the wind

Early the next morning, Su Jin was woken up by the sun. The scorching sun hit Su Jin's face through the gap in the roof. Su Jin covered her eyes with her hands to block the glare of the light.

The little guy Si Haoyan has already woken up, sitting next to Su Jin and laughing.

Su Jin twisted his little face: "The little guy doesn't call me when he wakes up, um."

Si Haoyan giggled while hiding. It looks joyful, it can't be seen at all, this is on the desert star.

Su Jin took out the small bucket used for fishing, and condensed a bucket of water with supernatural power. First wash the faces of the two of them. Si Haoyan's breakfast was still pumpkin porridge, so he just took out two steamed buns as his breakfast.

After breakfast, while the sun was not yet bright, Su Jin quickly used his supernatural powers to grow vines, covering the entire roof densely. Then, on top of the vines, a thin metal branch frame was laid.

A layer of metal supports and a layer of rattan. Three full layers were laid, and finally a layer of soil was laid on the surface. After wetting it with water, let it condense into blocks, and the roof was completed.

Looking at the shady room, Su Jin nodded in satisfaction. With this house, and enough water and food, it shouldn't be a problem to persist for a month.

Just when Su Jin was about to take a good rest. The originally scorching sun was blocked by dark clouds, and the sky darkened instantly.

A gust of wind blew up, instantly flying sand and rocks. The gust of wind blew bigger and bigger, whistling and blowing past the house, making shrill cries.

Si Haoyan was so frightened that he burst into tears. Su Jin quickly hugged him, patted his back lightly, and comforted him: "Baby, don't cry, don't be afraid, don't be afraid. Auntie is here, auntie is here, don't be afraid. "Under Su Jin's comforting voice, Si Haoyan slowly stopped crying, hugged her neck tightly, and refused to let go for a moment.

This gust of wind frightened everyone in the live broadcast room to their wits, Jiang Ning even held on to the corner of his clothes tightly. Hearing the baby's cry, his heart ached. ,comfort him.

Jiang Ning stared at the two people in the live broadcast room without blinking, afraid that if he didn't pay attention, the two would disappear before his eyes under the attack of the strong wind.

The strong wind became more and more violent, and finally turned into a tornado. Fearing that the live broadcast device would be swept away by the strong wind, Su Jin put the live broadcast device into the space button, and the live broadcast room was suddenly dark.

Jiang Ning's heart ached again.

The tornado whizzed past the roof. Su Jin crouched in the corner of the wall with Si Haoyan in her arms, holding the long fixed thing condensed with supernatural powers in her hand, holding it tightly, not daring to move.

"Hold on, hold on for another 10 minutes and you'll pass." Ji Yun shouted anxiously in the dark live broadcast room.

"Finally after 10 long minutes, the gust of wind gradually stopped. Su Jin shook his palm that was hurt by the metal bar,

Fearing that the people in the live broadcast room would be worried, Su Jin took the live broadcast device out of the space button again: "Don't worry about us being fine." Su Jin said to the camera.

Seeing the two of them safe and sound, Jiang Ning let go of his worries.

Su Jin spread her hands together, and said helplessly, "What should I do now? Do I need to rebuild the house?"

To be honest, she didn't want to do it again. There are often strong winds in the desert, and it may not be suitable to build a house here.

"I want to look for an oasis to see if there is an oasis. If there are tornadoes like this every two days, I'm more inclined to look for the oasis." Su Jin said helplessly.

Outside the live broadcast room, Chen Lie discussed with Jiang Ning and his wife about finding the oasis. Both parties agreed that looking for a green oasis is the best choice.

Although the space storm may disappear after a month, it is not guaranteed. For such a desolate star, the space storm usually takes three to five months to go around. Chen Lie told Su Jin that about one month is the fastest time.

"Ji Yun, call up the new map of the desert to find the nearest oasis"

"Yes." Ji Yun called up the map and said, "Major General, the oasis closest to Madam is 100 kilometers southeast of Madam. It will take about 5 days based on their footsteps."

"Su Jin, looking for an oasis is indeed the best choice now." Chen Lie thought for a while and decided to tell him the truth. "The space storm in the barren star usually lasts for 3 to 5 months. Even if you have the water system ability and enough food, it is quite difficult to last for 3 to 5 months. It is best to find an oasis."

"Okay, I know which direction I should go"

"Go straight to the southeast of your current location. There is a large oasis 100 kilometers away. It can be reached in about 5 days."

Su Jin looked at the endless desert and couldn't help but sigh. Wouldn't it be exhausting to drag a baby by such a long distance? Si Haoyan is about to weigh 30 catties."

Su Jin scanned the space button, looking for something that could lighten the burden, but was disappointed, there was none.

Teased the baby all the time, what else can I do to lighten my burden? Look at the rattan in the baby's hand. Su Jin had a flash of inspiration, isn't it possible to use rattan to make a basket? Using the back can save a lot of effort than holding it.

Thinking of this, Su Jin went ahead and condensed into a few thin strands of rattan. Started the preparation of the backpack.

What Su Jin compiled was a backpack made in the Chongqing area during the Earth Period. The baby can sit in the backpack and carry it on the back. Since it's made of rattan, it shouldn't matter if it's carried on the front.

Su Jin divided the rattan into several strands, and began to weave the basket. She saw her fingers fluttering, and the rattan kept changing its shape in her fingers. In less than half an hour, a simple model of a backpack was made.

Su Jin put the baby in the basket: "Come on, baby, let's go!"

In fact, going out to find an oasis is also the most suitable time. Currently, the energy of the baby's protective clothing is still sufficient, but in a few days, the energy of the protective clothing will run out. I'm afraid it will be very difficult for the baby in this hot desert area.

Su Jin took out her hat and umbrella from the space button, carried Si Haoyan on her back, and started the road to find the oasis.

Seeing Su Jin sweating profusely with the baby on his back under the scorching sun, Chen Lie frowned. He only wished that he could fly to her side immediately and share all the pain for her.

Jiang Lin and his wife looked at Su Jin like this, and their hearts were full of guilt. Without the burden of the baby, Su Jin would not have worked so hard.

After 5 days of living in the open air, Su Jin carried Si Haoyan on her back, looked at the oasis 50 meters away, and showed a big smile to the camera: "We are finally here." As she spoke, she quickened her pace and walked towards the oasis.