
Chen Lie dialed Qin Bo's communication in the team.

"Qin Bo, I'm Chen Lie, please answer." Chen Lie's breath was a little unsteady.

"Major General, I am Qin Bo."

"I'm trapped in an elemental storm. In a mountain wall 10 kilometers south of you, this elemental storm is in the narrow path formed by two canyon walls..."

Chen Lie hadn't finished speaking, but the communication was cut off. It should have been affected by the elemental storm. Now that the message for help has been sent out, their help will come soon.

"The major general is trapped in the elemental storm!" Qin Bo suddenly shouted.

"What? Elemental storm?"

"Why is there an elemental storm here?"

"Quickly call the military department and ask for support."

"People who enter the elemental storm will be blasted by the elements if they cannot break free. We are not sure what will happen next."

"The position of the bad major general disappeared" "It should be caused by the elemental storm"

"Did the major general say where he is?"

"He is 10 kilometers south of us, and the space storm is formed by the two constrictions, among the Rogues."

Qin Bo flipped through the location that was set during the communication at that time, "I found it, follow me." Qin Bo said loudly, and he was already running towards the elemental storm.

After receiving Qin Bo's call for help, the Sixth Army quickly gathered its manpower and prepared to fly to the fringe star where the blood-sucking Zerg is located.

"Notify Zhou Mei to come with me, and the people from the Senior Mental Power Soothing Association, and tell them to go directly to Edge Star to join me." Chen Haoting ordered urgently, feeling extremely anxious.


Soon the troops were assembled, and the battleship flew towards the marginal star. Chen Haoting dialed Su Jin's communication and told her about Chen Lie's current situation.

"Su Jin, Chen Lie is now trapped in the elemental storm, and may need the assistance of your spiritual pacifiers. Come here as soon as possible."

"Okay father, I'll be right here." Hearing Chen Haoting's words, Su Jin realized that the situation was quite serious, but he couldn't understand what an elemental storm was, so he could only worry in his heart.

An hour later, the battleship of the Sixth Army arrived at Edge Star.

"Hey, why is General Chen here?" Luo Bin from the research department said suspiciously.

Luo Bin walked a distance, and was about to say something. But Chen Haoting had already opened his mouth before him:

"Is there anyone from Major General Chen Lie's team?"

"Not yet. Our experiment lasted for 4 hours. It's been 3 hours now. They should be on their way back." Luo Bin replied.

"Contact the team members among them."


Luo Bin dialed Qin Bo's communication: "Qin Bo, where are you now?"

"Report, we are looking for the location of the elemental storm where Major General Chen Lie is. We are currently in the gorge. After investigation, the major general seems to have fought with someone before entering the elemental storm. There are many traces of fighting here." Qin Bo quickly reported .

When Chen Haoting heard the report, his face was serious. Who would survive in such a harsh environment.

Luo Bin was full of astonishment. How could there be an elemental storm here? No wonder General Chen Haoting rushed over, it turned out that Major General Chen Lie was trapped in the elemental storm.

"How much paint do you have to defend against blood-sucking insects?" Chen Haoting asked.

"A lot of paint was made for this test, and there are still about 20 sets of mechas used." Luo Bin replied.

Chen Haoting nodded, 20 sets of mechas, a team of his own, plus 10 people from the Pacifier Association, should be enough.

On the side of the Appeasement Division Association, Zhao Jing quickly notified all members after receiving the call for help from the Sixth Army.

Just as Zhao Jing boarded the warship sent by the Sixth Army, she received a message from Su Jin.

"Teacher, what is an elemental storm? Chen Lie is trapped in the elemental storm. Do I need to prepare something to go there?" It was the first time Su Jin had heard of the elemental storm, and he searched the Internet but couldn't find out why. , had to ask Zhao Jing.

"The elemental storm is a space formed by many chaotic and violent elements. Once the human body enters this space, the elements will continuously pour into the human body.

But the human body can't prevent the entry of elements. Once a large amount of elements enter, once the energy that the human body can bear is exceeded, the elemental force will explode the human body, causing the death of the human body, so it is very dangerous.

Only after the human body escapes from the elemental storm can it be cured. "Zhao Jing continued after explaining, "Our Pacifier Association is already going to the edge of the borderline, don't worry on the new battleship. "

"I see, teacher, I'll be there soon." Su Jin replied. But at this moment, Su Jin was sitting in her mini battleship, fidgeting, walking up and down, anxious in her heart.

Su Jin and Zhao Jing arrived at Edge Star almost at the same time. After all the pacifiers arrived, Chen Haoting ordered that all the warships go straight to the location sent by Qin Bo, and head towards the elemental storm area at high speed.

"Father, it's been so long, Chen Lie..." Su Jin asked worriedly.

"Don't worry, with Chen Lie's ability level, he can still handle it." Chen Haoting comforted.

Hearing Chen Haoting's words, Su Jin's heart calmed down a little.

Soon the 20-member team led by Chen Haoting arrived at the elemental storm area.

"General." The 10-member team led by Chen Lie gave a military salute to Chen Haoting.

Chen Haoting returned the military salute and asked, "Where is Chen Lie now, take me there."

Qin Bo hurriedly led the people to the edge of the space storm.

At this time, Chen Lie was already on the verge of coma, relying only on his willpower to resist the invasion of the elemental storm.

"Fortunately, the major general is only on the edge of the elemental storm, only 5 meters away from our safe zone." Qin Bo said.

"The mechas of 20 of us used force at the same time to drag the major general out. There is still great hope."

"All mecha fighters obey the order and pull out Major General Chen Lie's mecha." Chen Haoting ordered.

"Yes." The soldiers responded in unison.

Because the passage was very narrow, some mecha fighters could only fly into the air, lined up in three rows, and shot out their claws at the same time, entangled Chen Lie's mecha, and began to drag it out forcefully.

But ten minutes passed, and the mecha didn't move at all. The magnetic field of this elemental storm was too great.

"Adjust the strength of the mech and use the greatest strength."

"Yes." This time it was finally able to be dragged, but it was still quite difficult. Ten minutes later, Chen Lie's mecha was dragged and fell to the ground with a bang.

At this time, Chen Lie was still 4 meters away from the safe area, but these 4 meters were as difficult as reaching the sky.

At this moment, a wild laughter spread throughout the space. "Hahaha, Chen Haoting, you also have today. You all die to me."