31. Kids In The America.

The men wheeled Mimi into the operating room. There, they opened her up. And began to scrape away the horrible pile of jelly. They removed all the organs. There were so many, as multiplication enzyme activated, so they had their work cut out. But they got it blocked in the end. They were replacing old organs with new ones that Mimi was growing. They chose the best organs that were left.

But Adam, Colin, and Samuel all knew that growing organs cost Mimi, and she would have to be feeding and resting for quite a while. Still, she was in very rough shape, but her straps had not yet gotten very damaged. Something good, at least.

Then, they started to set the bones. Samuel had developed a semi-biological implant, which they used to set the bones. The implant would disappear from Mimi's body over time. But at the moment, it was like a cradle in which bone chips were placed. And it protected the bone chips from rubbing together all the time.

It has a kind of clay that is set once you cure it and they molded it in place very carefully so it would offer support but not hinder Mimi's movement too much in the long run. Bone chips kind of stuck to it and they were touching each other but did not move at all, and in time, Mimi's immune system and other cells would dispose of that biological clay and use it somewhere else, it could be that some of it would end up in Mimi molecular stockpile even. 

The bones were coated with gelled Damon's blood. Mimi was kept asleep and watched as the bones began to mend. Thankfully, Damon's blood worked perfectly well yet and helped heal a lot of those bones. Mimi was kept in the incubator as she did not keep the heat at all.

They had found metal samples. Because they had found that implant gun and gotten there some of the drugs and those metals too. And Dresden came in a couple of days later to use the samples to suck more metals out. And he got a lot done.

Dresden was finally exhausted but pissed off because Damien had run away... The potions were ineffective. Why, Dresden didn't know? He apologized to Adam and Samuel, and they couldn't help it; Damien was gone. Again, where had he gone? He had left his phone and wallet on the table.

Bran was upset because his fancy cruise plans had gone awry. But more so as Jarod had gotten the word out about how he treated Mimi and Bran was upset because once again his little scheme had blown out and Damien had not told him everything that he had planned to do to Mimi. And now when Mimi would get better, she would know this too and what then would come out of that cruise. He had some plans for Mimi on that cruise, 

An integral part of that was that Damon would come along. Now, the cruise had to be postponed. But Bran knew he had time. He would teach Damon to be an alpha male, and Mimi would be his little spy. He would have to be very sly to get Mimi on board, after this fiasco. Sometimes he wondered too, why he hated or was scared of Mimi so much that he constantly did these things to her. But he could not help himself. He was what he was. 

Mimi woke up a month later. They kept Mimi asleep for four weeks. Mimi's bones had ossified. She had been feeding and most of her imperfections had been mended, meaning she would be in quite good shape, skinny but with no vitamin deficient or lacking major minerals and such. And she was weak. But intact.

Now, it would be time for Magnum to rehabilitate Mimi again. Mimi was thin, only 38 kilos, but Magnum would help her get better and Adam, Samuel, and Colin were still in the house and would take care of feeding her. A few weeks and she would be good to go. 

I woke up in my bedroom, and I was happy. Happy that I wasn't gelled. I could talk. I knew how to talk and I was in one piece. Where Damon was, I didn't know, and frankly, I didn't care. That was his business. If he can't get Damien down or be a dick and go fuck others. That's his business. We don't have to be together then. The cruise would be in two weeks. I see there's more than one cruise going out.

I took a shower and went to dinner. Magnum was there, and he had little over a week to get me in shape, but he knew his business and after a week, I was 44 kilos, able to walk, eat, and do everything that he asked at that time. Magnum was merciless as ever and since we had so a tight schedule, this was even more demanding than normal. No rest for the wicked, or so they say.

He had not gotten yet to address my rage, but it would have to wait now. After Magnum left, well, he dumped some work on my lap before he left. He told me to keep my rage under control and after the cruise, we might do something about it then. I told him that if this cruise is cursed too, I might not be available at first to be mentored by him.

And then I went to a flea business. We had developed an assassination technique. Wood sticks. It was stuck into the victim and had a small but powerful poison at the tip. The poisons were developed specifically for humans and were degradable and would never be found in an autopsy. And whenever we did this to a victim, we would examine the victim very carefully.

We would go through the victim's medical records and see if they had any diagnoses. Because if there was a diagnosis, it always gave us a good method to kill the victim. Our poisons were able to mimic most of the different medical problems. But then there were these sudden cardiac arrests. It was never anybody could find any cause.

Bran had given me the details of our cruise over the food. And I saw two birds with one stone. Magnum had given me the list of victims, and I had a few days to find poison for each victim. This was one of my jobs. No one else did this other than me. This is my responsibility to come up with poison for each victim. So I had time.

We had a big kill list of just these poisoning victims. And they just sort of happened to be on this cruise. There were 50 victims on that cruise. I had the details of all the victims and their problems, so I could very quickly get the sticks organized to go with me. I had listed over 180 victims, so there would be plenty to do after the cruise, too. 

Now there was just the minor problem that I would have to get my own peace of mind and do this job without the herd, but I had five weeks. Who in the pack wouldn't know anything about this? Because this was a flea thing. And this was not a pack job. And I didn't want to fight with Bran or Adam about this.

I knew Adam would probably understand. Adam might be on board. But Bran. That was always a question mark in this business. I wonder if he'd be in the mood if these were the kind of victims that Bran said you could kill. Bran was not part of the deal and I knew he had gotten Damien out even though we had had wonderful heat and all because of that heat.

Jarod had spoken about that, and he had been truly upset with it. Rare for him. I had my cool around Bran, not letting him see any way that I was upset with him, because it might just make things worse. I was a pretender, so I could pretend that everything was just fine and there was nothing wrong with anything. But these victims, they were my job. And something on this cruise was iffy. I have no idea what, but something. 

So I started organizing. And I let the fleas know who all I could probably kill. But I'll have to post the confirmed kills after the cruise. I couldn't make any promises. Because you never know with any cruise or wherever you might go. It would be easy. Find the victim, poke the little stick so that the little tip of the stick stays inside the victim, twist and break the stick, and pull out. I had color-coded these sticks so I would know what stick would go to whom. And I had time so few sticks at a time and everything would be done by that cruise was finished.

The stick was partially dipped in the vampire's blood, so the wound healed. And the stick was biodegradable in fifteen minutes or less. That would be easy. And quick. And I knew that every single one of these victims deserved to die. Some of these were the same ones that had tortured me—quite a few. If I were Damon, I'd take the victim to the shed and slowly torture him to death, enjoying myself. But I was a flea, and I did things quickly and efficiently.

Damon loved to torture. That had become clear. More than once. I knew that I could, of course, refer a victim to Damon's care someday. But what if he wasn't in the mood and made a deal with the victim and let them go or something? I can't trust that. Yeah, I have to do this myself.

That's when I make it work and succeed. It's always me. I'd love to be a pair of assassins. But when my husband is not trustworthy in this matter. Damien is the biggest trouble. He is such a buddy with Sark, so what it is to say that he is with someone else too?

And I don't know why Damon had other sides too, like that manic hanger, and there are just so many fucking different sides to him. Doctor Damon, I haven't seen him for a while. Damon is a complicated creature. He's so old. He has his instincts and his ways, and he hasn't told me nearly everything. There are probably a lot of reasons for his behavior in his past and he is not the best sharer, so aren't I either.

Our lives are what they are. I've already accepted it. I enjoy those wonderful times, those good, perfect times. And in their strength, I try to endure these not-so-good times. I knew that one day I would blow at Bran, I would scream at him, maybe throw a long and hard tantrum over every time he has ruined my life.

But not now, his little scheme let me on this cruise, and if we had gotten on that earlier one, no victims no justice but as I have learned everything happens for a reason so this must be the reason I again was Damien's play toy and torture victim. But I am a very unkillable, very resilient, and strong creature so I can take the hit and not get any much worse by it.

What about if I have a few more nightmares, those are my life, nothing more, nothing less and I have used to it that I have nightmares, they aren't nice to have but I have my way of finding security, and what that Damon's lesson taught me; I am good at finding security, and Charles is one of them now, so I will be just fine. 

I have once again my little mission on this cruise too, not fightclub but a few assassinations. As I had looked up on the internet, there are not as many pack cruises. This cruise is for alphas and their spouses, so this is probably mostly a political cruise.

Why Bran insists that I will be part of it, I have no idea, but there will be a lot of alphas and their spouses and it might be that Bran is trying once again to pimp Adam, and Damon to the other women, alphas girls or even alphas spouses too.

Bran is trying to mend his reputation and for me, being in there could be part of it, but I am not going to be his lap cat and be with him, so he can show everyone how good he is treating me. I am not sure of anything right now. The only ones that I am sure about, are my victims. My kills. It is good to be on the prowl once in a while, to be the predator, not the prey. My inner killer was waking up, few of my poisons well, death was not so painless but it was sure.