's approval. My mecha academic performance has always been among the best in school, and now I can finally have the opportunity to show it off.

However, it's time to make breakfast. Beside Su Jin's tent, several parents had already gathered, waiting for Su Jin to teach them how to make barbecue.

Su Jin took out the grill and introduced the grilling tools and production principles to everyone. I saw a parent with a gold-type ability quickly condensed into an identical grill with a wave of his hand. Then put out your ingredients. Started a decent barbecue.

While making the skewers, Su Jin introduced to them: "Like this, the meat should be cut into small pieces and skewered on the barbecue sticks. First, brush the meat with a layer of oil and turn it gently in the charcoal fire. Then continue to brush Salt water, cumin powder, test for about 10 minutes, it's all right. If you like spicy food, you can also brush some chili powder."

Watching Su Jin operate a whole series of movements. The parents suddenly realized, "I didn't expect such a delicious food to be so easy to operate."

Some parents have already sent a small video of Su Jin's production process to Xingwang with Su Jin's consent. On this day, the families who came to the camp posted their own barbecues and praised the taste of the barbecue. All of them also signed Su Jin's account, thanking Su Jin for her selfless sharing and dedication.

The waking handmade fans, of course, also saw the camping photos sent by Su Jin. "

"I didn't expect Madam to have such a skill! This barbecue looks delicious!"

"Bah! It's shameless to lick the dog upstairs. It's delicious if you see it. Who knows what it tastes like."

As soon as the sunspots finished spraying, a large number of star blogs and posts expressing gratitude to Su Jin suddenly appeared on the star network.

"Thanks to Su Jin for her selfless sharing, allowing us to make such delicious food by ourselves." This was sent by a parent.

"I hope there will be more people like Su Jin who selflessly spread ancient earth culture." This is a comment made by an ancient earth culture enthusiast.

"Thanks to Su Jin's selfless dedication, let us master a delicious recipe."

Among the parents who came to the camp, there were many bigwigs from various industries. Seeing so many bigwigs express their gratitude and praise to Su Jin, Su Jin's handmade fans immediately felt proud.

"Hmph, Heizi, let's slap your face now. So many famous people say it's delicious, so there are still fakes? Don't say that others are sour if you can't eat it yourself!"