Soup is popular

"Before the soup comes out of the pot, sprinkle the chopped shallots into the soup, and the soup is complete." Su Jin said with a smile, took a mouthful of the soup and blew it.

"Well, the taste is just right. We're going to start eating lunch." After speaking, he took out a small bowl and put it on the table to cool.

Si Haoyan couldn't wait to climb onto the small bench by himself, staring straight at the mushroom soup. That gluttonous little appearance instantly made everyone in the live broadcast room laugh.

Brother and sister Zhao Youming smelled the smell all over the room, and felt anxious, "Brother, the mushroom soup should be ready, it's been more than 20 minutes."

"Well, it should be ok. Put the shallots in quickly." Zhao Yongming lifted the lid, and a strong fragrance came to his nostrils instantly.

He took a deep breath, swallowed his saliva, and said with difficulty, "Sister, hurry up and ask Mom and Dad to come out for dinner." After speaking, he brought the soup to the restaurant and waited for his family to arrive.

"What dish did you cook today that smells so delicious?" Zhao Chengyuan sniffed and asked.

"This is the soup made from the big fat mushrooms that my brother and I went to dig." Zhao Zhenzhen raised his head with a proud face.

"You guys know how to make soup?" Mother Zhao's eyes widened in disbelief.

"Mom, sit down quickly, and you'll know if you try it." Zhao Zhenzhen pushed his mother to sit down, and filled a bowl of soup for each of them.

"Mom and Dad, try it quickly." Zhao Yongming urged, and then he couldn't wait to take a sip. Zhao Yongming's eyes lit up and he speeded up the soup.

Zhao Chengyuan looked at the soup in front of him, sliced mushrooms were ups and downs in the clear soup, green onions floated onto the surface of the soup, and scooped down was a piece of stewed rotten animal meat, which was put into the mouth, wrapped in the strange animal meat The fragrance of mushrooms filled the whole mouth. Immediately, a gentle energy slowly traveled throughout the whole body, and finally gathered at one's own energy core.

This is... Unexpectedly, the energy can be preserved so completely. In the past, it was impossible to eat such mild and energetic food without a chef, but now they can complete such delicious food by themselves. How can you not make people feel excited?

And this scene happened in every corner of Interstellar. Immediately, a large number of people flooded into Su Jin's live broadcast room. The screen is full of uniform thanks. Thank you Shu Jin for bringing them such delicious food and such effective gentle energy supplement.

Su Jin looked at the screen full, and felt inexplicable to thank him. He just contributed a very common and simple recipe, but he received so many thanks.

I could only smile and tell everyone: "It's nothing. If you like it, in the future, I will continue to provide you with more delicious recipes. I hope you will pay more attention to it."

Hearing Su Jin's answer, the live broadcast room exploded instantly, and the screen was completely covered by cheering bullet screens.

The Star Troops recipe has also been considerably improved to this day.

"Hey, why are the dishes different today? Has the chef changed?"

"What are you changing? Isn't it made by the cooking class?"

"Wow, it's really delicious. Damn, it's also full of energy."

"The energy is quite gentle. My God, when did the cooking class master this technique?"

Looking at the compliments from all his comrades, Ma Yunfei, who was in charge of the chef, felt happy in his heart, and instantly felt extremely proud of himself.

It was also on this day that Su Jin's reputation spread across the stars. Chen Lie looked at Su Jin who was smiling all over his face. Suddenly gave birth to a sense of pride that his wife is awesome.

desert star

After lunch. Take advantage of the No. 10 courtyard and fall asleep. Su Jin came. Not far from the edge of the woods.

"I'm going to make a drink, and I can drink it when the baby gets up." Su Jin said to the live broadcast room

"Isn't this a cactus? There are so many thorns, can this be eaten?"

"How do I eat this?"

There were doubts in the live broadcast room.

Su Jin took out a pair of scissors from the space button, clicked twice, and cut off two large cacti.

Then cut off all the thorns on the cactus.

"Just cut off the ginger and peel it off." Su Jin said with a smile.

Su Jin put the cactus in the basket and came to the lake to wash it slowly.

Su Jin explained while cleaning. After cleaning, we cut the cactus into small pieces. Then soak in clean water for 4 hours. Soaking allows the mucus to be cleaned more cleanly.

In the evening, I will make cactus scrambled eggs for everyone, and then I will make a cold dish. If you like cactus or have never eaten it, you can prepare the ingredients first, and we will make it together at night.

Needless to say, Su Jin, in fact, most of the people in the live broadcast room have already gone to prepare the ingredients.

"Fortunately, there is one near our house."

The cactus is not far from my side. It took only half an hour to ride the suspension car.

"What if we don't have cacti here?"

"We don't have cacti here, what should we do?"

"That's right, is there anything that can be substituted?"

The people who didn't have cactus started to worry.

"If you don't have cactus, don't worry family members. I have cactus because I don't have more suitable ingredients.

Scrambled eggs with tomatoes is the longest dish in the age of the earth. It is very delicious. You can use tomatoes instead. In addition to tomatoes, you can also use onions, cucumbers, leeks, and chopped green onions. "

Seeing the ingredients that Su Jin exploded, everyone let go of their anxiety, for fear of missing such a delicious dish.

Alright, now we're going to take a nap. Let's see Su Jin and turn off the live broadcaster after we meet at night.

Su Jin stretched her waist, and finally she could take a good rest. Lying on the reed mat, Su Jin actually wanted to show off.

He should be on the starship battleship outside the planet right now. I don't know when the space storm will stop. I miss home so much. After thinking about it, he fell asleep.

And this one, Chen Lie, was having a secret conversation with Si Hanyu in the command room of the battleship.

"Has Major General Chen found out the mastermind of the kidnapping?" Shi Hanyu asked. asked.

"Who is the mastermind? I think Mr. Shi has already made up his mind." Chen Lie stared at Si Hanyu and said unhurriedly.

"If the 3S mech warfare technology mastered by the Si family is not announced to the public as soon as possible, I think incidents like this will continue to happen."

"What opinion does Major General Chen have?"

"If possible, I hope that Mr. Si can give priority to selling the 3s Mecha Warrior to the Sixth Army."

Si Hanyu was silent for a while. "What kind of return can the Sixth Army give us?"

"We can do whatever other armies can give."

"Major General Chen is over, I'm afraid you won't be able to meet the conditions given by the Second Army."

Chen Lie frowned. It is indeed the conditions provided by the Second Army, which we cannot really achieve.

"However, I am willing to give priority to selling the 4s mecha to the Sixth Army." Si Hanyu said suddenly. I will always remember Madam's care for my son.

Chen Lie stretched out his right hand and shook Sihanyuan's hand tightly: "Thank you." After speaking, the two burst out laughing. That's how fast a man's friendship comes.

The bosses of all parties never imagined that the 3s mecha was actually taken by the Sixth Army in the end.