
"The patient's toxins are removed by 30%." After the robot doctor's electronic voice sounded, the three of them showed excited smiles on their faces.

"Great, the potion effect is useful." Two hours later, the robot reminded again: "All toxins were successfully removed."

The three of them came to Chen Lie's side, quietly waiting for him to wake up.

Ten minutes later, Chen Lie's eyelids and fingers moved slightly.

Su Jin grabbed Chen Lie's hand nervously, and said tremblingly, "Chen Lie, wake up."

Finally Chen Lie opened his heavy eyelids and woke up.

On Chen Haoting's serious face, the dignified expression eased down.

"Lie'er, are you thirsty? Are you hungry? I'll go and make you something to eat." Meng Yulan was so happy that tears welled up in her eyes.

Su Jin held Chen Lie's hand tightly, with tears in her eyes, her voice was choked in her throat, and she couldn't speak no matter what.

"I want to drink water, and I'm hungry." Chen Lie said hoarsely.

"Okay, okay, I'll bring you the porridge right away." Meng Yulan said happily, wiping away her tears. Until this moment, the three people let go of their endless worries, and the whole Chen family was filled with warmth.

Half a month later, Chen Lie had basically recovered all his body functions. However, his lightning ability also disappeared without a trace.

"What's the reason?" Su Jin asked suspiciously.

"It's not a big problem. Some people have had this kind of situation before. As long as you find a different plant with the same attribute and make it into a potion, the ability will be reactivated. Don't worry." Chen Lie didn't care about this situation at all. Worry.

"Find a different plant with the same attributes? But you are a 3s-level Thunder Element, aren't you looking for Thunder Shadow Grass?" Su Jin asked.

"Well, only by using Thunder Shadow Grass can I activate my 3s level lightning ability.

It's just that all the lightning-type abilities on the market are all off the shelf, I'm afraid this is the second army's trick. "Chen Lie frowned, he will settle this account with Gu Tianling properly.

Hearing that there were no lightning-type powers for sale, Su Jin hurriedly logged on to Starnet and opened the purchase page. Sure enough, the store where she bought the lightning-type storage box for planting Thunder Shadow Grass had also removed all lightning-type powers from the shelves.

Fortunately, in order to reduce troubles, I purchased a year's supply at one time. The Thunder Shadow Grass that I dug back when I participated in the military competition was well maintained by myself.

"Chen Lie, how many Thunder Shadow Grass do you need to activate the supernatural power?" Su Jin asked.

"Under normal circumstances, one is enough, because I have two spiritual power seas, and I may need two or more."

Su Jin silently calculated in her heart: During the military competition, I dug 6 trees out of curiosity and planted them myself. In the past six months, two trees died and four survived, which should be enough.

"I happen to have 4 Thunder Shadow Grass in my hand." Su Jin looked at Chen Lie with a smile.

"You succeeded in planting?" Chen Lie asked in disbelief.

The conditions for the cultivation of Thunder Shadow Grass are harsh, and it is seldom successfully planted. The few trees brought back by the military department last time only survived more than 20 plants. It is unexpected that Su Jin has such a talent for planting.

"Well, come with me." Su Jin took Chen Lie's hand and strolled to a corner of the garden. I saw four Thunder Shadow Grass standing quietly in the flower bed.

In fact, planting Thunder Shadow Grass is not difficult. As long as you keep instilling enough Lightning Energy, and then bury the clear spirit fruit core you got at the root of Thunder Shadow Grass, you can easily plant it successfully.

There is also a basis for burying the clear spirit fruit core at the root of the Thunder Shadow Grass. When I found the green spirit fruit core, I found that there was a green spirit fruit core under each thunder shadow fruit that grew particularly well. Su Jin felt that there might be some connection between this.

Anyway, I have a lot of green spirit fruit cores. When I planted them, I put one green spirit fruit core at the root of each of the four Leiying fruit trees, and left the other two trees alone.

In the end, all four plants with green spirit fruit cores were planted successfully, while the two plants without green spirit fruit cores died.

It is enough to see that the green spirit fruit core is an indispensable key factor for growing thunder shadow fruit.

"You ran here by yourself." Meng Yulan came to the two of them and complained, "Go back to eat!" After speaking, she casually glanced at the location of the flower bed, and then screamed excitedly: "Ah! This is Thunder Shadow Grass?"

"Yes, mother. It was planted by Su Jin." Chen Lie explained.

Hearing Meng Yulan's shout, Chen Haoting also quickly came to the garden. "What happened?"

"Hao Ting, look at what this is." Meng Yulan excitedly pulled Chen Hao Ting aside and said proudly, "It was planted by Su Jin."

"This matter and the removal of Zerg toxins must be kept secret, and no one else should know." Chen Haoting suppressed his excitement and ordered.

This is a difficult problem that has not been solved in the whole interstellar world. Now that Su Jin has solved two problems at once, I'm afraid it will cause unnecessary trouble.

"We know." Everyone nodded.

After eating, Su Jin handed the potion made by Thunder Shadow Grass to Chen Lie, "I'll wait for you outside."

Chen Lie nodded, took the medicine Su Jin handed over, and walked to the training room.

After Chen Lie opened the potion, he raised his head and drank it. In just a moment, the surging thunder-type abilities covered the whole body, and finally rushed directly to his two spiritual power seas.

Chen Lie felt that his current ability was more than three times that of before, and he should have a combat power of 6s level.

So far, the highest combat power in Interstellar is only 4s level, and his current 6s level combat power can be said to be invincible in Interstellar.

Chen Lie excitedly came to the dynamometer and punched him heavily, only to see that the dynamometer showed an unbelievable strength of his own, 16,000 pounds.

At present, the highest strength value is only 15,000 pounds, and I am 1,000 pounds higher than the opponent.

Seeing such data, Chen Lie excitedly got into the mecha, ready to try his current ability to control the mecha.

The moment Chen Lie's mental power connected to the mecha, Chen Lie felt as if he and the whole mecha were integrated into one body without any lag, and the degree of fusion was many times higher than before.

He dared to say that his current combat power was absolutely invincible in the interstellar world.

After finishing all this, Chen Lie walked out of the training room in a spirited manner.

"I succeeded. Your husband, I can be said to be the most powerful existence in the interstellar world. I'm not happy." Chen Lie wrapped his arms around Su Jin's waist, leaned against the wall, and said softly with his head against his head.

"En." Su Jin nodded sweetly, and the next moment, Chen Lie's scorching breath followed, and Su Jin felt that she was about to be out of breath.

It wasn't until He Yuting's call came in that the two stopped inseparably.