Chapter 347

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As if her body was propelled by a spring, Valeria swiftly rose to her feet. Without pausing to collect herself or assess the situation, she immediately scanned her surroundings to find her staff.

However, upon realizing that her staff was nowhere to be seen, she instantly conjured offensive magic spells in both hands and assumed a defensive stance. All of this happened in less than 2 seconds.

Hoo, hoo, hoo...!

Valeria breathed heavily as if she had just sprinted at full speed. How much time has passed? Where am I? Am I trapped?

She couldn't believe that she had lost consciousness. It was the first time since her days with the Gray Owl Mercenaries.

"Oh, you're awake! Lord! My Lord! Ar, no. The guest has woken up…. Huh, my friend! Are you aiming these magic spells at me? Hey, put it down. You shouldn't point that at someone who saved your life. Geez."

Valeria glared at Jet with red eyes. While most humans might react that way, she had developed an aversion to losing consciousness ever since the Gray Owl Mercenaries were annihilated.

"You damn, Zipfel bastard!"

"Hey, hey. I'm not a Zipfel; I'm Tikan's adorable Jet. Calm down a bit."

"I'll... I'll kill you all. Every single one...!"


A beam of mana shot from Valeria's hand. Fortunately, Jet dodged the beam quickly and managed to escape outside the room.

"Why, why are you acting like this? I'll bring you some cold water!"

Even after Jet left, Valeria continued to feel unstable due to the throbbing headache and the confusion in her mind, making it difficult for her to find strength in her body.

"Whining like a trapped beast the moment you wake up. There is no Zipfel or anyone here who would harm you. It would be better if you expressed your gratitude to those who helped you."

It was Jin. He had gone to get a towel for her forehead.

"Jin. Jin Runcandel...?"

Jin met Valeria's gaze as he placed the towel on her forehead.

"Calm down. Drink this."

Valeria stared at the glass of water Jin offered for a moment before gently touching her forehead.

"I must have caused a ruckus. I'm sorry."

"As long as no one is hurt, I can overlook it."

"How long was I unconscious?"

"Two days. It's quite common in situations like this."

As Valeria took a sip of water, another person entered the room.

"How are you feeling?"

"...Your Majesty, Holy King?"

"You're not a citizen of the Holy Kingdom, so there's no need to address me with such formality. Just treat me like Jin's friend. I heard that you are also his comrade."

It was Lani.

After Valeria collapsed, Jin immediately contacted Lani for help.

In the entire world, there was only one person who could summon the Holy King of the Holy Kingdom, especially in such circumstances, and that was Jin.

"I'm... fine."

"Thank goodness. Since the two of you have something to discuss, I'll excuse myself. I'm planning to return to my homeland today. If you need further treatment, feel free to request it anytime."

Once Lani left the room, only Jin and Valeria remained. Valeria now seemed calmer, her eyes more composed as she sorted her thoughts.

"I had no choice but to call Lani because the mana backlash was severe. Don't worry; I didn't reveal your identity to her."

As if molten metal had been poured into her chest, Valeria felt her heart warming up.

It was an emotion she hadn't felt in a long time—the genuine feeling of being sorry and grateful to someone. Since the Gray Owl Mercenaries were annihilated, she had never formed any true human connections.

Because of that, along with fear, a sense of vulnerability also came rushing in, like being submerged in water.

She had always believed that getting close to others would only expose her weaknesses.

"If I had any intentions of harming you, I could have done it a thousand times before you fell."

Valeria silently nodded her head.

There was nothing significant in the records of Jin that she had checked before she lost consciousness. She felt sorry for wasting his time.

"If you think it's a waste, then it's a waste. But it may still be meaningful in building trust. I prefer to see it that way."

Valeria gazed at Jin without responding, contemplating the "last record" she had recalled before losing consciousness.

Valeria brushed her red hair flowing over her shoulder and recalled Luet's red hair from Jin's records. Every person born as Hister had this distinctive red hair.

'The ancient fairy race has a connection with the Hister clan...?'

Since realizing her identity as Hister, Valeria had always struggled to reclaim her ancestors' magic and identity.

But she had never once considered the possibility of any connection between the ancient fairies and the Hister clan.

'The ones who remained faithful... What does that mean?'

She never expected to discover such a truth through Jin's records.

And the shocking revelation wasn't the end of it.

Hister's record magic never lied. What the records conveyed was an absolute truth that nothing could tamper with.

'He died and came back to life.'

Confused, she found it not so difficult to draw that conclusion.

Resurrection, a phrase found in countless legends and myths across the world.

It was not an event limited to stories alone.

'Did Runcandel have one of Numerus's tears?'

Numerus, the god of hope.

He was a god known to have perished in some event before the founding of the Holy Kingdom, Vankela, leaving behind eight drops of tears and a hundred drops of blood as his legacy.

The blood was an incomparable healing agent that could be used to cure any injury, while the tears were the only items capable of resurrecting the dead.

Of the eight tears, four were known to have records of their use, but the whereabouts of the other four remained unknown. Valeria believed one of them had been used for Jin.

'But why? Isn't it a waste to use such a valuable item for the 12th flagbearer of Runcandel.'

If she were Runcandel, she would have used it on someone like Chiron or Luna if they were to face death.

"What are you thinking, Arya Aulhart?"

Arya tilted her head.

"My head is just a bit stiff since I've just woken up."

"Then let's talk after having a meal. If it's uncomfortable to eat together, I'll bring it to your room."

"I'd appreciate that."

After Jin left the room, it didn't take long for Gilly to bring Valeria her meal.

'Is this woman Gilly McRolan, Jin's nanny?'

Gilly offered a gentle smile to Valeria without saying much.

The meal consisted of a soup filled with minced meat and fresh milk. There was also a piece of strawberry pie for dessert (at this point, Valeria smiled without realizing).

While eating, Valeria pondered what kind of deep conversation she should have with Jin.

'Now I understand. He learned about the connection between the ancient fairies and Hister through Solderet's recording devices. It's separate from Runcandel, a personal piece of information he obtained. That's why he needs me. Since Solderet's recording devices are malfunctioning.'

The purpose of Runcandel or Zipfel seeking her was entirely different. They might use her as a bargaining chip or intend to kill her, but Jin was, quite literally, "needed" her help.

'The pieces of the puzzle are falling into place. Maybe seeing Jin in my dreams repeatedly was some kind of magic left behind by the ancient fairies or my ancestors. Since my record magic is not yet complete, it only indirectly revealed itself.'

The meeting with Jin might be destiny, she thought. It felt like an old connection, like the legacy left by the ancient fairies and her ancestors.

The biggest reason she felt this meeting might be her ancestors' legacy was the "future record" left by the Hister clan in the succession temple of Mamit.

A future record stating that "one who asked about the whereabouts of Hister" to a tavern waiter at Mamit in 1795 would return to Mamit around March 1799.

Valeria was shocked when she confirmed that it was "Jin" from her long-cherished dream.

'I need to hear everything about the ancient fairies from Jin Runcandel. I shouldn't be overly guarded against him anymore.'

After finishing the meal, Valeria sought out Jin.

"Has your head cooled down a bit?"

"Thanks to you."

"And you didn't forget our promise, right? You need to cooperate more actively with me from now on."

"Of course. Just as you use me, I also felt like I should use you more."


"Can I ask a few questions? Jin."

"Sure, go ahead."

"While checking your records, I found out that the ancient fairies have a deep connection with the Hister clan. I've just glimpsed the records, but you probably know more about it."

Jin's eyes widened for a moment, but he managed to hide the surprise quickly.

"Tell me about it. What's the relationship between the ancient fairies and my clan? If it helps me to fulfill my mission, I'll genuinely work for you as well."

"Um, Arya. Hold on a second. There seems to be some misunderstanding. I've never heard of such a thing."

"What are you talking about? Records never lie. From what I saw, it's evident..."

"If you want, you can check my records again. But I genuinely have never heard such a story."

Valeria decided not to doubt Jin.

The information about the ancient fairies and their connection to Hister was something Jin, the human, learned through the records of Solderet. Therefore, it was possible that Jin didn't know about it either.

"However, I do know that the ancient fairies had abilities similar to your record magic. So, I had also considered the possibility of some connection between you and them."

"Abilities similar to record magic...?"

Jin explained to Valeria about the abilities of the fairies for a while.

Although he couldn't remember what the real Luet had explained to him, he clearly remember the information he had seen in the records of the third tomb.

"...Can you tell me where and how you saw the records containing the ancient fairies? It's a matter of great importance to me."

"I saw them in the hiding place of the Felinoids tribe. Before you rush there, I must tell you that I currently don't know their whereabouts either."

"I will find them."

Valeria said with determination.