Chapter XXXV: The King's Birthday  

After returning home from the royal palace, I had dinner with Cesare and Marcus. I was extremely preoccupied, which unsettled the two of them.

"Antonio, are you alright?" Cesare asked me.

"What? Oh, yes... I'm fine, I suppose..."

"What do you mean 'suppose'? Are you okay or not?"

"I'm okay... I'm just tired... I'm going to rest now. Goodnight."

What is it that's troubling my mind so much? There are moments when even I can't understand myself, but to have it happen so suddenly? Oh, wait... Tomorrow is Gabriel's birthday... What can I say, I need to get him a gift or something, right?

Actually, I have an idea... I went downstairs. Cesare and Marcus were still eating and discussing Sunday's schedule, when Pentecost Sunday would be. Interesting, but I have an even more important topic.

"Cesare, can you help me with something?"

"Go ahead... How can I assist you?"

"You know, only the Pope can bestow the title of 'Roman Patrician,' right?"

"You're right, why do you ask?"

"Could he grant this noble title to King Gabriel tomorrow? You know, it doesn't require a special ceremony, just a document..."

"Hmm, interesting... Actually, I can issue such a document myself with my father's signature... It's not like anyone would notice. However, when we arrive at the Vatican, my father will send him the insignia of the rank... So, what do you say?"

"Seriously? Would you do that for me?"

"I would do anything for you, but why are you doing this for him?"

"I thought it would strengthen the relationship between the state and the Church, don't you think?"

"Yes, you're right... Anyway, the document will be ready tomorrow morning, right?"

Well, the title of 'Roman Patrician' was instituted by Constantine the Great, the Roman emperor, and it designated the second most important person in the Roman Empire after the emperor, so it's a special gift for Gabriel's birthday. I hope he likes his new rank...

The next morning, I woke up and went down for breakfast. Marcus and Cesare were already there, discussing various topics while waiting for me. I ate something and received the Latin document from Cesare, certifying that Gabriel was a Roman Patrician. How wonderful it is to be able to give a special gift to an important person... Who knows, maybe the relationship between the Church and the state will improve... Not to mention the unique alliance that God entrusted me to establish.

I set off for the royal palace. King Gabriel sat on his imperial throne, dressed like a true king. The crimson-colored mantle and the golden crown weighing several kilograms made him appear majestic and pleasing to the eyes of those around him. However, one thing was missing, from what I had heard from those close to the king: a queen to stand by his side.

After introducing myself to the king and being received by him, I congratulated him on his birthday and went to see what other guests had arrived. Of course, with my mantle and other insignia, I looked quite noble... To be honest, as the Duke of Targoviste, I was second only to the king, so I needed to be invited to his birthday. What impressed me particularly was the decoration in the throne room and all the other gifts brought by the nobles. But I...

That doesn't matter. I have the most precious gift of all... The document that declares the King of Wallachia as a Roman Patrician, giving him a certain importance in the eyes of the neighboring kings.

"Antonio, welcome... I hope you haven't forgotten what we talked about yesterday, right?" King Gabriel said at one point.

"I-I haven't forgotten... Anyway, I have a gift that I would like to present to you at the beginning of the celebration..."

"Really? I thought you wanted to give it at the end... But-"

"It's not about that... It's a different kind of gift that I want to give you..."

"Alright... Oh, I have prepared a special place for you. Come!"

I followed Gabriel somewhat embarrassed as he ascended his golden throne adorned with precious stones. Next to him was a throne, slightly smaller than his but equally magnificent, resembling that of his mother.

"Antonio, take a seat..."

"Your Majesty, I cannot sit here... It's too important of a place for me, don't you think?"

"For you, maybe... However, the Duke of Targoviste and the greatest warrior of the kingdom should be beside the king, don't you think?"

"I suppose you're right, but it still sounds quite-"

"Excuse me, I need to greet the guests... We'll talk later..."

Honestly, the king is quite energetic. Of course, at the age of just turned 24, I would have been equally energetic if I were king. But I'm a priest and I'm 26 years old, so I can't be as energetic as him. However, it seems that I have a conversation partner...

"Father, do you like my son?" the queen mother asked me.

"Well, I can only say that he is quite charismatic for a king..."

"He gets that from his father... Anyway, before the event on Thursday when he met you, he seemed quite lonely and sad, but now..."

"I believe that this charisma of his is especially inherited from his mother... I'm glad you think that Gabriel has changed because of me, but I think you have too good an opinion of me..."

"Honestly, Father... I don't understand how you can be so humble even now when you've become a duke and are on the verge of becoming a cardinal..."

"Honestly, everything we receive is for the benefit of the Church and our people, don't you think? Actually, I heard that tonight there will be a ball to see who will be the future queen... Is that true?"

"Yes... I still remember how my husband and I met. It was on his birthday, and we were in the same hall... How wonderful that night was. Not to mention our wedding day and others..."

"I'm sorry that you became a widow so early, but I believe the former king is in a better place..."

"That's what I want to believe too... Anyway, I think Gabriel needs a special advisor... Could you be-"

"No... I have received enough so far. Besides, I will be leaving for the Vatican next week and will return in September, so..."

"Anyway, what matters is that you will have the opportunity to be close to the Pope, right?"

"Yes... That's all that matters."

After our conversation, I started to get bored just standing around and went to converse with the people around me. All the attendees congratulated me on receiving the title of Duke, and we had various topics to discuss. Some of those present had attended my birthday two days ago, so it wasn't like it was the first time we were meeting.

Outside, it had started to get dark, which meant that the beginning of the ball was near. Around 7:00 PM, the ball began with a welcoming speech from the king.

"Thank you to all those who have kindly responded to the invitation to be with me on this important day when I turn 24 years old. I also thank the royal families from neighboring kingdoms who have come to strengthen the bonds of friendship and assistance between our kingdoms."

After the opening speech, the guests applauded, and the king sat back on his throne. One of the kingdom's heralds began reading the list of attendees, who came forward and greeted the king. Then came the moment to present my gift to the king... I'm referring to the title of Roman Patrician...

"We, Alexander VI, by the grace of God, Bishop of Rome, Vicar of Jesus Christ, Successor of Saint Peter, Prince of the Apostles, Supreme Pontiff of the Universal Church, Primate of Italy, Archbishop and Metropolitan of the Roman Province, and Servant of the Servants of God, by the power vested in us, raise our brother, King Gabriel of Wallachia, to the rank of Roman Patrician. The insignia of the rank will be sent to Wallachia through our esteemed friend Antonio, that is, me," I concluded, "in September when the official appointment will take place. Given at the Vatican, on May 27, 1493, in the first year of our pontificate.

Signed, Alexander, Pope."

Cesare chose the date of May 27 to avoid any suspicion of forgery. If he had chosen May 30, some might have questioned the authenticity of the document, so... Well done, Cesare.

Upon hearing that our king had been elevated to the historic rank of Roman Patrician, people started applauding and congratulating our king.

The ball began. Different princesses and noblewomen from noble families approached the king, asking him to dance with them. Of course, Gabriel did not refuse any of them and danced with all. At one point, the king's daughter from Poland came and invited me to dance, which made me feel embarrassed. However, I couldn't refuse, so we danced together a "balli," a famous and quite sensual dance at that time, a dance that a priest shouldn't be dancing, with intricate movements that I knew, accompanied by the sound of musical instruments.

If the king dances with all the girls in the hall, why couldn't I? That's what I thought, but I believe the king didn't agree with that. Perhaps because I "stole" the daughter of the King of Poland? Maybe because instead of sitting with the queen mother and saying the rosary or other prayers, I was dancing with a girl? It's ridiculous, what can I say...

However, his jealous look made me happy. Why? If the king is jealous of me, it means he has feelings, which is quite advantageous for the alliance plan, isn't it? Plus, I might be able to kill two birds with one stone... Interesting, isn't it?

After the dance, I thanked the princess with a bow and returned. Other girls wanted to dance with me, but it seemed that due to the king's gaze, I no longer felt like it. However, the king was behaving extremely oddly...

He had just started dancing with the daughter of the King of Serbia when he began to kiss her. I can't believe he did that! I can't believe he kissed her in front of me! I no longer understand anything about what this man is doing. I try to be sociable and dance with someone, and he looks at me as if he wants to kill me, while he starts kissing the princess of Serbia... Interesting... And I thought it would be easy for me. Damn, Gabriel and his party.

I started getting irritated, which the queen mother noticed. I don't care about anything happening tonight, and I really don't want to have any more involvement with him. Anyway, for that, I will revoke his title of Roman Patrician and leave for the Vatican without caring about anything he or anyone else does. Yes, I need to leave...

"Antonio, what are you doing?" Gabriel asks me.

"I'm going home... I don't care if you think I'm a coward for not honoring the bet, but I can't stay in the same building as you anymore. Tomorrow, I will leave for the Vatican, and I don't want to ever come back to Wallachia. Plus, don't forget that this title can always be revoked, right?"

"Antonio, are you jealous?"

"No, I'm not... I'm just busy. You know, a judge is busier than a baby king who still needs his mother's regency..."

"What did you say?!"

It seems I went a bit too far with all of this, but I have no choice. I can't let him do as he pleases and humiliate me. It's time for me to leave without looking back. Anyway, if he doesn't want to ally, fine... I'll make sure that Wallachia is conquered by another country, a member of the alliance, and he is killed.

"Your Majesty, the final dance is coming up. Whom do you choose as your partner?"

"Hm, I was thinking of Duke Antonio, what do you say?"

"What? Me? To be the king's partner in the most important dance of his birthday ball? No way... Although-"