Mental Riot 1

On this day, I had lunch. Su Jin felt that Si Haoyan's state was very strange.

The whole person was listless, his face was flushed, and he frowned after falling asleep, looking very uncomfortable.

Su Jin touched Si Haoyan's forehead, but he didn't have a fever. Could it be that Si Haoyan had some hidden illness?

Sister Su didn't dare to delay, she quickly turned on the live broadcast device, her voice was urgent: "Jiang Ning, are you there? Haoyan felt something was wrong, his face was red but he didn't have a fever, what's wrong with him? What's wrong with him? ?"

It's been a long time since Si Hanyu and his wife answered. Su Jin was so anxious that her heart beat like a drum, beating non-stop.

Su Jin hugged Si Haoyan, not knowing what to do. In the live broadcast room, an experienced person said: "This looks like a mental violence"

"It does look like it."

"Oh my god, what should I do? The child is so young, and there is no dedicated spiritual comforter. I'm afraid..." I didn't dare to say anything later.

In the live broadcast room, you said something to each other, and most people said it was a mental violence.

This is the first time Su Jin has heard of this term. As a native of Earth, she doesn't know much about mental violence, and she has never heard it mentioned before when she came to Interstellar.

"Is this mental violence dangerous? What should I do now?" Just as Su Jin finished asking this question, Jiang Ning entered the live broadcast room.

At the same time, the live broadcast platform also set the live broadcast room to an encrypted state, and only members of the Si family and Chen family can enter.

"Su Jin, the baby should be mentally violent." Jiang Ning was so anxious that his voice trembled.

"We have already contacted the spiritual pacifier. She will enter the live broadcast room soon. She will comfort the baby through the live broadcast device. You can change the live broadcast mode to holographic mode."

Su Jin breathed a sigh of relief when he heard that the mental violence could be appeased through the live broadcaster. fun reading

"Okay." Hearing this, Su Jin adjusted the live broadcast device to a new mode. As soon as the adjustment was completed, Li Anran, Si Haoyan's exclusive comforter, entered the live broadcast room.

Immediately, there was a burst of melodious music in the live broadcast room. The music was melodious and melodious. It was a form of music that Su Jin had never heard before.

Hearing the music, the baby's brows slowly relaxed. But within 10 minutes, he frowned again, and writhed restlessly on the bed, as if in extreme pain.

"How could it be?" Li Anran was horrified. Since he worked as Si Haoyan's pacifier, he has never encountered such a situation.

Just now, he clearly calmed down his mental motivation. But it didn't work after 10 minutes. Li Anran also became anxious.

The music sounded again, and Li Anran mobilized more mental power to cling to the music, hoping to calm down Si Haoyan's mental violence this time.

Si Haoyan's small face calmed down again. After 10 minutes, there was no tendency for his mental power to erupt again. Li Anran let out a long sigh of relief and finally calmed down.

"Master Li, thank you for your hard work." Si Hanyu said gratefully.

"This is my job, it should be." Li Anran replied.

Just when Li Anran was about to exit the live broadcast room, Su Jin rang out in a panicked voice: "No, the baby's mental fluctuations have started again."

Li Anran was taken aback, he was so capricious, he was afraid that he could not be completely comforted, the two comforts just now had exhausted his mental strength.

"Mr. Si, I think you should hire another pacifier. In the two pacification sessions just now, my mental strength has been exhausted, and I can't do another pacification." Li Anran pursed her lips and said solemnly

"Okay, thank you." Si Hanyu immediately contacted Emperor Star's most famous pacifier, Xuzhou.

Xuzhou quickly entered the live broadcast room, and after a pacification work, he frowned and said, "The baby's mental violence is very strange, I can last at most half an hour for this pacification, and it will still recur after half an hour "

"How could it be?" Jiang Ning and his wife looked at each other in disbelief, "The baby can be soothed once before, why this time?"

Seeing the baby's painful appearance, Jiang Ning had tears in his eyes, choked up and couldn't speak.

Xuzhou pondered for a moment: "You should still contact my teacher Zhao Jing, she is a level 9 spiritual power pacifier, maybe there is still hope of suppressing it."

Hear Xuzhou's answer. Jiang Ning felt his mind go blank. For a moment, I froze on the spot, eyes full of helplessness, and tears flowed down like broken pearls. Why is my child so miserable?

Hearing Xuzhou's suggestion and getting the communication number he passed over, Si Hanyu made a decisive decision and called Zhao Jing.

"Beep beep..." The call was made, but no one answered it.

I called several times in a row, but no one answered.

Si Hanyu was restless and unsure of what to do for a while.

Wiping away the tears on his face, Jiang Ning asked, "Master Zhao Yue, no one answered your teacher's phone. Is there any other way to contact me?"

"This is the most commonly used contact method for the teacher. If you can't contact him with this method, other methods will be slower," Xuzhou replied.

Seeing that Si Haoyan's mental violence was getting closer and closer,

"Ji Yun, contact the Music Division of the Sixth Army and ask Zhou Mei to come into the live broadcast room to help." Chen Lie ordered in a deep voice, with no expression on his calm face.

Although Si Haoyan's condition has nothing to do with Su Jin, but in such an environment, once Si Haoyan said that something was wrong, Su Jin would not be able to get rid of the criticism from the crowd. Only when Si Haoyan was safe and sound, could Su Jin Get out of the way.

Zhou Mei is a level 8 musician and the best musician in the Sixth Army. Maybe she can calm down Si Haoyan's mental violence.

Si Haoyan's face slowly turned red, and his little face was wrinkled into a lump. Su Jin watched anxiously, and kept wiping the baby's forehead with a wet towel, hoping to make him more comfortable in this way.

"It's useless for you to wipe like this." Li Anran couldn't help but said, "You will only disturb his reception of soothing music."

"I'm sorry, I don't know." Su Jin hurriedly stopped what she was doing, for fear of causing unnecessary harm to the baby because of herself.

Jiang Ning pursed her lips tightly, and looked at Si Hanyu.

The baby's face was wrinkled at first, but after Su Jin wiped it, the little face tended to relax. Such movements are known not to interfere with reassurance.

This Li Anran cannot let her continue to be the baby's exclusive comforter in the future.

"Su Jin, it's okay. I used to wipe the baby often." Jiang Ning comforted her.

Li Anran's face turned blue and white all of a sudden.

What did Su Jin just want to say? Zhou Mei entered the live broadcast room.

"How many times is this the baby's mental violence?" Zhou Mei didn't immediately appease with music, but asked about the baby's basic situation.

"There have been five mental riots before, but they were not completely suppressed." Su Jin replied.

After getting the information she wanted, Zhou Mei started to comfort her with music.