Sea of Spiritual Power

As soon as the wild laughter fell, a laser ion cannon blasted towards the dragging mech fighters.

With a wave of Chen Haoting's mech, a protective shield appeared in the air, blocking the ion cannon back.

"Who the hell are you? Why are you here against us again?" Chen Haoting asked coldly.

"Who am I? Hahahaha! Chen Haoting, how did my wife and children lose their lives under your protection 20 years ago. I, Wu Jinxin, will avenge them today."

"You are Wu Jinxin?" The dusty memories poured out like a tide, and Chen Haoting's face turned livid.

"Why do you think of me here, hahaha! Today, I will let you experience the pain of a white-haired man giving away a black-haired man." Wu Jinxin laughed wildly after speaking. A fierce attack followed, and Chen Haoting had no choice but to fight urgently.

Wu Jinxin is naturally not Chen Haoting's opponent, but he is outside the stone wall passage, the field is wide, and the position is very good.

It was difficult for Chen Haoting to use it in the narrow passage. And also take into account the pacifier association behind him and the 20 mecha fighters who are dragging Chen Lie out of the elemental storm.

Seeing that his attack was blocked, Wu Jinxin snorted coldly, and then aimed all his attacks at the mecha warrior who was pulling Chen Lie hard. Chen Haoting saw his intention, and hastily deployed his protective shield, blocking Wu Jinxin's attack again.

Wu Jinxin saw that the attack failed, so he used nearly 10 attacks in a row, added a large number of laser ion cannons, and fired at the people behind Chen Haoting.

Immediately, the stones on both sides of the stone wall were attacked, and big ones rolled down, splashing layers of smoke.

Fortunately, the pacifiers were not powerless. They all had corresponding supernatural powers and blocked the falling gravel without causing any casualties.

Forced by the situation, Su Jin also took out her mecha, and tried her best to resist the attack that Chen Haoting failed to catch.

Cheng Ping, who was standing next to Ling Yi, also entered his battle armor at this time. In this way, Chen Haotian had two helpers, and he was able to deal with Wu Jinxin's attack with ease.

"Do you think you can save your son with a helper? Tell you, it's impossible. This is an elemental storm that only appears in books. Even if you rescue him, he will only die." Wu Jinxin laughed proudly laugh.

"Back then when the Zerg race was raging, I was ordered to evacuate the people. The misfortune of your wife and children was due to our lack of manpower, not because of my deliberate actions.

It was your father who received a message from his wife asking for help before the Zergs took over the planet. But if you didn't come back immediately, don't you have any responsibility? "Chen Haoting asked back.

"That's also because you didn't do your job well. If you protect them well, how can you put them in danger." Wu Jinxin couldn't accept Chen Haoting's statement, and said sharply.

In fact, Wu Jinxin was indeed responsible at the time. At that time, he did not stay with his wife and children in order to find a foreign plant.

Knowing that the Zerg race was coming, but because of a foreign plant, he did not rush to his wife and children at the first time, which caused the misfortune of his wife and children. All the blame was on Chen Haoting.

Wu Jinxin saw that all his attacks were blocked one by one by several people, so he simply stopped attacking, and looked at the people in the passage with a crazy expression on his face.

Not long after, a buzzing sound came. One after another more intense.

"No, the Zergs are here."

"Turn on the hearing shield, the Zerg is coming." Chen Haoting shouted. Everyone present opened their hearing shields in unison to avoid the danger of being disturbed by the sound waves of the Zerg.

"Hmph, do you think you can avoid the Zerg's attack by shielding your hearing? It's simply too naive." Wu Jinxin said coldly, his eyes full of gloom.

Chen Haoting quickly threw the emerald green thing from the top of the mountain towards the mouth of the canyon. This is the anti-insect incense that Luo Bin gave himself before coming in. I haven't had time to test it yet, so this time it's considered an experiment. With so many Zergs, they must not be allowed to enter the canyon, preventing the soldiers from rescuing Chen Lie.

As soon as the anti-insect diffuser landed, an unpleasant smell filled the entire canyon. The blood-sucking insects that were about to enter the canyon were choked by the unpleasant smell and turned around and left.

"It works." Seeing this scene, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Seeing the swarm of insects bypassing the canyon and flying towards the woods on one side, Chen Haoting heaved a sigh of relief, and only stared at Wu Jinxin's direction closely to prevent him from making trouble again.

"How is it possible, come back quickly, come back quickly!" Standing on top, Wu Jinxin shouted crazily as he watched the Zerg turn around. Even more anxiously, they rushed into the middle group, trying hard to drive the Zerg into the canyon passage. The crazy appearance made people frightened.

But his actions were in vain, and the Zerg still bypassed the passage and flew towards the woods. Wu Jinxin began to attack the blood-sucking Zerg anxiously.

Originally, his mech was painted with Zerg liquid. If he didn't attack the Zerg, the Zerg would not attack him.

But now, he kept attacking the Zergs, and the Zergs were quickly enraged by him, and the Zergs swarmed up to attack, and soon Wu Jinxin was engulfed by the swarms, Su Jin looked at Wu Jinxin's final appearance, his hairs stood on end, this I really deserve to die.

An hour later, the swarm slowly dispersed. At this time, Chen Lie had also been dragged out of the elemental storm area. The 20 mecha fighters were panting, as if all their strength had been exhausted.

Chen Haoting moved Chen Lie out of the mecha.

The people from the Pacifier Association rushed forward to check. Chen Lie was already unconscious at this time, and the huge mental power in his sea of mental power was already chaotic.

Everyone from the Pacifiers' Association acted at the same time, and urgently comforted Chen Lie first. Although he couldn't completely pacify his mental power, it could at least ensure that his mental power would not riot. Otherwise, he might not be able to support it until he returned to the battleship.

After taking temporary mental comfort, Chen Haoting put Chen Lie into his mecha, and he led Chen Lie back to the battleship.

"Attention all, return to the voyage immediately." Chen Haoting ordered.

After a group of people waited for an hour and a half, they finally arrived at the warship parked on Edge Star.

As soon as he entered the warship, the robot doctor gave Chen Lie a full body check.

"The mental power of the patient's two seas of mental power is extremely disordered and on the verge of riots, and the whole body is covered with extremely chaotic mental power. Please calm down with mental power as soon as possible." The robot doctor's cold voice sounded.

"How come there are two seas of spiritual strength?" Cheng Ping asked in surprise.