reap the consequences

Estimating that it was about the same time, Song Qingxue sneaked to the door of the No. 2 lounge on the third floor, and gently pushed the door open.

Song Qingxue just wanted to probe to see what was going on, but was suddenly pulled in by a strong force, and the door closed again.

Song Qingxue was tightly hugged by Li Ao. Song Qingxue struggled vigorously, shaking her head from side to side, avoiding Li Ao's kiss.

But with the power of a woman, how can he rival Li Ao's level 5 supernatural powers?

In the end, Song Qingxue's voice was slowly suppressed, and under the fermentation of the medicine, it turned into a tactful echo.

When she woke up, Su Jin felt sore all over her body, as if her body had been run over by a car, and her whole body was sticky and uncomfortable.

Su Jin rubbed her eyes, then turned her head and saw Chen Lie standing by the bed in a clean suit, staring at herself without blinking.

Su Jin sat up, rubbed her sore waist, thinking why is her waist so sore?

I only heard Chen Lie say shyly, "I couldn't hold back for a moment."

Su Jin looked up at Chen Lie with a puzzled face.

"Why didn't you hold back for a while, what do you mean?" Su Jin repeated in a murmur.

The tips of Chen Lie's ears suddenly became hot, turned a little, and started to turn red. Su Jin lifted the quilt, dragged her sore legs to the bathroom, and was about to take a bath.

After taking off her pajamas, Su Jin glanced at her body inadvertently, and saw her chest was bruised and purple, her eyes widened in silence, with an expression of disbelief.

Su Jin thought to herself, "What's wrong with me?"

Suddenly understood what Chen Lie said just now, when she couldn't hold back for a while, it couldn't be what she thought.

At this time, the crazy memories of last night flooded into her mind, and Su Jin couldn't help but blush.

After taking a hasty shower, Chen Lie was still in the room. Su Jin was suddenly a little embarrassed. She asked timidly, "Did you change my pajamas for me?"

Chen Lie paused: "Well, yesterday you were poisoned by cloud pollen, which is very rare in the interstellar world. Only in this way can you detoxify."

Su Jin suddenly felt her face was hot, lowered her head and said falteringly: "I need to change clothes, you should go out first."

Chen Lie glanced at the shy Su Jin, turned around and left the room.

Su Jin breathed a sigh of relief.

The No. 2 lounge on the 3rd floor of the Earth Culture Museum is in a mess at the moment, with clothes scattered all over the floor.

Song Qingxue opened her eyes leisurely, looking at the mess in the room, memories flooded into her mind instantly, she hurriedly found clothes and quickly put them on.

"Qingxue, I will be responsible for you. I will go to your house to propose marriage tomorrow." Song Qingxue had just put on her clothes when she heard Li Ao's voice behind her.

At this time, Song Qingxue was filled with resentment, and she couldn't believe that it was Li Ao who made a night of absurdity with her. "Su Jin..." Song Qingxue's eyes gradually became resentful.

"Responsible? What era is it now? Do you think it is an era earlier than the Earth era?

I want to marry you if I lose my virginity? Just because you deserve it? "Song Qingxue's face was stained with madness, and she shouted heart-piercingly.

"Song Qingxue, what do you mean?" Li Ao said bitterly, "Am I, Li Ao, so insignificant in your heart?"

"Don't think I don't know what you're thinking. I know you like Chen Lie, but he's already married.

Why do you feel disappointed that I didn't have a relationship with Su Jin? "Li Ao said sarcastically.

"You..." Seeing her mind being exposed, Song Qingxue suddenly felt a little embarrassed.

"Tomorrow I will come to your house on time to propose a marriage, and I will announce our marriage on the new website." Li Ao said with a bit of a rascal.

"I won't agree." At this time, Song Qingxue had adjusted her emotions, and became the aloof and arrogant little fairy in front of everyone again.

After Song Qingxue finished speaking, she quickly opened the door and left the lounge where she lost her innocence.

If you stay any longer, something will happen.

Song Qingxue felt restless. She had to find a way to settle this matter, and she would never marry Li Ao.

star network

"The holiday drum playing by Madam is really cool. I watched it over and over again."

"I didn't expect that the interstellar war song paired with a drum set would be so shocking."

"Have you heard that the military department will invite Madam to join the drum kit for the interstellar war song?"

The fans on Su Jin's side were having a lively chat, and suddenly a group of black fans came out and scolded them.

"Su Jin, you shamelessly snatched away our little fairy's official match."

"Hurry up and take the initiative to file for divorce. You are not worthy of Major General Chen Lie at all."

"Only our little fairies are worthy of Major General Chen Lie."

"Major General Chen Lie belongs to the little fairy."


Looking at this group of black fans, Su Jin's fans immediately twisted into a rope and suppressed the momentum of the black fans.

"Is my wife not worthy of a major general? Your little fairy is worthy, you tell me. Does she know how to soothe the spirit, or play drums?"

"Speaking is nothing more than brains. With Madam's current achievements, if she is not worthy of Major General Chen Lie, there will be no woman in the world who can be worthy of Major General."

"The brains of these black fans are probably filled with paste besides the water."

"I used to think that Song Qingxue was a good match for Major General Chen Lie, but looking at it now, Song Qingxue is not even good enough to carry the shoes for his wife."

"That's right, Song Qingxue, she can't beat the current wife in any aspect."


Seeing that the sailors she had invited were severely suppressed by Su Jin's fans, Song Qianxue was so angry that she smashed the cup in her hand to the ground.

"I said why this group of sunspots suddenly ran here to act wildly. It turned out that it was Song Qingxue's marriage news that spread."

"This is the latest news from Li Ao's Xingbo."

"Unexpectedly, Song Qingxue would agree to marry Li Ao."

"Who is Li Ao? Why have I never heard of it before?"

"Li Ao is the only son of the chairman Li Yunlan, the largest decoration company in the universe."

"So that's it. Li Ao looks good, and he's a good match for Song Qingxue."

Seeing Li Ao's marriage announcement on Starnet, Song Qingxue was really angry and anxious. Quickly dialed Li Ao's communication.

"Li Ao, I'm warning you, quickly delete the information you posted on Xingbo."

"If you don't dare to delete it, I'll let your father get rid of the list you have now. Don't blame me for not giving you a chance then."

The case Song Qingxue mentioned was exactly one that Li Yunlan had negotiated for five years, and the contract had not yet been signed.

Song Qingxue's elder brother, Song Qingfeng, is the introducer of this case. Song Qingfeng is a slave girl, and as long as Song Qingxue asks, he has never been the only one to agree.

If I let this case go to waste because of myself, I'm afraid that I will be beaten to death by my father.

Unwillingly, Li Ao clenched his fists and deleted the marriage news on Xingbo. After winning the case and signing the contract, I have nothing to worry about.

When the time comes... Song Qingxue, since you are unkind, don't blame me for being unrighteous.