Chapter 419

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"Ugh, damn it. This won't do. Hit me, Dante."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"It means hit me until you feel better."

He seemed sincere. Jin and Dante looked at each other as Veradin held his jaw.

"My damn clan and the Imperial family are in cahoots, and screwing up Hairan. So hit me until you feel better."

"Say something that makes sense, Veradin. If Dante beat you with even the slightest sincerity, you won't just end up with a bruise. Can your pitiful body handle it?"

"Damn it, I know."

"Why is someone who knows talking nonsense?"

"Sorry, but I'm dying inside from frustration and going crazy, so I have to say something... I guess it's ultimately a way for me to feel better."

"The way you're saying it, it doesn't sound too bad to hit you."

"Veradin, it's not your fault."

Veradin let out a sigh in response to Jin and Dante's words.

"I expected you to say that. Dante, if there's anything I can do to help, just tell me...! I'll take responsibility for the clan and do anything."

Jin and Dante weren't entirely at ease either after seeing Veradin glancing around with a helpless expression.

If Veradin is guilty of anything, it's only that he was born into the Zipfel family and is being used by his father.

"No need to use words as strong as 'responsibility.' I called you not to hold you accountable but rather to request your help as a friend. The situation on Zipfel's side is probably far from ordinary, so just coming to us is something I should be thankful for."

"Ugh... Dante, you're like a completely different person!"

Veradin exaggeratedly reddened his eyes and hugged Dante, and Jin clicked his tongue after seeing this.

In any case, as Dante had said, Veradin's visit to the Sword Emperor Castle without his clan's knowledge was a risky move.

Zipfel continues to strongly insist that they are not responsible for the current situation. If Veradin's covert operation were to be exposed, that argument would lose its strength.

A faint smile appeared on Dante's lips as he rubbed his shocked shirt, whether it was wet by tears or fake tears.

It was the first time Jin had seen Dante smile since the incident. That's how dire the situation inside Hairan was.

Not only did the imperial family engage in dirty backroom dealings with terrorist forces, but traitors also emerged one after another from within.

Moreover, the main figures behind the betrayal were Dante's brothers and kins. They had always been treated as "non-existent" by Ron Hairan.

They had never originally dreamed of betrayal. Rather than needlessly provoking Dante and suffering a miserable death at the hands of Ron, they were placing some faint hope in the generation after Dante.

Ron had completely controlled Hairan for a long time, and Dante was currently smoothly inheriting that power.

In the midst of this, a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity had come their way. If it had been a situation involving only extensive damage due to terrorism, they wouldn't have even dreamt of betrayal, as usual. But the Imperial family had offered its support.

Up to this point, things were fine. Ron and his Hairan could easily clean up and rise against the traitors without anyone's help.

However, the problem arose from the fact that there were too many "victims other than Hairan" due to the terrorism. It wasn't just matters of compensation for the royalty and aristocrats, but also significant warlords that had to be addressed.

'Sir Ron was somewhat expecting the situation to unfold like this. So, he made me his priority as a precaution.'

Jin had somewhat anticipated this.

However, there was one more thing that Jin hadn't imagined at all.

'The reason the Imperial family is pushing Hairan so aggressively, even making deals with Kinzelo, is to obtain a certain 'item' that Hairan has protected for generations.'

To be precise, it should be expressed as the 'item protected by Hairan's patriarch,' not just by Hairan itself.

Originally, only the patriarch could know about the existence of the item.

However, from the moment Ron designated Dante as the next patriarch, he revealed the existence of that item to Dante, and he recently broke the taboo of a secret that should be handed down to the patriarchs of Hairan.

He also informed Jin about the item's existence.

-...A white stone, ominous gravel, a wedge pointing to the end, and more. The previous patriarchs called that stone by various names.

-The fact that there are so many names might suggest that nobody knows the true name of the stone.

-That's right. My grandfather defined the stone as the greatest enemy of the Hairan's patriarch when he first informed me about its existence.

-The greatest enemy of the Hairan's patriarch?

-The significance of the stone that passed only from patriarch to patriarch lies in cutting it. Only a patriarch who has truly cut the stone can carve his name in the highest places of Hairan's history.

-It doesn't seem like the Imperial family would be so eager just for an item like that.

-You're right.

-I roughly understand. The stone must be an incredibly dangerous item that should never be known to anyone in the world. So, the first patriarch of Hairan who acquired the item probably tried to destroy it, but he must have failed. So, he only left the orders to destroy the item without revealing its true nature to prevent future patriarchs from getting greedy.

-You figured all that out from my brief explanation? Impressive.

-All of Hairan's previous patriarchs, as well as Sir Ron himself, couldn't cut the stone, which is even more shocking. How on earth does the stone look?

-I haven't seen it myself. My grandfather kept it.

-Anyway, the reason the Imperial family is coveting the stone is probably because they want to get their hands on the danger that the old patriarchs of Hairan kept in check.

A conversation Dante had with Jin a few days ago.

The Imperial family seemed to have been waiting for an opportunity like this to snatch the "stone" from Hairan. It wouldn't be surprising even if it turned out that the Imperial family had orchestrated the terrorism to get the stone. 

It was a matter of fact.

Dante had informed Jin about the stone because he thought Jin's help might be useful in protecting it.

Naturally, it was Dante's opinion, but surprisingly, Ron readily agreed.

He had suffered serious injuries, the clan's prestige had fallen, traitors had emerged, the restoration work of sword emepror castle had yet to start, and there were no allies. Even the Dragon Knights had returned to the Imperial Palace.

In other words, Ron was a person who prioritized his grandson's safety over trivial clan secrets, given the current situation where a minor incident could leave him isolated.

Above all, Ron was certain that Jin did not belong to the category of people who coveted the stone.

Jin cleared his throat and separated Veradin from Dante. The way he dealt with Veradin felt like handling a child throwing a tantrum.

"Veradin, listen."

Dante erased his smile and made eye contact with Veradin.

Jin and Dante had not yet shared the information about the "stone" with Veradin. It was only natural since they couldn't be sure of Veradin's mental state. However, not knowing that information didn't pose a problem for Veradin in helping Jin and Dante.

"Yes, go ahead. Dante, what's your request?"

"Please encourage Zipfel to directly pressure Hairan."


"Right now, Zipfel has only been indirectly pressuring Hairan through the Imperial family. Instead, I want Zipfel to take a more direct approach to attack Hairan."

"Why on earth? Hey, Jin. What's he talking about?"

"Why are you asking me?"

"Dante would never come up with a plan like this! Explain, why do we need to do that?"

"To make the distinction between friend and foe even clearer."


"We need to find out which one the Imperial family values more. Even if you push Hairan to its limit and the Imperial family doesn't change its stance, then Hairan may no longer need to be part of the empire."

It was precisely to determine what the Imperial family considered most important among Zipfel, Hairan, and the "stone."

"I get what you mean. But what if the Imperial family chooses Zipfel and decides to finish off Hairan with the help of my clan?"

"You'll have to handle that."

"I'm not Zipfel's patriarch, but the next patriarch. Do I even have the authority to do that?"

"It's a joke, and by then, Runcandel will ally with Hairan."

"Similarly, you're not Runcandel's patriarch but the next patriarch, right?"

"I have that much authority. More accurately, I have the confidence to manipulate the situation, and after forming an alliance with Hairan. I will make my clan follow the suit."

Veradin's eyes lit up as if Jin's words and attitude were cool, and he cleared his throat awkwardly.

It wasn't the time for Veradin to praise Jin and have fun as usual.

"I understand, but aren't there too many variables? And the Imperial family will definitely choose Zipfel and abandon Hairan? The whole world knows that."

"That's something we don't know."

"...If the main family steps in, Hairan could be destroyed to the point that it won't recover."

"Aren't you underestimating Hairan too much? With Dante in front of you."

"Hmm, hmm. I am fine."

"Sorry, but there are so many variables... And I'm not in the best state of mind right now. What if I try to guide this plan to ensure it goes most favorably for my clan?"

"That's the worst-case scenario, but don't worry, there are safety measures in place."

"Oh? Safety measures! What are they?"

"Do you think I'll tell you that?"

At Jin's words, Veradin showed a bitter smile.


"Veradin, just be careful until your mind stabilizes. We'll also watch out for you."

Veradin nodded his head.

"Let's identify our enemies, the Imperial family's goals and priorities, if possible, find out what behind-the-scenes deals the Imperial family made with Kinzelo and Zipfel."

These clandestine tasks were the responsibility of Jin, Dante, and Veradin. It was Ron's and his knights' responsibility to keep Hairan safe from internal and external pressure.

"The three of us need to be solid allies even if our clans become archenemies outwardly. Then, we can also restore external relations when we each secure our clan's supremacy."

"That's right."

"Oh, yeah."

As the three of them spoke, a knight arrived in the basement chamber. He was one of the knights who had escorted Veradin here initially.

"Young patriarch."

"What's the matter?"


The knight briefly glanced at Veradin to gauge his reaction before continuing.

"His Majesty the Emperor is looking for Sir Jin."

"Jin? Why?"

"I can't say for sure, but there are rumors among the eunuchs... It seems like he wants to reward him for this recent incident."