elemental storm

On the way back, several people collected a lot of blood-sucking eggs. When we returned to the battleship, it was already an hour later.

"We found that the egg liquid of the Zerg can get close to the Zerg, so we brought back some and did research for you to see if we can get inspiration from this and develop a better protective coating." Chen Lie finished, Give all the blood-sucking Zerg eggs brought back to Luo Bin.

Luo Bin nodded solemnly, and reached out to take the blood-sucking insect eggs handed over by Chen Lie. Maybe this can be another research direction.

"I will send you the experimental data of the insect-resistant paint later." Chen Lie said.

Luo Bin nodded and returned to his laboratory.

"I'll go back later. Where are you now?" Chen Lie sent Su Jin a text message.

"I'm already home, when will you arrive?" Seeing the message from Chen Lie, Su Jin replied happily.

"About an hour later."

"Well, I'm cooking, and you just happen to be in time for the meal." Su Jin said happily.


An hour later, the Chen family.

"Father, mother." Chen Lie returned home and greeted his parents.

"Lie'er is back, wash your hands and get ready for dinner." Meng Yulan greeted happily, but she hadn't seen Chen Lie for several days.

After eating, Chen Haoting asked Chen Lie: "What have you been up to these days?"

"Recently, we've been experimenting with blood-sucking Zerg paint, and we've made some progress. We've also brought back some Zerg eggs, so there should be new breakthroughs." Chen Lie replied.

"Well, if this research succeeds in dealing with the Zerg, the defense cost of the edge star will become lower." Chen Haoting nodded and said.

"Then when will the results of the new research come out?" Meng Yulan asked.

"Probably one month. After one month, I may continue to go to the hinterland of the Zerg to conduct paint experiments again." Chen Lie replied.


A month passed quickly. In the research room, Zerg eggs were also studied, and a paint imitating the Zerg breath was produced.

As long as the paint is applied to the mecha, the entire mecha will exude a Zerg-specific smell, causing the Zerg to have a cognitive bias, thinking that it is the same kind.

Marginal Star, a territory with sufficient blood-sucking.

Chen Lie led the ten-member mecha team that came together last time, and reappeared on the edge star where the Zerg is.

This 10-member mecha team is still the same as last time, with dark green paint all over its body, but this time, there are two sachets placed in the groove above the mecha, exuding a smell similar to Zerg.

Because they followed Chen Lie into the hinterland of the Zerg many times, this mecha team already had a tacit understanding. After Chen Lie gave an order, several people rushed to the Zerg hinterland.

A few people still followed the route last time, using the fastest speed, directly passed through the dense forest full of blood-sucking insect eggs, and went straight into the depths of the Zerg's hinterland.

"Look, these Zergs didn't stay on us this time, they stayed on us last time."

"Although they didn't stay on us, they didn't attack us either."

"It seems that the paint this time is more successful than last time."

"Didn't you say that? This paint is made after the breath of insect eggs, which is closer to the breath of the Zerg itself. They probably regard us as the same kind, so naturally they won't fall on us again."

Chen Lie didn't pay much attention to the discussion among the soldiers. He went directly to the last time, Yang Zheng found the location of the empty drink bottle, and searched carefully.

This mineral water bottle reminded Chen Lie of the face that was exposed in the depths of the Zerg 5 years ago.

"You guys wait here, I'll check around." After Chen Lie finished speaking, he walked towards the direction where the vegetation was sparse.

Chen Lie checked while walking, and finally found a trace of human activities under a tree, an empty energy box.

It seems that he is looking in the right direction.

An hour later, Chen Lie came to a stone wall.

The land in front of the stone wall is quite flat and clean. The weeds also show traces of being cleaned up. Moreover, there was a small fire that was extinguished. It feels like someone is definitely haunted here for a long time.

Chen Lie turned around the stone wall again, and suddenly a cave caught his attention. The entrance of the cave is blocked by dense vines, if you don't pay attention, you will definitely miss the entrance of the cave. fun reading

Chen Lie was pushing aside the vines, and was about to go in to find out. Suddenly, there was a gust of palm wind approaching from behind. Sensing the approach of danger, Chen Lie had no choice but to stop his hands and fly sideways to avoid the attack from behind.

Seeing that Chen Lie dodged his own attack, Wu Jinxin attacked again. Chen Lie looked at the mecha that attacked again, and this mecha was exactly what that person was wearing five years ago.

"It's you." Chen Lie shouted out loud

"Hmph, I didn't expect you to find this place." Wu Jinxin said coldly. After finishing speaking, another fierce attack came towards Chen Lie.

"5 years ago, you led us into the depths of the Zerg race. What exactly were you trying to do? What was your purpose?" Chen Lie asked eagerly.

"What's the purpose? Of course it's to kill you." Wu Jinxing said bitterly, "Why does my best friend die in front of my eyes? Doesn't it hurt my heart?"

"You bastard." Chen Lie blushed with anger. Five years ago, his best friend died in front of his eyes, which has always been an indelible pain in his heart.

Now that he was ruthlessly exposed, Chen Lie was blinded by hatred for a moment, and attacked Wu Jinxin like crazy, as if only by catching him could he heal the pain in his heart.

Wu Jinxin saw that Chen Lie seemed to be irritated by him. He himself was not his opponent. Chen Lie who was irritated was even more irresistible to him.

I had no choice but to retreat while fighting, and finally retreated to a narrow passage with towering mountain walls on both sides.

Chen Lie has been chasing Wu Jinxin closely, but when he passed by this point, he suddenly lost Wu Jinxin's figure.

Chen Lie walked forward cautiously. Suddenly a huge stone fell down from above the passage, and it was about to hit Chen Lie on the head. Chen Lie could only raise his hands to block the falling stones, but suddenly a strong force came from his back, he was kicked, and rolled directly into the depths of the passage.

As soon as he entered the depths of the tunnel, Chen Lie felt a huge elemental aura, constantly impacting his mecha.

And because of the huge elements constantly pouring into his body, Chen Lie could only mobilize his own abilities to resist, but he couldn't move for a while.

This is... an elemental storm.

Elemental storms are extremely rare in the universe. I only saw it in the records in the book.

Unexpectedly, there is an elemental storm in reality. The elements in the elemental storm are very lush, and they will automatically flow into the human body continuously. Once the energy that the human body can withstand is exceeded, the person will explode and die. This is quite dangerous.

Chen Lie knew that he had been fooled by Wu Jinxin, and now he had to ask his teammates for help while he could still withstand the energy of the elements.