Chapter 431

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The elders did not take Jorden's words too seriously. They simply regarded it as a meaningless remark, much like when Jorden occasionally displayed his authority without any real reason.

"Ha-ha, who dares to suggest that anyone could defeat us? Elder Council President."

"Of course, such a thing is unlikely, but whatever happens, we are all prepared to follow your will, Elder council president."

"Yes, that's right! If the Elder council president wishes, I even have thoughts of returning to active duty immediately..."

Jorden's expression turned cold as the elders habitually exchanged pleasantries. He was infuriated by their empty responses, which lacked any sincerity.

"Is that so? You all seem to understand my intentions well. There's no need for any of you to return to active duty. However, as I just mentioned... we will commence a war with the 2nd and 12th flagbearers starting from this very moment."

From that moment on, the elders realized that something had gone terribly wrong.

"Elder council president, when you say 'war'..."

"Exactly as I said. Among the 2nd and 12th flagbearers, we will begin by chipping the forces of the 12th flagbearer."

"What do you mean?"

"Tikan free city."

When the name left Jorden's lips, the expressions on the elders' faces hardened.

"That place is the most crucial stronghold of the 12th flagbearer, and the people in it are his most trusted companions."

"Are you saying we are going to attack Tikan?"


"But, Elder council president. Haven't you forgotten something?"

"No Runcandel can invade Tikan, Elder council president."

-Deceiving you, father? You are mistaken. It was just a stroke of luck. In fact, I had formed a connection with Sir Kashmir as soon as I arrived in Tikan.

-Very well. Regardless, you pass the test. From today onwards, no Runcandel, even me, will set foot on Tikan's soil without your permission.

-Thank you, Father.

A conversation between Chiron and Jin, who broke the taboo and briefly returned to the clan during his days as a reserve flagbearer. 

At that time, Jin passed Chiron's test and secured the freedom of his base. And no matter what accidents Jin had caused, members of Runcandel never directly attacked Tikan. Even when the wanted order was issued near the end of his reserve flagbearer career, the Guardian Knights couldn't visit Tikan directly.

The order of the Patriarch is absolute. Since Chiron had never taken back that order, Tikan remained an unattainable land for any other Runcandel except Jin.

"That is correct. However, there is a way. We can send individuals who are not from Runcandel."

The elders could only widen their eyes once again.

"Elder Council president, it's not entirely incorrect... But isn't this just a jest? Surely, the Patriarch's orders also forbid Runcandel to attack Tikan with the help of a third party."

"That's true, elder council president. Moreover, we all saw firsthand what happened when we recklessly used external forces to attack the 12th flagbearer..."

The air seemed to grow colder as the elders recalled the moment when Jin had filled the table with the heads of the deceased elders.

"It seems you all find it burdensome to fight the 12th flagbearer. Well, that's understandable. Those who carry my orders attacking Tikan would be nothing more than a jest against the Patriarch's orders. However, how many times has the 12th flagbearer mocked and ridiculed us through such jests?"

Jorden was right.

Jin had broken the rules multiple times during his time as reserve flagbearer, and each time he used the jests to gain a reward instead of a punishment.

"We should do the same. We've reached a point where a direct confrontation is no longer the answer. I've said it clearly. There's no safe fight now. Those who are afraid can leave, but the Runcandel elders must let go of the stubbornness and pride."

At that moment, most of the elders recalled Jorden's youth. Even before becoming the chief of the Black Sword Association, Jorden had used purge to eliminate those who opposed him.

In the early days of his tenure as the chief of the Black Sword Association, he had continued the cycle of bloody purges for several years.

So, if one were to choose to step down and leave here, it essentially meant that they would inevitably face the blade of the Black Sword Association someday.

"The 12th flagbearer... haven't experienced the deaths of many close ones yet. As the elder council president, I must make him understand that pain," Jorden continued.

"Elder council president, then... who do you plan to send to Tikan?"


An unnamed desert in the eastern part of Cascal, feudal state of the Empire.

While Jorden and the elders planned to attack Tikan, Jin was tracking down the renegade elders of the Ghost mercenaries along with some of his comrades.

"I never would have guessed Seigalgi would set up a secret fortress in such a remote place. And the fact that the renegade elders have been collaborating with them."

Lata spoke sitting next to Jin. Jin was in disguise, sitting in a local restaurant, and sipping tea.

Seigalgi Clan.

The head family of the Ghost mercenaries. Most of their leaders were killed by Smarion Proch in the past, and they had fallen into ruin.

However, having ruled the Ghost mercenaries for generations, the Seygal clan had hidden their last remaining strength in this barren and small desert.

When the Seven Colored Peacock and the Ghost mercenaries joined forces, their intelligence gathering capabilities exceeded expectations. They discovered this desert just a few days after forming the alliance.

"Is it confirmed that the traitors leaked the secrets of the Ghost castle to the outside world?"

Lata nodded heavily.

"Yes. But we don't know exactly which side received the information—whether it was Vermont, Zipfel, Kinzelo, or any other faction."

"Well, we'll find out from now on. How large is the remaining force of the Seygal in the fortress?"

"There aren't that many combat personnel including the servants. However, there are some big guys left, like the Rox and Lox Seygal brothers, who were once known as sacred figures before my father became the leader. The renegade elders aren't pushovers either."

Rox and Lox Seygal, these are the names Jin had seen a few times in war history books. These were individuals who would have easily become the leaders of the Ghost mercenaries if Smarion hadn't existed.

Though they had kept a low profile for a long time, they hadn't completely put down their swords. If they hadn't, they would still be formidable fighters.

"Lord, you can wait here. And me and my subordinates will deal with this."

"No, I'm going with you. I need to gather information about enemy forces and try to match our teamwork."

Faye and her team set up a perimeter, while Jin, Lata, and some of the squad leaders prepared to assault the fortress.

"Be careful not to destroy the interior too much, as there may be valuable information. If possible, subdue them quickly and quietly."

"Yes, my lord."

"And if there are any civilians, they should all be categorized as rescue targets. Do not kill them just because they are inconvenient."

Unlike prestigious knight clans and noble families, mercenaries typically handled such situations differently. If a civilian is found during the mission, especially those who do not bring in money, they are killed and dealt with if something troublesome occurs.

However, the Ghost mercenaries were no longer just a mercenary group. Since they were under Jin's command, they needed to follow the ways of a famous knight clan.

"I'll keep that in mind."

A while later, Faye signaled that the perimeter was set, and Jin, Lata, and the squad leaders stealthily entered the dark desert.

The last stronghold of the Seygal was an underground fortress.

They accumulated wealth by distributing narcotics and various black-market goods here and they were dreaming of pushing out the Proch siblings and were once again regaining control of the Ghost mercenaries with the help of renegade elders.

As Jin brushed aside the sand to check the entrance, a voice came from beyond the door.

"Who's there?"

Since it was a secret fortress, they didn't station guards outside, but there was always someone behind the door.

Before the man could inquire about their identity, one of the squad leaders plunged a poisoned arrowhead into the door.

Thump! A slight noise accompanied by a short tremor beyond the door, and it quickly subsided.

Shortly after, another squad leader used specially crafted explosives unique to the Ghost mercenaries to silently blast the lock away.

Indeed, they displayed exceptional skills in infiltration as befitting one of the world's top mercenary groups.

A vast space opened up before them as they entered. It felt like they were entering a colossal anthill, and they were soon able to come face to face with the remnants of the Seygal.



But not a single one of them had a chance to alert others. They all met their end with their throats slit by Jin and the Ghost mercenaries's blades, and could not even leave a scream of death

Jin spared only one man and gave him a brief opportunity to speak.

"P-Please spare me. I'm just a hired mercenary."

"Where are the Seygal brothers?"

"In the central innermost room... Please."

The man had no direct animosity towards them, had willingly disclosed the Seygal brothers' location, and posed no significant threat going forward, and he was nothing more than a hired mercenary.

However, Jin didn't spare him.

Jin prioritized avoiding unnecessary killing, but he was not one to show mercy to even enemy soldiers who posed no immediate threat.

Swish! Jin ended the man's life with a swift stroke, and squad leaders nodded inwardly

'I was worried that he might show some hesitation as he mentioned rescuing civilians.'

'No way would our leader have asked to swear allegiance to such a fool. We will have no worries in the future.'

Jin wiped the blood from his blade and gave squad leaders a nod.

"We are going to move separately from here. Sir Lata and I will go deal with the Seygal brothers, and the squad leaders will search the rest of the area."


The squad leaders scattered, and Jin and Lata moved quickly and stealthily towards the room of the Seygal brothers.

Jin and Lata moved using their exceptional skills, and most of the enemies they encountered on the way failed to even recognize them and met their end without altering others.

Eventually, they reached the last room, and the two of them could now face the Seygal brothers. Both of them were armed and ready.

"Lata Proch, you bastard...!"

"How did you find your way here?"

Lata didn't respond and casually twirled his paired swords.

"Alright, it seems it has come to this in the end. But do you think you can handle us alone?"


They were completely disregarding the possibility that Jin might be a more skilled martial artist than Lata. 

Therefore, Rox Seygal had been concentrating solely on Lata's movements, and soon enough, he suffered the humiliation of having his leg severed from the start.