
At this time the music had come to an end, Su Jin finished the last beat, raised her hand to close the stick, got up and bowed deeply to the audience.

Everyone in the auditorium stood up and kept shouting "Encore, Encore?" I hope Su Jin will play another song.

The dean of the Conservatory of Music was on the judging panel, tears welling up in his eyes. After 60 years, he finally heard such an inspiring drumbeat again.

After the cheers from the audience in the entire arena gradually subsided, the host Sun Yanglai said: "The audience ushered in the end of the competition with Ms. Su Jin's perfect drum performance."

After Sun Yang said this, Song Qingxue was supposed to come over to talk and say the conclusion of the contest together.

But Song Qingxue didn't do that. Song Qingxue glanced at Su Jin and said, "Let's listen to what kind of message Ms. Su Jin has for us?"

Sun Yang paused for a moment, then looked at Song Qingxue. For managers, the closing remarks and opening remarks of the competition are the most difficult, and guests are usually not allowed to say such closing remarks.

Because in terms of cultural literacy in ancient poetry, interstellar people are still lacking.

At this time, Meng Yulan also felt Song Qingxue's malice towards Su Jin.

The concluding remarks of the competition were never mentioned by the participating team members, and the committee that organized the competition before the competition never mentioned such a link.

But Song Qingxue opened her mouth again, so Su Jin couldn't refuse.

Although the concluding remarks are a bit difficult for ordinary people, Sun Yang is indeed full of confidence in Su Jin.

Su Jin really brought too many surprises and shocks to everyone, and he also wanted to see what kind of speech Su Jin would bring to everyone.

Su Jin took the microphone, looked around the competition, and said generously: "After a day of fierce competition, our annual Ancient Earth Culture Promotion Competition has officially come to an end.

"The poems and songs made us feel the family and country feelings of the descendants of Yan and Huang, so when the competition ended, I really didn't want to say goodbye.

Although my heart is full of reluctance, I am more grateful. I want to thank the sages and saints for writing this self-made pearl with their lives, which is still nourishing our hearts today.

I would like to thank those friends who love and read poetry. Unknowingly, you have become messengers spreading light and heat.

Finally, I would like to thank our great era for giving us the wisdom and courage to face the future and to create the glory and prosperity of this new era.

Let us start from here to praise the classics, show off our elegance, and accompany the Ancient Earth Publicity Competition to experience the touch, the intoxication, the joy, and the excitement. Thanks! "

After saying this, Su Jin bowed deeply, handed the microphone to the staff and left the stage.

I didn't expect Su Jin's vocabulary and cultural literacy to be so superb, and the conclusion of a competition to be so beautiful, it seemed that he, a serious host, was much inferior.

In the end, Song Qingxue and Sun Yang looked at each other, and said in unison: "My friends, our ancient earth culture promotion competition is over. See you next year."

After the competition, in the lounge

Meng Yulan said to Su Jin: "Su Jin, I still have some things to go to the bureau first, someone told me just now that Lie Er is waiting for you in the lounge No. 2 on the 3rd floor, and asked him to accompany you home. I'm leaving."

"Okay." Seeing Meng Yulan leave in a hurry, Su Jin also walked towards the 3rd floor, and sent a message to Chen Lie, telling him that she was waiting for him in lounge 2 on the 3rd floor.

Chen Lie quickly replied to the message, saying that he would be there soon.

Seeing Su Jin walking towards the third floor, Song Xianxue dialed the communication: "Mr. Li, have you arrived yet?"

"Qingxue, I'm here, and I've been waiting for you for more than 10 minutes."

"Then just wait a little longer, I have to pack up the manuscript, and I'll be here soon." Song Qianxue replied.

"Okay, you go first, I'll wait for you here." After Li Ao hung up the phone, he rubbed his hands excitedly.

Then he took something out of his pocket, lit it and put it in a hidden corner. Hehehe, thinking that Song Qingxue would become his own in 10 minutes, Li Ao couldn't help feeling hot all over.

some corner

Master, the medicine for Li Ao has been delivered to him.

"Very good. I helped Song Qianxue. How do you say he should thank me?" The cold and evil man said coldly, turning the pen in his hand.

Su Jin quickly came to the No. 2 lounge on the 3rd floor. She knocked on the door but there was no response. Su Jin gently pushed the door open.

Suddenly a strong force pulled her in, and with a bang, the door was closed again.

"What are you doing? Who are you?" Su Jin shouted loudly as she looked at the man who was pulling herself in and trying to throw herself down.

"Let go of me, help!" Su Jin shouted while struggling.

But the man turned a deaf ear, as if he had gone mad, and wanted to punish her on the spot.

At this moment, the door was kicked open, and Chen Lie walked in quickly.

Chen Lie picked up the man's collar with both hands, and gave him two heavy punches, then picked up Su Jin and quickly left the room.

Fortunately, I came in time, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous.

It seems that some kind of exotic plant fruit was burned inside. As soldiers, their sense of smell is quite sharp, especially Chen Lie, as a 3s-level supernatural being, has an even more keen sense of smell.

Looking at Su Jin's face that was slowly getting hotter, his sanity had already begun to become a little unclear, and Chen Lie was even more anxious.

Holding Su Jin in his arms and walking towards the suspension car, he turned on the communication and asked Ji Yun to quickly investigate the matter.

After returning home, Liao Haitao, the exclusive doctor of the Chen family, waited here for a long time.

After the examination, Liao Haitao said to Chen Lie: "Madam has two kinds of drugs, one is ordinary fanhuasan, which is easy to cure.

There is also a rare seventh-grade heterophyte Lingxiaohua pollen. This pollen can arouse people's lust, make people confused and distracted, and there is no antidote for this poison. "

Liao Haitao stared fixedly at Chen Lie and continued: "The only person who can capture this picture for the rich is you, Major General."

After hearing Haitao's implication, Chen Lie's ears felt slightly hot, and he nodded. Holding Su Jin in his arms, he walked to his room.

At this time, Su Jin's consciousness was already blurred, and she felt hot all over. She hugged Chen Lie, as if she saw a source of water in the desert, and she didn't want to go out of her way.

Seeing Su Jin's charming appearance, Chen Lie's originally calm face suddenly turned red, and his breathing gradually became short of breath.

After a great battle, Su Jin's body temperature slowly dropped.

But only a few seconds? Su Jin began to cry for thirst again, twisting her body constantly, looking for a source of water that would make him comfortable. Chen Lie could only take Su Jin to sink again.