30. All Good Things Come To An End.

Adam had tried to contact Mimi for three days and had no answer. When he asked this about Samuel, he was not aware of anything, but when Adam mentioned this to Bran, his expression revealed that he knew something. So Adam took big guns in play and called Jarod over.

Jarod had not met much of Bran and Bran did not know what Jarod looked like, but Adam had used Jarod in the past to act as a lie detector. So Jarod came over. He was just Adam's acquaintance and Bran was curious about this man who he had never seen.

Adam said to Jarod as they sat in the living room, he introduced Bran to Jarod, by nickname Jacob. "have you gotten any contact with the flea? She is not answering any of my phone calls and I am a little worried. "

Jarod glanced at Bran, there were several micro-expressions on his face that Jarod caught, and he said to Adam, "No, I haven't. Should we put the protocol finders fee up and running in hopes of finding fleas? I mean, call the vice president and ask him to help by activating that chip on her phone?"

Bran said, "No need, Mimi is with her husband, Damon. They have some things work in between them. It might be rough."

Adam was silent and said, "So you have once again taken Damien out when Damon just got him down by the power of that heat. What the fuck is wrong with you?"

When Bran tried to deny the whole deal, Jarod said, "Actually, I must confess one thing, my name is not Jacob, it is Jarod and Mimi is a very dear friend, I can see that you are behind this, so whatever your motives have been, Mimi is the one who suffers, and I am not liking it, so I am going to spread the word, how you, marrok don't protect Mimi at all but manipulate her husband, by taking out evil what resides within him and give him Mimi to work with, all because they had heat together. You are sick, Bran, you really are."

Samuel had come to the room too, and he had heard every paltry word of what his father had done again. He let it out and shouted at his father.

Jarod and Adam were sitting in the living room when they heard Samuel screaming at his father again. Adam's temper flared up as he knew that something was wrong. He asked Jarod to come with him and help Mimi while they already heard Samuel screaming at his father again. They both stood up and headed out.

Adam quickly went to his study and called Dresden, their trusted wizard friend, to inform him about what had happened. He told Dresden about the whole incident that led to this situation, including the lesson, Bran's manipulation of how to get Damien onto the surface, and how it all came down to this. Adam was worried about Mimi's safety and wanted to take action as soon as possible.

Dresden was shocked to hear about everything and cursed under his breath. He told Adam that he had some potions ready and he would bring them to suppress Damien. However, he warned them it might not be a long-term deal if he got him down. So much depended on Damon and whatever bullshit Damien had already fed him.

Dresden had tried to find old books where this kind of thing was mentioned, but he had come up empty-handed. He said that he would be there in three hours. Adam thanked him and told him he would try to get Damon down so that Dresden could work on him.

Adam and Jarod headed out to help Mimi while Dresden made his way to their house. They knew the situation was critical, but they were determined to do everything in their power to help their friend. Jarod got to his own car and went to do what he had told Bran, spread the word against marrok and how he chooses who to protect. Jarod was good at this kind of thing and a lot of wolves listened to him, too. At least those who were in fleas. 

Adam drove straight back to the house, and went to medbay, only to get attacked by Damon, who tried to jab him with some syringe. Adam quickly acted and snapped his neck. Drive had taken over two hours, and he got a sturdy chair, and some heavy-duty chains and chained Damon tightly to the chair. He had put on his nasogastric tube by the time he heard Dresden's heavy footsteps coming.

Dresden went to work as Damon was awake and cursed and berated both men, threatening Adam very many times too. Adam went to see Mimi, he saw a big bag of jelly dripping into her abdomen and he stopped it, took out the cannula, and tried to get Mimi to understand something or wake up, she was just looking ahead, no eye movement, no blinking.

I was sedated, unable to react, to move, and pain was all there was. Damon had just once again, "cleaned "my wounds, meaning he used too strong saline that burned and hurt very badly so that my mind shut down by the pain. Jelly did not let me lose my consciousness fully. I kinda just stopped. I felt everything, but I was in some sort of limbo.

Then I noticed somebody trying to talk to me and get some answers. Adam. He was furious. I also saw Dresden, who was draining some liquid into the nasogastric tube that Damon had. Damon's eyes were angry, and he was restrained properly so that he couldn't get anywhere.

I still felt gelled entirely up and realized that Damon must have gelled me under my skin and somewhere in between. I looked at Adam, but couldn't figure out how to speak. He stroked me, and I could see that the jelly had stopped flowing. He had taken a cannula out. I could feel pressure on my abdomen from all the extra organs, bone chips in my limbs and my spine caused agony all the time.

Metals made my head hurt, there was pressure in my head, my eyes hurt, and I was tired, and a little out of it. These were because of the metals in my body, this new form of them. I moved my hand a little so that Adam touched it and could see the jelly there, too.

He said, "Don't worry, Samuel and Colin are coming. Let's see if we can get any of that jelly off you. You've been here two weeks, and when you didn't answer, I came to check, and Salvatore tried to attack me, too. I know Bran was behind this. Jarod confirmed it. He was once again upset with your heat and this was revenge. He took somehow Damien out and Dresden was trying to suppress him, but he warned it might not work. I see you are jellied, but are you in pain? Is there something else wrong with you?"

I tried to think of a way to tell about the metals, and I could tell by the look on Damon's face that he wouldn't say anything. Dresden poured one bottle after another, and each time, Damon just grinned. Because they were the biggest problem.

He said, "Looks like a wizard that your little potion didn't quite work. Soon, you'll give up and let me care for my wife and a member of my pack who has an accident. Tell me, Adam, have you ever been implanted, and you'll get a jelling? I can take such good care of you too, as I have taken care of my Mimi. She likes me to clean her wounds, which makes her all teary-eyed. Hurts, I guess. "

Dresden dug a different colored bottle out of his bag and poured it next. Damon started breathing harder and shook his head as if he had trouble staying conscious. Dresden watched for a while, took another bottle, and poured it down the hose without a word. Damon tried to fight whatever the potion was doing to him clearly, but finally, he sighed, and his eyes closed.

Dresden said, "Good show, but I'll give you a third one. And this Salvatore is the strongest."

Then Dresden poured something bright green down Damon's nasogastric tube; this time, Damon relapsed. He was still. His breathing was slow and steady, and he did not react while Dresden pinched him in his ear. Dresden packed up his bag and was just about to leave. I figured I had to get the message across because he might pull the metals off, even if it's not pleasant.

I grabbed a metal utensil and slammed it against the metal part of the bed. Adam furrowed his eyebrows and asked, " You are trying to tell us something, but what? Are you feeling sick or vomiting? "

I banged the metal against each other as hard as I could. Dresden came closer. I nodded and handed him a metal bowl.

Dresden said, " Fine, but what am I doing with this?? "

I tried to think of metal and send it to Adam's head via our connection, and it was no straightforward job. Adam was still looking at me questioningly. Oh fuck, the message is not getting through. I was now pounding the side of the bed with my hand, even though it was hurting so badly that I was about to pass out. I pointed to the metal container and the side of the bed. I thought hard about how I was talking, opened my mouth, and made a sound. I pointed to the metal and made another sound.

Damon's voice said wearily. "Mimi is metallized. I metallized her with new compounds. That's what she's trying to tell you. She is not in good shape at all, infections and all."

Adam said, " Are you okay, Salvatore, because here in bed is your workstation? Now, you won't get away with it. "

Damon sighed and said, " Yes, I'm fine, but it's the metals that are the biggest obstacle to any kind of recovery. I'll see if my teeth will do anything. If someone could maybe get me out."

Adam went to help Damon free, and Dresden came to me and said, "I'll see if I can find those metals and suck them out. It would help if I had a sample of it so I could do a little different spell. "

He put his hand on my chest, and I felt like every cell in my body was being torn apart. I tried to hold on, and the amount of metal that dripped from Dresden's fingertips was minuscule, but I decided to hold on.

Damon said abruptly, "She's in pain and you didn't seem to get anything out of her, so could you please stop torturing my wife, wizard?"

Dresden said, " If I had a sample of these metals. Then, this wouldn't hurt nearly as much because you could make a spell calling the metal to the metal. But since you don't have them, Salvatore, to show me. So I have to do it this way."

The pain continued, and I tried to endure.

Damon came up to me, stroked me, and said, "I'm so sorry. I don't even know why on earth I am so weak that Damien took over? I am weak and I am a beast who hurt again. Oh baby, will you forgive me when I love you so much?"

I thought in my mind. This guy certainly can't fix me. Damon kept begging. He was this hanger, manic hanger, and I was not sure why he acted sometimes like that. He cried next to my bed. He told me what a bad person he was and how he hurt me repeatedly. I would then wait for Samuel and Colin.

When Adam saw which version it was, he took Damon away from Medbay. And it took half an hour for Samuel to come to me.

He said, "Are you feeling wise now?"

Now I couldn't answer anything. I was too gelled up. Adam came to Samuel, and they went a little further away to talk. Again, I couldn't hear what they were talking about. Colin was next to me, and he stroked me and started. He was untying me and looking me over.

He said. "Now, young lady, you are not getting any medicine yet. You are as drugged as you can be and might be. Let's see if we can eventually get Salvatore into a wiser mode. If not, then the two of us will treat you. Now I don't know when you'll get to go on the cruise. Bran did say, though, that those cruises leave a little now and then, that it's not quite as scheduled as he initially let you assume. I don't understand why he wants to take you on that cruise, though, because they are very small cruises. But the marrok is what it is. "

I was insane with pain because every bone in my body was crushed. Those flimsy support bandages did very little and once he started untying them, pain exploded behind my eyes.

Colin untied my hands, and then he realized what a state my arm bones were actually in.

He said. "Now I won't untie them anymore because, missy, you're a bit, how shall I put it, in pieces? You need a sleep, young lady. But I will have a little talk with Samuel and Adam about this first. Then we'll see."

He, too, left my bedside. I could feel the jelly steadily soaking in, and it pissed me off to no end.

Damon, or actually Damien, said in my mind, "1-0 Mimi, let them think I'm all right, but you can be sure I won't interfere with you. Wasn't that a virtuoso performance in medbay? Thank you for that enjoyment."

The voice in my head fell silent, and after a while, Adam came over to me and said, "Now we're going to put you to sleep and deeply too, and start taking that jelly off. I'll check on Damon later if he gets himself in a heap. "

I knew he wouldn't. Damien was still on the surface, and I hated Bran for that. I really did. He ruined everything. Just because I spent time with my husband. Just because of one damn heat. 

The bastard was enjoying himself too much for what he had done to me, and now he was slipping away. Samuel came over and looked at me.

He said, "This is a cocktail; it'll put you to sleep, and we'll get you fixed up, but I can't promise when you'll wake up. "

He slipped the needle into my vein and pressed the plunger. I felt merciful, nothing. No more of my agony from the power of the tranquilizer jelly.