
Su Jin straightened her clothes, adjusted them, and then pressed the on button.

"Su Jin, I'm pregnant with my second child, and I'm pregnant again!" He Yuting's excited voice came over.

"That's really congratulations. You are the first woman in the universe to be pregnant with a second child." Su Jin blinked narrowly.

"Thank you, if it wasn't for you, I don't know when I would have my second baby!" He Yuting said gratefully.

"Thank you, this is your own blessing." Su Jin said.


The two chatted for 20 minutes before hanging up the phone reluctantly.

At the same time, the official website of the Medical Research Institute also announced the information that He Yuting was pregnant with a second child.

For a while, there was a lot of voices on the Starnet, and everyone rushed to tell each other.

The registration for the confinement meal training class was also instantly full.

When the medical school released the medical research results of confinement meals on the female reproductive system, some people thought that confinement meals were grandstanding and unbelievable. At this time, they just wanted to slap themselves in the face.

Why didn't I sign up for the confinement meal training earlier. Now that the number of registrations is full, I don't know when I will get my turn.

And the students who have already participated in the confinement meal training are now happy.

Countless invitations came one after another, and the messages were overwhelming every day, one after another.

It can be said that full-time confinement caregivers have become the most popular profession in Interstellar now, and will also become the most popular profession in Interstellar for a long time to come.

Xingwang, under Su Jin's Xingbo

"Thank you Madam for sharing the confinement meals for us selflessly."

"Thank you for adding 1."


"Fortunately, I immediately signed up for the training course on confinement meals."

"Can the big guy upstairs give me a contact information?"

"Ask for contact information."


"I have to go to the Medical Research Institute to sign up for training on confinement meals."

"Upstairs, there is no need to rush to sign up. The empire has decided to set up a confinement meal escort major, and now major colleges and universities have begun to recruit students."

"The empire is so powerful, I'll go and see the registration requirements."


Seeing so many messages, Su Jin posted a blog post: Thank you friends for your support for so long,

At the same time, I would also like to thank the Academy of Medicine for giving me such an opportunity to participate in the research on confinement meals. "After speaking, Su Jin returned to the Medical Research Institute.

Su Jin and the researchers of the Medical Research Institute were all in the limelight for a while, and this matter even alarmed the leader of the Federation, Frank Gabriel.

Federation Senior Conference Room

"The empire has now fully mastered the reproductive system repair technology, and some women have successfully conceived a second child.

With the current birth status of the Federation, it is urgent to reach a sharing agreement with the Empire. I hope that all senators can actively promote this agreement. said Frank.

"I agree."

"I agree."


It can be seen that the restoration of the reproductive system has attracted the attention of the whole interstellar, and the Federation is even more impatient to reach a sharing agreement with the Empire.

On the side of the empire.

As soon as the news that He Yuting was pregnant with a second child came out, the entire empire was shocked.

The empire held an emergency meeting.

"I think it's enough to give Su Jin the rank of major general." Gu Tianling said.

"Do you think it's possible to keep talents in our empire with the rank of major general?" the general of the third army said.

"Su Jin's current name has been spread to the Federal Medical Research Institute. Without sufficient rewards, Su Jin will be poached by the Federal Medical Research Institute sooner or later." The dean of the Medical Research Institute frowned worriedly.

"I propose to assign an escort team to the Imperial Medical Research Institute and Su Jin. Each escort team has about 1,000 people."

"I object. It is inappropriate for Su Jin to be equipped with a guard team as a non-public official. Besides, it is a guard team of 1,000 people. The number is too large." Gu Tianling objected.

"Then the Medical Research Institute will form a guard team of 1,000 people, and Su Jin will gradually become a guard team of 500 people. Su Jin has now received attention from all parties, and we must pay attention to protecting their personal safety." The general spoke up.

Although the major families have a common attitude towards dismissing the Chen family and his son from military posts, they are still willing to protect people like Su Jin.

Just looking at the few changes Su Jin brought to the empire is enough to make them willing to protect her.

In case the federation takes advantage of the loophole and recruits Su Jin to the federation, they still want to save the face of the empire.

In the end, the big families finally reached a consensus. Su Jin can recruit a guard team by herself, the number of which will be changed from 500 to 200, and the cost of these 200 people will be borne by the military.

When Su Jin received a guard team of 200 people that she could muster, her eyes widened in shock, she covered her mouth with her hands, and looked like she couldn't believe it.

Chen Lie looked at Su Jin's stunned look, rubbed her head, and said dotingly: "Your reputation has already spread to the Federation, and the Empire is willing to summon a guard for you because of you." For the sake of personal safety. Leave it to me to gather the manpower."

"Okay, I'm not good at this either, so I don't care about it." Su Jin said with a sweet smile.

Su Jin rummaged through her own memory, only to find out what the federation was all about.

The entire interstellar world is controlled by two forces, one is the empire composed of Chinese Huaxia, and the other is the federation composed of Europeans.

The Federation and the Empire respectively ruled over more than 130 planets.

When the interstellar era first entered, the Empire and the Federation fought an interstellar war for hundreds of years in order to compete for control of the planet. Later, due to the continuous decline in population, the two sides finally reached an agreement on peaceful coexistence.

Soon, Chen Lie sent out a message to recruit guards under his Starblog.

The news that Su Jin was going to call up a 200-man escort was once again on the trending list, and this information was also confirmed by the military.

star network

"I want to join Su Jin's escort team."

"The captain of the guard is Chen Lie. It's great. I want to participate."

"The minimum requirement for the guard team is that the ability level is at least level four. I still can't reach it, what a pity."


Sixth Army

"Ji Yun, do you really want to resign from the military? Once you leave, King's Landing will wipe out the benefits of the past few years, and all the benefits for the past few years will go to waste." Ji Yun's best friend persuaded him.

"Well, after so many years as the major general's bodyguard, I'm used to it. I want to continue to follow Major General Chen Lie." Ji Yun replied.

"Also a major general, Chen Lie is not a major general now, he has already been dismissed.

Ji Yun, you have to think clearly, you won't be able to come back after you leave. Who else wants to leave? For those who have no intention of being in the Sixth Army, we do not force them to stay. " Gu Tianling said arrogantly.

"I've already made up my mind and I won't change it. Thank you General Gu for reminding me." Ji Yun replied firmly.


The recruitment work was in full swing, but Chen Lie recruited very few people.