learn to cook

"I made this specially for you. Eat it quickly to replenish your strength. I made two servings, one for each of us. I'll take it as early confinement with you." Su Jin joked.

"This soup is delicious, and this millet porridge is also delicious, sweet and glutinous." He Yuting praised while eating.

The live broadcast room was open for taste sharing, and all the pacifiers were also overwhelmed by the scent that filled the live broadcast room, and they secretly swallowed their saliva one by one.

The food Su Jin made was so delicious, she wanted to turn off the taste sharing but was reluctant, so she had to watch the two of them eat breakfast in agony.

After breakfast, Su Jin asked, "Yuting, after eating the confinement meal, did you feel any changes in your body?"

He Yuting shook her head.

That's right, I only ate one meal, but I was too impatient to see the effect so quickly.

Professor Jia asked He Yuting patiently, and asked the robot doctor to check the energy value of He Yuting's body.

"After testing, the patient's physical power value is 85.3," the robot said. Jia Yunyue wrote down these values one by one, and also made a record of the baby's condition. Then he exited the live broadcast room.

Newborn babies who have not entered the incubation cabin are weak and often get sick. If they encounter a high fever, they will be at a loss.

The chance of growing up to one year old is really too small. The Ding family members are secretly anxious in their hearts, but they dare not show it.

But now that there are medical professors and people from the Pacifier Association sitting in the live broadcast room, and Su Jin, a pacifier, is taking good care of him on the sidelines. What else is there to worry about?

In fact, the things that the Ding family worried about were trivial things in Su Jin's eyes. Aren't babies in the earth age always grown up like this?

As for the baby's mental disorder they were worried about, with so many pacifiers present, it shouldn't be a problem.

As long as you keep the baby warm, don't catch cold, eat and drink enough, drink and sleep, it's very easy to raise it until it's one year old.

What's more, I went to take the confinement certificate in the earth age, and I followed the previous colleague to take the test. After the two of them took the infant massage test, they found that there was still a confinement certificate, so they went to study confinement care together. .

Regarding the care of newborn babies, Su Jin can be said to be quite sure.

In the next few days, Su Jin, apart from comforting the baby twice a day, made confinement meals for He Yuting in different ways.

Under the guidance of Professor Jia, Su Jin perfectly combined the confinement meal on the earth with the ingredients of different plants and animals in the interstellar world, and made a confinement meal that is effective and nutritionally balanced.

It's just that there are not many water-based ingredients on hand, so I can't make more confinement meals that contain rich water elements.

As long as you return to Azure Planet and have enough water-type exotic animal ingredients, I believe you will be able to make confinement meals with more abundant supernatural elements.

a week passed

"Yuting, did you feel anything after eating the confinement meals these days?" Su Jin asked impatiently after He Yuting had finished her lunch.

He Yuting thought for a while: "I didn't feel anything a few days ago. Just now, after eating breakfast, a gentle energy hovered in my abdomen, and it slowly disappeared after a few seconds."

He Yuting continued, "This feeling is very strange, and it is different from the way we usually get energy from eating exotic plants and animals."

In this way, confinement meals are indeed helpful. Su Jin was secretly happy.

After hearing what He Yuting said, Jia Yunyue looked thoughtful. After recording the symptoms He Yuting said, she said, "Let the robot doctor check her overall energy value."

"The inspection is complete. The overall energy value is 85.35, an increase of 0.05 from yesterday." After the robot's announcement stopped, Jia Yunyue showed a ecstatic expression. This is growth?

In order to find out whether confinement meals can help pregnant women recover, Jia Yunyue asked the robot doctor to check various data of He Yuting's body every day.

In the past few days of inspection, the overall energy value has remained unchanged at 85.3. Today is the 7th day, but it has increased by 0.05. Although it has only increased by 0.05, it means that the confinement meal can indeed replenish energy.

As for why the growth is so slow,

It is very likely that Su Jin has too few water-based energy exotic animal ingredients, and the mother can only eat one kind of water-based animal's confinement meal every day.

If enough water system energy can be provided, I am afraid that the growth rate will be even faster.

"Professor Jia, has my physique recovered?" He Yuting asked Jia Yunyue, who was looking ecstatic.

"Yes, although the increase is very small, it is indeed an increase."

Knowing that her body is slowly returning to its pre-pregnancy state, He Yuting was so happy that she wondered if this meant that she really had hope for a second child.

After receiving this gratifying news, after Jia Yunyue came out of the live broadcast room, she couldn't wait to gather all the scientific researchers under her name who were studying maternal food supplements, and held a meeting.

"Professor, have you discovered any new results?"

"I don't know, it's so urgent."

"I'm not prepared at all."

"Isn't it? I'm only halfway through the research I'm doing, so I can only stop."

The researchers whispered.

"Quiet, I called everyone here today to announce an important matter."

Jia Yunyue glanced at the sitting researcher and continued: "All research is temporarily suspended, and I will go to the website of the Ancient Earth Culture Propaganda Bureau to learn how to cook. It is best to use the recipes of xenoplanted beasts. After learning, I will continue. Research."

The researchers looked at each other in blank dismay. Instead of doing serious research, they ran to learn how to cook. How could the professor sing this.

"I will personally supervise your learning results, and you must learn it in a week." Jia Yunyue said firmly.

In this way, the people of the Medical Research Department spent a week in dire straits under the supervision of Professor Jia Yunyue.

On this day, Jia Yunyue steamed the steamed crabs she had made by herself, and after setting the time, she came to the other members.

"You made this, it looks pretty good, the color is bright." Jia Yunyue praised. Picking up the chopsticks and taking a bite, heck, he quickly poured himself a glass of water and flushed the can, "Did you put all this bag of salt in the dish, it's so salty?"

Deng Bin gave a mocking smile. He just shook his hands a bit, so he put in too much salt.

"What are you doing here?" Jia Yuanyuan asked, picking up a thick and long lump of dough with chopsticks.

"This is noodles." Li Qiuping replied.

"Pfft!" Jia Yunyue couldn't help laughing, "Are you noodles? I think it's fat intestines?"

Li Qiuping stopped rubbing the dough with her hands, looked at it, and couldn't help laughing, it really looked like a fat intestine.

Jia Yunyue came next and came to Li Jin's side.

"Are you making pancakes?" Jia Yunyue asked.

"Yes." Li Jin replied

Jia Yunyue picked up a piece of fried pancake, put it in her mouth and bit it, clicked, almost broke her teeth.

"Are you making pancakes? My teeth!" Jia Yunyue said angrily.

Finally, Jia Yunyue came to Su Hongmei's side.

"What's the matter with your seven pots of dough?"

Su Hongmei said weakly, "There's too much water."

"If you put in too much water, you can add powder. What's the matter with you basin after basin?" Jia Yunyue was really angry.

I don't want to watch the dishes made by the rest of the people, maybe they will make something.

It seems that my group really doesn't have the talent to cook, so let's wait for Su Jin.

"What kind of food does Professor Jia cook?"

"have no idea."

"Look quickly."

Deng Bin lifted the lid of the pot, and saw 4 black crabs standing inside, which shattered when he touched it with his hands. What kind of crabs are these, maybe they are not carbon heads?

All of a sudden, everyone in the Medical Research Department burst into laughter. Yep, the culinary arts study has been declared a failure.