Chapter 430

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Smarion Proch.

Jin didn't know much about him. However, as anyone with even a passing interest in the history of martial artists would know, he was an almost mythical figure with a mutation-like existence.

Smarion was born into a simple peasant family. But from a young age, he displayed a talent for causing harm to humans, and the first people he killed were his own parents.

Eventually, he overthrew the ruling "Seigalga" and planted the Proch flag in the Ghost castle and become a legendary figure.

He was the father of Lata and Faye. 

'I believe Smarion died around the time Sir Lata entered his teenage years.'

It was not easy to understand that the owner of this ghastly aura was Smarion.

"..... Is this true?"

"My father was a fiend from birth. He killed his parents and attempted to kill me and Faye as well."

However, Smarion's attempts to kill Lata and Faye were more about 'education,' as other assassin clans or ruthless Knight clans often did. 

Although they don't want to admit it, Lata and Faye knew that they became stronger because of it. In other words, Smarion had always used a certain level of madness to achieve results.

"However, the elders who died and became the materials for this seal said that Smarion completely lost his reason from a certain point. He literally became a madman." Lata added.

The elders who were close to Lata at the time claimed that Smarion started showing "signs" when Lata was about ten years old.

Smarion was already known for being a murderous fiend, but unlike the previous leaders, he was famous for cherishing his subordinates. That's why the ghost mercenaries showed absolute loyalty to Smarion, and he always trusted them.

After the 'change' began, his behavior gradually changed.

"They said he used unimaginable and bizarre methods to torture and kill his men and their family."

"I've never heard such negative rumors about the former ghost leader."

"The deceased elders thoroughly prevented the records and stories of that time from being known to the outside world. He didn't just behave wickedly towards his subordinates. They said he harmed himself horribly."

"If the former Ghost leader indeed showed such signs, then it wouldn't have ended with just a rebellion."

"There were several revolts. But they were crushed every time due to my father's overwhelming power. Maybe the lord doesn't know, but there was even a time when my father had a confrontation with Sir Chiron."

"My father and the former ghost leader...?"

Jin didn't know that there was such a secret between Runcandel and the Ghost mercenaries.

In fact, this record is not stored as a document in the Ghost castle, and Runcandel classified it as an extremely confidential secret known only to the patriarch.

"I haven't seen it myself because it happened before I was born. However, the fight lasted for a full day, and Sir Chiron emerged victorious in the end. But for some reason, he spared my father's life."

Chiron spared the defeated.

Jin couldn't imagine such a scene, but Chiron was young during those days, so it was possible.

"Afterward, Sir Chiron occasionally visited this Ghost castle. He would spar with my father or talk about various things."


"I don't know about the fight that lasted for a full day, but me and my sister witnessed my father and Sir Chiron drinking together. It was odd, but my father never seemed to hold a grudge against Sir Chiron after losing to him."

Chiron talked with someone and shared a drink. 

It was difficult for Jin to imagine this too.

"At that time, even that crazy man became quite a kind father. He would sit us siblings on his knees and even make us laugh."

"It must be a good memory for you."

"Now that I think about it, maybe my father wanted to impress Sir Chiron."

"Do you remember what kind of conversations the two of them mainly had?"

Jin wondered about the connection between his father, Chiron Runcandel, and Smarion Proch. Despite the terrible ghastly aura coursing through his entire body, a strong curiosity arose within him.

"I was too young, so I hardly remember anything. But..."

Lata gazed at the red seal and continued.

"There's one scene that I remember vividly. I was sitting next to him holding Faye in my arms, and enjoying some snacks after a long time. Sir Chiron asked my father a question after watching us for a moment."

-Smarion. Is that okay these days?


"And my father replied."

-How can that be okay, Chiron? As you know, I don't have much time left.

"I madly resented my father when he finally became a complete monster and the senior members who had been protecting me became the materials for the seal. Yet, somehow, I remember my father saying, 'I don't have much time left.'"

Jin felt a sense of déjà vu after that remark.

Back when he returned from Laprarosa and was becoming a flagbearer, Jin had heard Chiron say the exact same words to him.

'I don't have much time left. What on earth does that mean...?'

At that time, he hadn't given much thought to the reasons behind Chiron's limited time. Instead, he had focused on the importance of becoming the patriarch before Chiron's time ran out.

Smarion. Is that okay these days?


What if "that" was the connection between Chiron and Smarion? 

'What if Smarion had become a monster due to something my father referred to as "that", and what if my father also has the same problem…?'

Smarion had become a monster, and his father had also been affected by the same issue. It led Jin to a horrifying assumption.

'Could my father also... become a monster? Like Smarion Proch, beyond this seal?'

Smarion's words, "As you know," haunted him. Such a statement would typically only be made when the other person also knew about the situation.

Jin's heart pounded, and his thoughts raced faster.

"Sir Lata, have you ever heard what my father meant by 'that'?"

"Unfortunately, no. I've asked some of the deceased elders, but they didn't know either. Sir Chiron is probably the only one who knows."

The Black Sea.

It has some connection to that dark land.

Jin felt a strong conviction. It must be deeply related to the reason why Chiron is so obsessed with the Black Sea.

'Why my father is fixated on the Black Sea and what he's searching for there might become clear when elder sister Luna returns.'

And the monster behind this red seal could potentially be a clue. Of course, it's the biggest weakness for the Ghost mercenaries before the possibility of being a clue.

Jin organized his thoughts, and he met Lata's gaze.

"Since we can't ask my father right now, we need to find out what 'that' is."

"Yes, my lord."

"But finding the escaped elders is our top priority. They not only possess information about this seal but also know about our blood alliance. We can't let that information spread."

In most cases, Jin didn't want to publicize the fact that the Ghost mercenaries had become his force. 

He would prefer to reveal the extent of his influence once it had grown further. Moreover, the Ghost mercenaries needed to maintain a facade of neutrality and maintain their connections for interaction with other factions.

"That's correct."

"The problem is more significant than I expected. It is highly likely that they have already colluded with others, but... Let's hope that hasn't happened yet. Whether it's Zipfel, Kinzelo, the imperial family, or even Runcandel. If any of them attempt to break this seal and invade Ghost castle, there will be no solution."

"I am ashamed, my lord."

"I will go back, and immediately start spreading my people. Please give me the map with marked escape routes and all the information about the traitors."


"And Sir Lata."

"Yes, my lord."

Jin smiled and added, "I'm counting on you from now on."

"I'll do my best, my lord."


Meanwhile, as Jin received the oath of allegiance from Lata and the Ghost mercenaries within the Ghost castle, the elder council members of Runcandel were holding another somber meeting. 

The Heat is On, a perfect phrase for their current situation.

"I didn't expect the acting matriarch to come out like this."

"She can't do this. Do you know how much blood we've shed for the acting matriarch all these years?"

"Huh, prove the significance and value of the elder council….. What else do we have to prove!"


The door opened as the elder council members vented their frustrations one by one.

"Have you arrived, Elder council president?"

"Elder council president!"

"Elder council president, did you hear what happened..."

The newcomer was the Elder council president, Jorden Runcandel. The elder council members had been eagerly awaiting his arrival.

It was because they had believed that if it's Jorden, he would find a way to salvage the situation.

Had it not been for the recent series of events centered around Jin.

Jorden must have been very satisfied with the appearance of these old ghosts who had been waiting for him like eager puppies. Elders couldn't make a proper judgment because they were intoxicated by the sweet recognition they received all this time.

But not anymore.

'These pathetic bastards…'

Jorden was immediately filled with anger and nausea upon seeing the sight that greeted him.

Since when?

Since when did the sharpest swords of Runcandel become like this? 

He was filled with overwhelming doubts and regrets, as if the bones in his chest were shattering.

As much as Jorden wished he could just cut down these corrupt elder council members right now, he never forgot that they were his biggest remaining support. 

In fact he is also drunk on the power from a certain moment, if not to the same extent.

'We must renew ourselves and become the pillars of Runcandel again!'

Otherwise, an era has arrived where not only ascending to the throne but even surviving in the Garden of Swords is uncertain.

"I can't help but feel disappointed in you and myself."

"Elder council president..…?"

Jorden looked at the elder council members with a different expression in his eyes.

"It seems the time has come for us to regain our lost instincts and spirit. If we continue like this, we will wither and disappear. From today on, the Elder Council will no longer fight safe battles, so those who are afraid should leave now."