Chapter XI: I Will Stay Only for You!

Why did the secretary of the cardinal come to visit me? Does he enjoy seeing me suffer so much? Why is he behaving like this towards me?

"Antonio... I'm sorry that you had to do such things," the secretary said.

"Me? How dare you say something like that?"

"Antonio... you know what? Maybe it's better this way... Look, I can go, even jump. Aren't you happy?"

"Wait, what? Are you saying you didn't have a broken leg?"

"No, not at all. It's just that I have to play a little theater until the Pope sends you to Wallachia... You know, I don't think you should be in the area for too long, so you won't take my place in the future."

"It's not about the position... You're a scoundrel. How can you do this? Why me? Why those victims?"

"Hm, it seems you found out... Oh well... You're 24 years old, right? I think you could be useful to me, what do you say?"

"No! I won't do anything immoral to get out of prison. Besides, you don't have any power until the cardinal arrives, do you?"

"Do you believe that? Oh, speaking of your Cesare... He cried so much when I started to—"

"I don't believe that! I don't believe anything you say! You can't say something like that about Cesare!"

"You know... He cares so much about you that he did it. Even though he's 25 years old, it was still so satisfying the way he behaved... Don't worry, during the act, he started calling your name..."

"No, I don't believe it... I can't... I..."

I fainted from fear and the pain of knowing that everyone I care about becomes a victim of abuse. Why does he resemble Benjamin so much? Why is the same scenario repeating?

-Three months ago -

"Benjamin, are you home?"

Three months ago, Benjamin and I were colleagues. Well, to be more precise, I was his subordinate at the parish office.

Just this winter, I had a small argument with our bishop. It wasn't significant enough to be something important, but I think I was going to be punished. At least with a transfer to another parish. The reason? I pointed out that he was stealing money from the collections for the poor parishes. Well...

When I entered the house we shared, I waited to see or hear something. Nothing. Silence. Until...

"What are you doing?" Benjamin's voice came from his room.

"Hm, I guess you should have thought about that before agreeing, don't you think?"

Wait, what? Our bishop? What is he doing here? What is he doing to Benjamin?

"Well, you look so sexy today, Benjamin..." the bishop continued. "Your chest... Do you like it when I touch you here? Don't you?"

"Ugh... S-Stop..."

"Oh, Benjamin..."

"Stop it!"

"B-Benjamin? Don't you want Antonio to stay by your side? You know I can send him to another country, right? Africa... Nigeria, or other distant countries..."

I was stunned to hear these things, but I had never felt more paralyzed than in that moment.

"Ha... It feels so good inside you, Benjamin..."

"Ah... Ha... Ah..."

"You're so sexy, Benjamin... Don't you want to be my secretary? You would receive this kind of treatment every day, what do you say? Anyway, Antonio would never do this, don't you think?"

"Your Excellency..."

"Call me Marcus, not Your Excellency, alright?"

"T-Too fast... Ugh... Sl-Slow down, please!"

"I'm close... Ha... Ha... Huff... Huff..."

I can't believe Benjamin sold his body for me to stay here, with him... Well, I can't trust someone who would do such things anymore. Although the bishop was only 10 years older than me, still... I never dared to confess my feelings to Benjamin, and now when I should have...

"Your Excellency, I'm glad you came to visit us... Oh, Benjamin... I wanted to tell you that—"

"A-Antonio, it's not what it seems!" Benjamin tried to defend himself.

"Well, there's a possibility that you might be right, but I can't agree with that... If you want, you can become His Excellency's secretary. Anyway, I came to tell you that I will request a transfer to another parish."

"Wait, what? Antonio, no... Antonio, forgive me, I didn't mean to..." Benjamin said through tears.

"Antonio, be reasonable... Although you're quite gifted, it's useless if you don't know or don't want to do anything with it, don't you think?" the bishop said, visibly excited.

"Well, I just need a signature. I'm planning to leave this place tomorrow afternoon. So, right after I bid farewell to the faithful, I'll be leaving."

"Antonio, think of me... I love you, Antonio," Benjamin said, crying.

"That's not alright. You're telling me this while the bishop's penis is still inside you? How pathetic..."

The next day, I left that parish, so everything Benjamin did was in vain. I arrived alone in a fairly large parish, without Benjamin... I eventually forgave him and we went back to our previous relationship, but... nothing is the same anymore.

I was so dependent on him, and yet I suffered. Now I trust Cesare and I suffer again... I made a vow not to fall in love with anyone. I want to be alone because alone I cannot be deceived, right?

When I woke up, I was outside. Everything was so noisy that I thought I would go deaf. Everyone was shouting my name with disdain, even the people I had helped.

"He made a pact with the devil! Burn him at the stake!"

Wait, what? I didn't do it... Why am I tied up? Oh, God... I'm about to be burned alive...

"We condemn him to death by burning at the stake for causing Bishop Secretary Marcelinus to be possessed, thus becoming a servant of the devil. The execution will take place immediately!"

Wait, what? The bishop is possessed? I can't believe it... But I do believe the execution will hurt, right? The Pope was there, looking furious at me, and next to him was Cesare, crying while looking at me.

"One last wish?" one of the soldiers asked me.

"Yes... My last wish is for the bishop to come here."

The bishop was brought, and as soon as he approached me, he started screaming and yelling so much that he lost his voice. Of course, I knew the message I received, the one about miracles, so it was worth a try.

"Demon, tell us how you entered this man?"

"You brought me, Antonio! It's your fault!"

"Unbind me, and you will see the truth..."

Although people objected, the Pope commanded that I be untied. Cesare was amazed by everything that was happening and continued to cry.

"In the name of the Lord, I command you to speak... Who brought you into this man?"

"No one, no one... Only you!"

"Hm, so you're playing dirty? Well, let's see if you can do that now..."

Well, I can say that I took some courses in spiritualism and demonology, so I knew what to do in such cases. Holy water, crosses, and other items are useful, but not too much. Demons fear human-consecrated blood the most...

"Hm, so you say I made a pact with you, right? I believe I signed with blood, didn't I?"

"Yes... You signed with your blood..."

"So... You shouldn't be afraid, right? Oops, it seems I cut myself by mistake..."

It wasn't a mistake, but intentional... I made a minor cut on my hand with the help of a soldier's sword, and I started approaching. The demon began to fear, just as I expected, and it started defending itself through the bishop. I made a cross with my blood on the bishop's forehead, and he began to scream again.

"Who brought you here? Answer!"

"The bishop himself! He wanted me to enter you, but I couldn't. I entered him in a moment of weakness, especially because of his abuse towards students and other young boys. Please let me go!"

"Alright... In the name of the Lord, leave this body!"

That demon left the body, but I was becoming weaker and weaker. People recognized my innocence, and I was acquitted of all the charges against me. I lost my balance, and if it weren't for Cesare, I would have fallen to the ground. Well, I fell into his arms.

"Cesare, why did you do that? You promised not to do anything immoral for my sake..."

"What did I do, Antonio?" Cesare asked, surprised.

"You slept with the bishop..."

"No, I didn't! I was with the Pope all day, discussing you until I heard that you made a pact with the devil and would be condemned."

What a relief. I'm so glad Cesare didn't do anything strange for me. Then something came to my mind... Benjamin was so in love with me that he offered everything he had to help me, and I was a scoundrel and hurt his feelings. I hope I can someday apologize to him for that.

The Pope came and apologized for the trouble caused, inviting me to tell him everything about the secretary. Well, I told him everything and the secretary was dismissed and excommunicated.

"Antonio... I'm sorry I couldn't protect you. I only hope you can forgive me for my cowardice and lack of trust in you," Cesare said, ashamed.

"It's my fault... I shouldn't have gotten close to such important people, but if I can't change the past, at least I can change the future, don't you think?"

"Yes... You're right."

"Even if I choose to stay, I won't do it for rewards or important positions, but only for you..."

"Cesare, I think it would be better for you to go to your apartment, don't you think? And Antonio, if something happens that you don't like, let me know, alright?" the Pope said, knowing what was about to happen.

As we were advised, we went to the apartment. I felt extremely tired, so I walked while leaning on Cesare. As for the secretary, he confessed all his crimes and was sentenced to 10 years of service to the Church and dismissed from his position as bishop, being sent to a poor monastery outside Rome.

Once we arrived at the apartment, Cesare helped me settle into bed, and I tried to regain my strength. In the end, I fell into a deep sleep.