Chapter 348

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"With the help of the Record Magic?"

"Yes. While I can't guarantee that I'll find them faster than you, I can certainly do it more discreetly."

"I am glad to hear that."

Currently, Jin couldn't afford to allocate manpower properly to find the Felinoids tribe.

There were just too many eyes on him now.

Not only his clan but also other forces, including the Zipfel, were keeping a close watch on Jin after his cosmetic business began and he fought against the Spectre corps.

People's interest in Jin had skyrocketed.

Of course, it was already the case, but recently, various forces ruling the world were sensing an unusual flow between Runcandel and Zipfel.

And at the center of that was Jin, not Chiron or Kelliark.

This was why investing too much manpower in the search for the Felinoids tribe would likely trigger Zipfel's detection network.

Above all, Jin is indebted to the Felinoids tribe.

"I told you to cooperate more actively, but seeing you act right away, it seems you've realized you need me now."

Valeria looked up at Jin.

"Just like you said, it's because we've built some trust."

She was now feeling intense curiosity about the human named Jin.

Perhaps it was because of the legacy left by her ancestors, or because he had memories from when he was one year old and had died once.

'What on earth? Does he know that he died once?'

But looking at Jin's actions so far, they were too radical.

'Jin Runcandel has been moving as if he doesn't care about his life since he was a reserve flagbearer. Only with the actions known to the outside world, he could have died dozens of times, and it wouldn't be strange.'

Is someone helping him, or is he just strong?

She hoped it's the former. Now that they had a cooperative relationship, it would be troublesome if Jin were to die early.

'If Jin Runcandel dies, I have a hunch that I will never be able to reclaim Hister's history…'

It was a strange feeling.

"Arya Aulhart."


"Now that things have been roughly sorted out, I want to talk about the recording device again," Jin said as he placed the shadow force marble on the table.

"You were certain that this wasn't a device of Solderet. Even though you mentioned it was made of shadow force. I'd like to know the basis for that judgment."

"Where did you get this shadow force marble from?"

"I obtained it during the raid on the secret villa of the 2nd flagbearer, Joshua Runcandel."

Jin explained the events of that day to Valeria. How they had attempted to rescue the guardian dragon of his comrade but encountered an unexpected demon and ended up killing him to obtain the shadow force marble.

"Rontelgius, one of the Four Grand Dukes of the Demon World. That roughly fits the description."

"You seem to know everything. Even among my comrades, only dragons knew about it."

Valeria had checked that name from Hister's succession temple.

"I said that the device wasn't Solderet's because of its unique and malicious magic. And you might or might not be aware, but there are individuals who can use shadow force even though they are unrelated to Solderet."

-[The witch, that was her doing]

Jin recalled the words of Sarah Runcandel, the guardian of the second tomb.

Jin couldn't continue the conversation with Sarah at that time, but he clearly mentioned that Helluram could also use shadow force.

"Are you referring to the witch Helluram?"

"You seem to know everything too. Yes, the recording device is probably the witch's creation. There's no way it could contain such magic unless it's her work. Rontelgius was the closest aide to the Demon Beast King Orgal, and Orgal was Helluram's lover. So, the demon you killed was probably carrying that marble."

Witch Helluram. In Jin's past life, Valeria had personally met her.

'She said she met Helluram when she was twenty and again when she was about twenty-five.'

That's why Jin wasn't particularly surprised when Cuicantelle told everyone that Helluram was a "individual." He had already heard that from Valeria before his regression.

"We can't be certain if this device belongs to that demon or Joshua yet."

"If this recording device is something belonging to the Runcandel's 2nd flagbearer, then there's a high chance your eldest brother is connected to the witch Helluram."

The Prophet.

As Jin thought about her existence, he nodded.

'Maybe the Prophet is Helluram.'

It seemed that it wouldn't be too late to talk to Valeria about it once more solid information about the Prophet surfaced. For now, the fact that they had established a cooperative relationship was already a significant gain.

"What will you do with that recording device? It's unrelated to Solderet, but are you going to leave it with me?"

"Yes, and by any chance, do you know how to read the demon language?"

"Are you asking because you want me to check the papers and magic tome that you obtained from Rontelgius' demon during the fight?"

"That's right."

"Unfortunately, I have no knowledge of the demon language. I'm not all-knowing, you know."

Valeria picked up her robe hanging next to the bed. Then she noticed that there was still a leftover Latrie cookie in the robe and let out a chuckle.

"I'll be going now. I have to examine the recording devices you gave me and also search for the Felinoids tribe, so I won't have a moment to spare."

"Is there still no progress with the faulty recording devices I gave you?"

"It's a time-consuming task, so please understand. I want to finish it as quickly as possible and receive the remaining half of my ancestor's magic tome."

Unlike their first meeting, this time Jin was the one to extend his hand for a handshake. Valeria didn't hesitate and shook his hand firmly.

"Take care, Arya Aulhart."

"You too."


August 20, 1799.

Two months had passed since Jin returned to his clan.

The cosmetics business resumed advertisements soon after the small beastmen were rescued, and as a result, Jin, Runcandel, and Hidden palace earned a fortune.

Both the high-end product and the entry-level product were selling like wildfire, quickly dominating the cosmetics market in the world.

Of course, they could no longer place advertisements in the Lutero Magic Federation.

But word of mouth had a formidable power of its own.

The nobles of the Lutero Magic Federation were willing to pay several times or even dozens of times the price to purchase high-end cosmetics in the black market.

The fact that Runcandel was making such money meant that Zipfel's coffers were leaking.

The elders could no longer look down on Jin's cosmetics business, and Tellot felt a sense of satisfaction in his judgment.

The tremendous success of Golden Peng cosmetics was causing great dissatisfaction and wounded the pride of one individual.

"Ugh, this can't be happening! This can't be!"

Bubare Gaston.

He was currently losing one of his jobs and hobbies.

"What do those cosmetics have to do with anything? Do these ignorant fools not recognize the artistic soul of Bubare? My transformation skills are being overshadowed by cosmetics, I can't accept it...!"

The special product 'Jade' of Golden Peng continued to sell out day after day along with high-end and entry-level cosmetics.

Jade's main customers were assassins, top-tier actors, and spies.

Since it had an effect of instantly transforming into someone else with just a quick application, most of Bubare's clients who had requested for his transformation skills were rapidly leaving him.

"...Please, just shut up, Bubare Gaston."

For several days now, Bishkel had been forced to listen to Bubare's whining for over five hours each day.

It felt like his sanity was slipping away.

He could hardly count the number of times he reached his limits after encountering this repulsive human, but recently, it had become particularly difficult to endure.

'I can't wait to achieve the great cause and twist this bastard's neck. No, that's not enough. I want to skin him alive..."

Bishkel's eyes twitched at his violent imagination.

"That damn Jin Runcandel! Since meeting that bastard, nothing has been going right! What's so great about those disguising cosmetics like Jade? Sir Bishkel, get me one, I must see it with my own eyes."

"...I've told you countless times that they don't sell Jade disguising cosmetics to just anyone. Kinzelo and Zipfel aren't allowed to purchase at all."

"If you send lower-ranking members whose identities are not exposed, you can get it, right!?"

"You fool! Those lower-ranking members won't even be acknowledged by them. How many times do I have to explain, Bubare?"

"Ugh! It's no use, I can't take it anymore. Don't you know? I may not care about other things, but I can't tolerate anything that hurts my artistic soul!"

"What does your artistic soul have to do with their cosmetics selling well?"

"It does! I feel like it's taking away my own creations. Ah, I'm so frustrated my head might explode. Sir Bishkel, I think I need to eat something simple. Please get me a sweet potato croquette."

In an instant, Bishkel reached for his sword.

If he had regained his senses just a second later, he might have drawn his sword and sliced Bubare's neck.

In that case, from Bishkel's personal perspective, it would have been a very satisfying outcome.

'Calm down, for the sake of great cause,' Bishkel's hands were trembling.

Even in the midst of trying to regain his composure, Bubare continued his incessant rambling, even spitting as he passionately delivered his monologue, not sparing Bishkel's sleek blue coat.

"I will... get you the sweet potato croquette... so calm down..."

He felt like he might go bald from the stress.

'Argh! I want to scream, but if I do, Bubare might go into a frenzy, spewing foam and starting self-harm. I can't risk that.'

"Oraboni, Mr. Bubare."

Margiella entered the room in her wheelchair.


"Miss Margiella, listen to me!"

"Haha, I heard everything outside. Mr. Bubare was quite upset."

"Indeed, Miss Margiella, you truly understand my feelings!"

"Of course, Mr. Bubare is our friend after all!"

As Margiella entered, Bubare immediately softened his anger.

"Well then, would you, Miss Margiella, get me that cosmetic called Jade?"

"Mr. Bubare, I understand your strong desire to have it, but everything has its order, right? We have to take things step by step."

"But I can't bear it any longer. At this rate, I might really die."

"I know, I know. I can't just stand by and let a friend die. Let me meet Jin Runcandel and talk to him."

"Ugh, that wretched man? No, it won't do. He'll definitely vex Miss Margiella."

"But I have one debt to settle, so he won't do anything reckless. Um, Oraboni, how about we visit the Garden of Swords with mister Berakt?"