
"It's not that other musicians have created comforting songs, but none of them are as effective as this one." After speaking, Zhao Jing sent a copy of the soothing songs created by the new generation of musicians over the past few decades to Su Jin.

Su Jin couldn't help frowning after listening to it. The music was too exciting.

Because most of the new generation of musicians went to the front with the army, even if they tried their best to make the music in a soft direction, the music still contained too much hostility.

Such soothing songs are naturally inappropriate for newborn infants and young children. Not only can they not comfort them, but they will also cause secondary harm to the infants. "

But Su Jin only remembered one or two lines of the lullaby on earth. It seems that I can only compose it myself according to the style of the earth's lullaby.

There are many lullabies on the earth, they are soft and leisurely, and they are most suitable as appeasement songs.

Su Jin used the soundtrack room on Xingwang to make two songs according to the gentlest style she thought, and then sent them to Zhao Jing.

"Teacher, please see if these two songs are available. This is the lullaby I just created."

Zhao Jing clicked on a song casually, thinking that the songs written by Su Jin would not be very good.

Unexpectedly, as the soft and gentle music brushed past her ears, Zhao Jing couldn't help sitting up straight, her eyes full of surprise.

Su Jin was able to compose such an amazing appeasement song, she really found a treasure.

"The two lullabies you made are so good, they can be used completely." Zhao Jing said excitedly, "You are the only musician who can make soothing songs for newborn babies in so many years."

With Zhao Jing's affirmation, Su Jin quietly breathed a sigh of relief, and told the news to He Yuting who was worried.

"Really, that's really great. As long as the baby can safely grow to one year old and the sea of mental strength is successfully condensed, I will be relieved." He Yuting said happily.

Knowing that after the baby was born, there was a guarantee of safety, so He Yuting really felt relieved and waited for the birth with peace of mind.

Su Jin even opened a private holographic live broadcast room early on, so that everyone in the Ding family can come in and watch the newborn baby.

While Su Jin was learning soothing songs for newborn babies, He Yuting successfully gave birth to a baby girl with the help of a robot doctor.

"Mother and child are safe." The robot doctor's cold voice sounded.

"That's great, Yu Ting, she's a cute little beauty." Su Jin hugged the baby, looked left and right, it was rare.

"The baby's health index is level 5, supernatural water system, weighing 7 catties, and no damage to all organs." The robot once again reported the baby's various physical indicators. After hearing this, He Yuting shed tears of happiness.

Ding Hongsheng was incoherent in joy: "I'm becoming a father, I'm becoming a father!"

Ding Xian'an, the grandfather, was also so happy that he couldn't close his mouth from ear to ear.

He Yuting's parents were also relieved, their eyes were full of cute little granddaughter.

"Yuting, thank you for your hard work." After being happy, Ding Hongsheng said distressedly.

He Yuting shed tears again when she heard her husband's voice.

"Stop crying, crying too much is not good for your eyes. After you get your body back on track, give birth to a fat boy for the second child." Su Jin said with a smile.

After Su Jin finished speaking, the noisy live broadcast room suddenly became quiet.

"Second child, you mean the second child?" He Yuting's eyes widened.

"That's right, is there any problem with the second child?" Su Jin didn't know why.

Everyone in the live broadcast room looked at each other. Could it be that Su Jin had some misunderstanding about the second child?

"You don't know!" He Yuting asked again.

"Know what?" Su Jin was puzzled.

"After women give birth to their first child, very few people conceive a second child. It's like this all over the stars. Don't you really know?"

"Ah!..." Su Jin was dumbfounded. She had never paid attention to this issue, and the original body had no memory of it in her knowledge reserves.

Unexpectedly, a joke happened.

"Hehehe..." Su Jin smiled awkwardly, and said, "I really don't know."

He Yuting looked at Su Jin suspiciously: "Is there any way for you to have a second child?" Su Jin knew too many things, so He Yuting had to doubt it. If Su Jin really has a way...

He Yuting's words made everyone in the studio prick up their ears.

Because she was worried about Su Jin, Meng Yulan also entered the live broadcast room. At this time, she stared at Su Jin closely, for fear of missing that sentence. If there is a way, wouldn't he have several grandchildren? Meng Yulan was immediately overwhelmed with excitement.

"I don't have any good methods, but women in the earth period will confine their babies after giving birth.

Confinement is said to be the best time to change a woman's physique, why don't you try it. " Su Jin said uncertainly.

"Okay, I'll try this confinement." He Yuting said without hesitation, if it really works, she will not be the first person to give birth to a second child in the interstellar world for hundreds of years. When He Yuting thought about it, her heart became hot.

Su Jin didn't expect He Yuting to accept it so quickly.

"But what does confinement mean?" He Yuting asked just now when she remembered.

"Confinement is a month-long rest for women in the ancient earth period to maintain their bodies after giving birth.

During this month, women must rest in bed, eat enough confinement meals, ensure the body's various nutrients, and supplement the various nutrients lost due to childbirth, so as to restore the body. "

"Oh..." Everyone suddenly realized.

At this time, Su Jin's communication number rang, and it was Zhao Jing who called.

"Su Jin wonders if your friend is willing to let members of our senior musicians' association enter the live broadcast room together. We are going to study the soothing songs for children who have not entered the baby cultivation cabin." Zhao Jing asked.

Su Jin looked at He Yuting, and told everyone in the live broadcast room about Zhao Jing's request.

Everyone in the Ding family readily agreed. Just kidding, this is a senior member of the Interstellar Advanced Pacifier Association, and this person cannot be hired with much money.

With them around, the baby's safety can be more effectively guaranteed, so why not do it?

After getting permission from Ding's family, members of the Senior Musicians Association also entered the live broadcast room one after another.

"Teacher, why can't interstellar women conceive a second child after giving birth?" Su Jin raised her own question.

"Almost everyone in Interstellar has supernatural powers. Most babies have supernatural powers in their mother's womb, and the source of supernatural powers is provided by the mother's womb.

After the baby was born, almost all the energy in the mother's uterus was absorbed by the baby, resulting in damage to the uterus, which could no longer provide supernatural energy for the second fetus, which made it impossible to conceive a second child. "Fun reading

"So, as long as the mother's uterus can be supplemented with energy, a second child is also possible." Su Jin asked.

"Theoretically speaking, it is possible, but countless scientists have tried it over the years, but they have never been successful."

"Then how do scientists make up for the supernatural damage of the uterus?"