
"So far, there is no method that can completely remove the residue of Zerg toxins.

During the last inspection, because Major General Mental Power Sea had sufficient lightning power, the remaining toxins around Spirit Power Sea were covered by the lightning power and were not exposed. "The military doctor pushed the glasses on the bridge of his nose and explained.

"Is there really no way to remove the toxin residue?" Su Jin asked again unwillingly. The military doctor shook his head helplessly.

Su Jin glanced at the sleeping Chen Lie, and said, "I don't believe it, there must be a way."

In the next few days, Su Jin searched for all kinds of information about the residual Zerg toxin day and night.

She even found the research institute and asked them for data in this regard. Finally, the hard work paid off, and Su Jin got a feasible experimental method.

Su Jin found a large number of small animals with toxin residues, and studied how to remove the toxins by herself. She believed that one day, she would find a way to revive Chen Lie.

On this day, Su Jin caught more than a dozen small animals with Zerg toxin residues in their brains.

When Su Jin injected the wood-type abilities in her body into the body of a small animal called Baa-baa-beast, the residual toxin in the Baa-baa-beast's brain unexpectedly slowly decomposed.

Seeing this scene, Su Jin felt excited. Maybe the wood-type ability is the key to Chen Lie's awakening.

The more Su Jin thought about it, the more excited she became. She went to buy more than 10 small animals with only toxin residues, and decided to try again.

Su Jin cautiously inserted the wood-type supernatural power into the toxin and wrapped it around the toxin for a while, but the toxin did not move at all, showing no sign of dissipating.

No, it's recorded in the data that the toxins cannot be completely removed by simply using the wood element energy.

Su Jin lowered her head and kept thinking. What is the reason that the residual toxins in the small animal's body were completely wiped out?

By the way, I was afraid that the small animals would starve to death. Before removing the toxins from the small animals, I had fed the small animals a different plant. These have always been presented by merchants when purchasing small animals.

Su Jin quickly found the remaining xenografts to check. After checking the information, she found that it was a will xenograft with the function of detoxification.

"Is it possible to have the suppression of the detoxification function, and add the wood-type ability to remove the toxins?" Su Jin couldn't sit still as soon as this bold idea came out, and the more he thought about it, the more he felt that this was the reason.

With this direction in mind, Su Jin first made the detoxification potion, and then injected the wood-type ability into the potion, thus obtaining a detoxification potion with wood-type power.

Just do what you say, and after half a month, Su Jin finally developed a medicine to get rid of toxins.

Su Jin fed the potion to small animals with residual toxins.

Half an hour later, the robot doctor re-scanned the small animal and found that the toxin had been removed.

Su Jin was very excited at this moment, Chen Lie was finally saved.

Just in case, Su Jin made hundreds of medicines with various different plants except for the detoxification function, tested them one by one, and finally obtained a medicine that is extremely stable and has no side effects on the human body. detoxifiers.

"I succeeded." Su Jin jumped up happily.

Su Jin happily came to the living room, ready to tell Chen Haoting and his wife the news.

I saw Chen Haoting and his wife sitting in the living room with solemn expressions.

"Father, mother, what's the matter? What happened?" Su Jin asked

"Your father and Chen Lie have been dismissed by the Sixth Army." Meng Yulan replied with a sigh.

"How come, do you agree with the head of the empire?" Su Jin hurriedly went to Starnet to check the news of the Sixth Army's military headquarters. Sure enough, a dismissal notice had been issued on the official website.

"This was the result of the Second Army's efforts. The commanders of the major military departments unanimously approved it. Even if the leaders wanted to protect your father, it would have little effect." Meng Yulan continued.

"The Second Army has been eyeing the Sixth Army for a long time, and they have already started planning a few years ago. This time, taking advantage of Lie'er's unconsciousness and my absence from the military headquarters for a long time, it is a good time for them to attack. "Chen Haoting calmly analyzed.

"Hey, what are you holding?" Meng Yulan looked at the medicine bottle in Su Jin's hand.

"Mother, I have developed a medicine to expel toxins." Su Jin handed over the medicine in her hand.

"What?" Meng Yulan stood up excitedly, took the potion handed over by Su Jin, "Are you serious?"

"Well, I have been experimenting for a month, and the effect is very good, but this drug has only been used on animals, and has not been tested on humans." Su Jin said a little worried.

Chen Haoting glanced at the medicine in Meng Yulan's hand, "Now the medical resources of the entire empire are controlled by the people of the Second Army. If we want to do human medicine experiments, we can only go to the Federation, but..." At this point, Chen Haoting paused. He shut up and looked at Meng Yulan.

"Just what?" Su Jin asked.

"I used to be a researcher of the Federation in the early years, but they stole my research materials. In a fit of anger, I brought the research results of the Federation to the empire. The Federation has listed me and my family as non-correspondents. We It's impossible." Meng Yulan said helplessly.

"Will I be blacklisted by them too?" Su Jin asked.

"Yes, right after you married Lie Er, you have been blacklisted by them." Meng Yulan replied.

"If you have confidence in your potion, then use it on Lie'er." Chen Haoting and Meng Yulan looked at each other and said.

The military doctor said before that if Chen Lie fails to wake up within 40 days, he will never be able to wake up again. Now that Su Jin has developed a drug to remove toxins, even if it is risky, she still has to try it.

star network

"General Chen and Major General Chen Lie were dismissed from their military posts."

"It is said that Major General Chen Lie has not woken up yet."

"The Chen family's father and son have made little contribution to the empire. The empire's approach is too chilling."

"I don't know if Major General Chen Lie can still wake up."

"I think it's difficult. For so many years, the toxin residue has never been heard of being able to get rid of it."

"Yes, unless he wakes up by himself, there is no other way."


The Chen family can no longer control the ups and downs on the star network. At this moment, the three of them are in Chen Lie's room.

"Let's get started." Chen Haoting nodded to Su Jin.

"Well," Su Jin handed the medicine to the robot doctor. The three watched nervously as the robot injected the medicine into Chen Lie's body.

"The medicine has been injected." The robot doctor's electronic voice sounded.

"Observe the patient's physical condition at all times and report in time." Su Jin gave the robot doctor an order.

"Yes." The electronic voice of the robot's life sounded again.