Chapter 420

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"A reward, you say?"

Dante and Veradin both asked at the same time.

"Yes, Young Patriarch."

"Hairan is also His Majesty's territory, so does he want to show gratitude to Jin for protecting it?"

"It seems so."

Dante's expression darkened. It was because of the Emperor's abominable treatment. He was praising Jin in front and pressuring Hairan behind their back.

Dante couldn't openly express his discomfort due his naturally noble temperament and speech, and considering his position as the subordinate of the emperor, but he felt quite upset inside.

The knight who delivered the news also appeared to be suppressing his devastated feelings.

"That son of bitch.... Dante is such a good person, and he doesn't appreciate it."

Dante and the knight flinched, and their eyes widened in surprise when Veradin spoke in such a manner out of the blue.

They had never heard anyone addressing the Emperor in such a manner until now. Even Ron, who was famous for not using honorifics with the Emperor, had never uttered such words of disrespect.

"I think it is time to take a look at the palace which courtiers dare to call Celestial palace. How fortunate."

Jin added these words. Dante and the knight reflexively glance around. They knew there were no listening ears, but it was a reflexive action.

Apart from this incident, Jin had never held any favorable feelings toward the Emperor. Jin had been involved with the Special Task Force a few times, and not too long ago, he even engaged in a battle with the Imperial Guard in the Wantaramo Forest.

Furthermore, the Emperor had no respect for the Tikan Free City and the fact that he was secretly working on something called "Majin." So, the emperor is up to no good.

"Ahem, hmm. Friends. He is still the supreme ruler of the Empire..."

"Neither I nor Jin are Vermont citizens, so it's okay. It's okay."

In the end, Dante awkwardly smiled. He was relieved after hearing the words of his friends.

"I am glad you guys are here."

"Yeah, I feel the same way. Dante!"

Dante and Veradin both looked at Jin simultaneously. You have to say the same, with that expression on their faces.

Jin casually disregarded their small desires, but it was clear that their words had lightened his heart.

"I wonder what kind of gift the emperor is going to give me. Can I go right now?"

"Yes, Sir Jin."

Jin rose from his seat and stretched his body.

"It just so happens that other factions are also leaving the Sword Emperor Castle today, so I think I'll visit the palace before returning home."

"So suddenly?"

Veradin widened his eyes and asked.

"It's not sudden. You've just arrived, but I've been here for about two weeks. We've sorted things out regarding our conversation, so it's time for me to go home. Runcandel's flagbearers are quite busy, you know."

Dante also felt disappointed like Veradin, but he couldn't hold Jin back.

Jin could return home anytime he wanted from the beginning.

If there had been another flagbearer at the scene of the terrorist attack instead of Jin, Hairan wouldn't have even asked them to stay until the investigation was complete.

Jin had dedicated his time solely to help Dante as a friend. Now, it was time for him to go back and attend to his own responsibilities.

"But I just arrived."

"Yeah, now go back and make sure Zipfel puts pressure on Hairan in earnest. You're busy too."

"I am sad..."

Jin turned to his friends one more time just before leaving the basement chamber with the knight.

Veradin looked depressed, and Dante was consoling Veradin.

"No matter what the situation, it's going to be okay as long as the three of us don't betray each other."

A small smile crept onto Jin's face as he saw friends nodding vigorously.

If I had been born as the eldest in an ordinary family instead of Runcandel, I might have had younger siblings like them. Suddenly, that thought crossed Jin's mind.

"Take care, Jin. We'll see each other soon. We'll have a drink then!"

"Take care, my friend."

Jin left with the knight. The bright sunlight stung his eyes as he came out.

The half-destroyed and blackened Sword Emperor Castle creates an eerie atmosphere under the clear sky with not a single cloud.

"I should greet Sir Ron. Where is he?"

"I will accompany you."

Ron was sitting alone in the almost destroyed arena.

Strangely, the seat of the Sword Emperor in the arena remained intact despite everything being in ruins.

To Jin, it seemed to symbolize the situation of Hairan. No matter how much he was attacked from inside and outside, in the end, the great knight Ron Hairan would protect that seat.

"Did the Emperor summon you?"

Ron spoke up as he sensed Jin's presence, and the knight moved aside.


"The royalty has a talent for summoning busy people, don't they? You'll go there and probably listen to the obvious."

Ron's attitude toward Jin had changed. He no longer viewed Jin as "the devil who possessed my grandson."

Ever since the terrorist attack, Jin had shown not only his abilities but also his loyalty and affection for Dante.

"How's your health?"

"Not good."

It was true that Ron had suffered serious injuries when facing Kinzelo, but they were not life-threatening. 

However, Ron's injuries were not improving; instead, they were getting worse over time, to the point where the rigid body of a 10-star knight was overshadowed.

"It's a big problem."

Dante was unaware of Ron's physical condition. Only Jin and a handful of Ron's closest aides knew the truth.

"It's a big problem indeed. This Ron Hairan has to rely on you to protect his grandson, it's quite the situation."

It was a nonchalant tone.It was not arrogance but rather confidence that stemmed from belief that there wouldn't be significant problems even with such injuries.

But if Ron's injuries were revealed to be much more severe than known, it would naturally lead to significant problems in Hairan's current situation.

"I don't know if it was that crimson sword aura or some other factor. I thought that if the day came when I suffered internal injuries that I couldn't control, it would definitely be the day when I would clash swords with your father... It is shocking that I suffered this much at the hands of the leader of a group which until recently was known as a third-rate terrorist organization."

"His identity hasn't been revealed, but he must be a formidable demon."

"That's right. He couldn't use his full power due to his current state, but he must be on the same level as your father once he fully recovers."

Jin didn't see Ron's evaluation as an insult to his father. He felt the same way.


Ron let out a deep sigh.

It wasn't because of his injuries. It was because he felt a suffocating feeling in his chest when he thought about how his grandson would have to fight against such a being in the future.

'I was expecting the second generation of major factions to compete fiercely against each other and Dante would eventually come out on top… but it seems it's not the time for such rosy fantasies.'

To face such a demon, it wouldn't be enough for the second-generation to compete with each other; but to fight hard. This applied not only to demons but also to Zipfel.

"What do you think of Veradin Zephl?"

-Grandfather. If magic could manipulate a human's mind and memories at will, would you believe it?

The words his grandson had spoken at the banquet.

Ron had been constantly concerned about mind manipulation since then.

"On the outside, he seems fine. We have no way to confirm whether his mind has been manipulated or not at the moment."

"Hidden demons, mind manipulation... It's a dirty and difficult era if you just think about these things. When I was young, I could conquer the world with just a single sword."

"It was simple and romantic."

"Your father was the one who realized that romance, not me."

Ron shrugged and looked up at the clear sky as if to pierce through it. There seemed to be a hint of bitterness in the deep wrinkles around his eyes.

"After we distinguish between friends and foes, and once this side is settled, I will help you to seize the throne of Runcandel more easily."

Ron didn't say he would make the impossible happen. Ron knew that Jin was going to take the throne of Runcandel, so he would help him to take it more comfortably.

Ron already had no doubt that Jin would become the king of Runcandel. He couldn't imagine how the other flagbearer of Runcandel would handle this steel behemoth.

"Thank you for your words alone, Sir Ron."

"You can go now."


"Oh, and..."

When Jin turned around, Ron grinned wickedly, and there was a hint of malevolence in his smile.

"Tell the Emperor."

"What should I convey?"

"In many ways, it's good to make wise choices."



In the capital of Vermont, You could turn your head to see the majestic sight of the Imperial Palace regardless of where you were.

The gigantic shining yellow spires were soaring as if touching the clouds, the sprawling palaces beneath them, the four rivers surrounding the palace, and the expansive white-paved roads weaving through it all.

The Imperial citizens took pride in the grandeur of their largest architectural masterpiece, often referring to it as the "Celestial Palace" rather than the Imperial Palace.

Compared to the Vermont Imperial Palace, any other palace in the world would appear as a meager pile of stones.

'The palace looks completely different up close from what I saw from a distance before my regression. I heard it was luxurious and grand, but…'

Jin had no idea it would be on such a majestic scale.

Furthermore, he couldn't see a single speck of dirt on the wide roads that seemed to stretch hundreds of steps and left him wondering just how many attendants were responsible for its maintenance.

Clack, clack...

The royal carriage carrying Jin came to a smooth stop, and the guards lined up in a row raised their swords. 

Jin naturally received the sword ceremony, and the Emperor had been observing the scene with his eunuchs from the upper floors of the spire.

"What do you think, will Jin Runcandel accept the emperor's offer?"

The eunuchs didn't answer the Emperor's question and merely nodded.

"Well, I suppose you couldn't predict that in advance. I've asked you all a pointless question."

Again, the eunuchs nodded.

In truth, the eunuchs brought to the spire by the Emperor had long lost their voices, so they couldn't answer even if they wanted to.

"Instead, I can get a glimpse of Jin Runcandel's basic disposition through you."


Out of the blue, the Emperor swung the window open wide and grabbed the eunuch who was closest to him by the neck. He lifted the eunuch and then tossed him out of the window without hesitation.

The eunuch couldn't scream, but Jin didn't miss the sight of the eunuch plummeting to the ground.