enter the oasis

Stepping into the oasis, the heat wave all over the body seems to disappear in an instant, and the fragrance of the grass and trees comes to the nostrils.

This is a big oasis, with a pool of natural lake in the middle, surrounded by palm trees and Populus euphratica.

Su Jin stopped under a tall Populus euphratica tree, carried Si Haoyan out of the basket, and then sat at the foot of the tree, breathing a long sigh of relief.

After the two of them ate, drank and rested enough, Su Jin brought Si Haoyan to the lake again.

"I want to wash up, so I'll turn off the live broadcast first." Su Jin winked at the live broadcast room playfully.

Originally serious, Chen Lie, who was watching the live broadcast room, coughed dryly, his face burning slightly. Before he could say anything, the live broadcast room was closed.

Jiang Ning, who stood beside her, covered her mouth and smiled. Ever since Su Jin found the oasis, Jiang Ning's heart has also relaxed a lot.

After 20 minutes, the live broadcast room lights up again. Su Jin and Si Haoyan appeared in front of everyone in a clean suit.

After grooming, Su Jin was full of energy, as if the exhausted appearance before was just an illusion.

"This oasis is huge. I'm going to take a stroll and see how the surrounding environment is." Su Jin said.

"Be careful, wild beasts may appear where there is water," Chen Lie reminded.

"Okay" Su Jin took Si Haoyan for a walk by the lake, the little guy laughed happily, being trapped in the basket for five days, it suffocated him.

Walking and playing with Si Haoyan, I found a lot of edible plants on the way. Although I have a lot of food on my body. But considering that in the future, I may be stuck in this place for four or five months.

The more food, the better.

The most important thing now is to build the house first to ensure safety at night. After such a long circle, Su Jin finally decided to build the house in the Populus euphratica forest.

The Populus euphratica forest has tall trees, which can prevent wind and provide shade, which is the best.

At this time, Chen Lie had already searched all the information on the planet.

Fortunately, there are no large-scale alien animals and plants on this planet, not even ordinary large animals. The only danger may be the snakes that appeared before.

This planet has been investigated by scientists before, and because of the hot climate, there is no energy source.

Not even large animals and plants.

So this planet was abandoned and became a barren star, but the plants they brought over survived on this planet. Otherwise, Su Jin would not be able to see so many edible plants.

"Su Jin, this planet is very safe, the only things you need to pay attention to are snakes and strong winds." Chen Lie's voice came through the live broadcast device.

"Really, that's great! Is the snake the same as before? Isn't it poisonous?"

"They're all non-poisonous," Jiang Ning replied. Fortunately, the baby's safety has been guaranteed. Otherwise, she really doesn't know what she will become.

"The science and technology of the interstellar era is quite accurate. Now that this planet is not dangerous, Su Jin is completely relieved. She can let Si Haoyan play on the sidelines and build a house with peace of mind.

Still using the previous way of building a house, first use the gold system ability to condense 4 pillars to serve as the skeleton of the house. Then use the soil ability to condense the earth wall.

This time the house was built relatively large, with a structure of 1 bedroom and 1 living room. There were also large windows to increase the light in the house, and you could cook and eat in the living room.

An hour later, the frame of the house was completely completed, and the sun was also here at this time. At the hottest time of the day, Su Jin brought the little one under a palm tree. I took out the pumpkin porridge and steamed buns I made earlier, and had a simple lunch.

"Su Jin, the sun is hot now, and it won't be too late to get the roof after the sun goes down." Chen Lie said in a deep voice in the live broadcast room, afraid that Su Jin would be overwhelmed and built the roof under the scorching sun.

"Okay, I know. With such a big sun, I don't want to suffer from heat stroke." Su Jin smiled.

After speaking, he took out the rocking chair and put the little guy to sleep, then took out a rope, tied one end to Si Haoyan's hand, and tied the other end to his own hand. After the operation, one big and one small fell asleep.

Everyone in the live broadcast room looked at Su Jin's gesture of stretching out his hand in bewilderment.

What is Su Jin doing? What is the use of tying hands?

Until it was getting late, the baby woke up first. He climbed off the rocking chair and walked towards the lake with short legs.

Looking at Su Jin who was still sound asleep, Jiang Ning looked at Si Haoyan worriedly. Just as he was about to wake Su Jin up, he saw a rope holding Si Haoyan, preventing him from moving forward.

At this time, Su Jin also woke up, and everyone suddenly realized that the rope was for this purpose. In order to prevent the baby from leaving alone, Su Jin's method is really good.

"Little rascal, why don't you wake up Auntie? Next time you run away by yourself, Auntie will get spanked." Su Jinxiang pretended to be angry.

The little guy lowered his head aggrievedly, stretched out his hands and said he wanted to hug. Seeing that the little guy knew his mistake, Su Jin picked up the baby and started making dinner.

Because of her relaxed mood, Su Jin decided to cook a pot of vegetable pork ribs soup for herself. Reward yourself for working so hard these days. The two drank the soup slowly, feeling indescribably comfortable.

"Don't worry, Su Jin is a careful woman, with Su Jin around, nothing will happen," Si Hanyu said to Jiang Ning. These days, Jiang Ling has not had a good rest.

"It can be seen that Su Jin really reassured me. It is completely unimaginable that a rope can have such a function." Jiang Ning said with a smile. This is the first time he has smiled in so many days.

Although the public cannot enter this live broadcast, the status quo of Su Jin and Shi Haoyan still made it into the trending searches.

It can be seen that everyone cares about the two of them. Su Jin's fans kept asking Chen Lie and Meng Yulan about their current situation in the Starblog.

I only got a good reply from them, but it couldn't satisfy the public's curiosity.

The backstage of the live broadcast platform was also filled with private messages from the public. After capturing the principal kidnapper, the live broadcast platform found two families, and after discussion, decided to open Su Jin's live broadcast room.

And Su Jin also felt that it didn't matter. Since everyone cares so much, it doesn't hurt to let them take a look. Think of it as an outdoor live broadcast, and I can still live the addiction of being an anchor.

That night, Su Jin's live broadcast room was open to everyone. And the platform is very considerate, changing Su Jin's life before arriving in the oasis into a recording and broadcasting, so that the public who cares about the two can find an outlet for their emotions.

"Ma'am, are you building a roof?"

Su Jin looked at the big screen projected by the live broadcaster and replied: "Yes, I am building a roof, and it will be done soon, so that I will not be exposed to the sun during the day. I have been exposed to the sun in the past two days, almost Turn into black charcoal."

Su Jin chatted with netizens one after another, and finally built the roof before dark. Su Jin patted the dust off her body and said goodbye to everyone: "Good night, see you tomorrow!" After speaking, she turned off the live broadcaster.