Chapter 438

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Five days had passed since the exiles and ronins attacked Tikan.

However, the 12th flagbearer had yet to show any significant movement despite numerous articles pouring out. So the anxiety of Elders was increasing day by day.

In a villa of the Elder Council in the city of Kalon, Jorden and his fellow Elders sat around a round table with frustrated expressions.

In front of them lay a stack of newspapers from various countries that covered the recent incident.

Tikan Free City Attacked by unknown attackers.

Some facilities and structures were damaged, but there were no reported casualties...

The reason why the Tikan Free City garrison became the army of steel, and about Jin Runcandel.

As proven during the Sword Emperor Castle incident, the 12th flagbearer has an exceptional ability to respond to terrorism.

It's not that the 12th flagbearer is particularly outstanding; it's just a virtue that any Flagbearer of Runcandel should possess...

Injured: 12, Deceased: 0! All terrorists killed, the dignity of the Free City.

Why are terrorists thriving so soon after the Sword Emperor Castle terrorism?

The identities of the terrorists are still unknown... What kind of response will the 12th flagbearer show?

The front page of all the newspapers was filled with reports about Tikan terrorism. This was true not only for Huphester but also for some newspapers from the Vermont and the Lutero Magic Federation.

Some of the Elders sighed while looking down at the newspapers.

In truth, everyone wanted to sigh, but they were holding back because they were watching Jorden, whose body was trembling with anger. At this point sighing was a privilege reserved for the high-ranking Elders.

"No casualties... not a single one!" Jorden shouted while clutching the newspaper in front of him tightly. 

His eyes, with bloodshot pupils, were filled with grim anger.

"Is this even possible?"


Jorden's fist shattered the round table into pieces, and sent shards flying in all directions.

Jorden had never expected such an outcome when he had decided to send the exiled enforcement knight to Tikan. 

It might have been impossible to completely eliminate Tikan, but he thought at least some of Jin's comrades and many civilians would lose their lives.

Since the terrorist attack was carried out by two exiles and at least 7-star level attackers, it was not at all excessive to expect that much damage.

"This is unbelievable, Elder Council President. No matter how bad they were, a few hundred civilians, no. That's also too little. It is normal for there to be at least a thousand civilian casualties."

"Please, calm down, Elder Council President. Here, have some cold water. Look, let me fetch you some cooler water!"

"It's clear that the exiles betrayed us."

"But what could have driven them to betray us? Their goal was revenge. They know the power of the Black Sword Association better than anyone, so they wouldn't have valued the 12th flagbearer higher than Elder Council President."

"However, the results male no sense if it's not betrayal. Moreover, these articles are based on information intentionally leaked by the 12th flagbearer to the media. Then it means he is lying about the death of all the exiles and ronins."

"Doesn't that also mean he is lying about no casualties in Tikan?"

"Can you really say that after experiencing the 12th flagbearer? That devil would never do anything that goes against his interests. It's a matter that will be clearly revealed once we investigate it properly, and the damage in Tikan has already been verified by various organizations from different countries."

"Well, yes. The 12th flagbearer. It's worrisome that he had the audacity to bring back the heads of the deceased Elders last time but he hasn't shown any movement yet."

The Elders chatted amongst themselves and all of them were looking at Jorden's reaction.

The outcome of the situation could either be covered or further escalate depending on the decision he made.

Whoa, whew

Jorden's heavy breathing, which sounded like a whistling sound, was gradually subsiding. He is barely able to control his anger.

"I understand that everyone is concerned. The 12th flagbearer, that madman may be dormant for now, but he can't just let it slide. He will undoubtedly seek revenge just like last time when he brought back the heads of the Elders."

As Jorden spoke, the dark expressions on the faces of the Elders deepened once again. 

Some of them secretly thought that Jorden had "lost his touch." He had boldly waged war against the 12th flagbearer with confidence, but the outcome was disappointing from the very beginning.

"So, what should we do, Elder Council President?"

"I am concerned about what the Acting Matriarch said last time. If we disappoint her once more, she mentioned temporarily dissolving the Elder Council..."

"Ah, please, let's not dwell on such negative remarks!"

Jorden sighed and rubbed his temples.

"First, the Black Sword Association..."

Before Jorden could continue, they heard the sound of someone running down the corridor.

"Elder Council President, something terrible has happened!"

It was a Guardian Knight affiliated with the Elder Council.

His desperate demeanor, distorted expression, and anxious eyes immediately filled Jorden and the Elders with a sense of foreboding.

It seemed that the 12th flagbearer had indeed begun his retaliation.

"What's going on? Speak calmly," Jorden said, his eyebrows trembling slightly as he made an effort to appear composed.

"The exile... has come to the Garden of Swords!"

The Elder Council members let out a collective sigh of despair at the Guardian Knight's response.

"Prepare... a carriage immediately!"


It was December, and the winter was in full swing, but an absurdly heavy rain poured down.

In this strangely gloomy and erratic weather, the Guardian Knights guarding the Garden of Swords frequently found themselves gazing up at the sky.

The sky seemed to be crying mournfully.

"It's midday, but it feels like night. What the hell is up with this rain?"

"Yeah, this kind of weather just makes you depressed. Let's have a strong drink when it's over..."

The gate guards and Guardian Knights who were chatting fell silent and adjusted their postures. They had spotted a knight clad in shining gray armor approaching from a distance.

The gray armor symbolized the fact that this knight was tasked with enforcing the clan's laws.

It was a clan that all Guardian Knights of the clan aspired to and respected, along with the black helmet.


The Guardian Knights stood at attention and saluted.

The enforcement knight returned the salute with grace, and the gate leading to the Garden of Swords was opened.

The Guardian Knights didn't lower their saluting hands until the enforcement knight had disappeared from their sight.

"Indeed, the demeanor of the enforcement knights is different from that of ordinary guardian knights."

"But the person who just passed by was wearing the old enforcement knight armor, right? It looks like something I've seen in the training manuals during our cadet days."

"Really? I'm not sure. I don't see them often... I wonder if the day will come when I get to wear that armor."

The gate guards had no idea that he was an enforcement knight who had been purged a long time ago.

Even if the armor was of an older design, they couldn't imagine anyone crazy enough to make and wear fake Runcandel enforcement knight gear, especially not in the heart of Huphester, the Garden of Swords.

"It is armor that not just anyone can wear, which is why we show so much respect."

Thud, thud, thud.

Mud and water splashed beneath the footsteps of the exile.

The soaked cloak felt unusually heavy, as if it carried the weight of the years it took to return to this place.

The words of the 12th flagbearer were correct.

Damaging Rosa Runcandel's authority, and bravely exposing the truth, was the ultimate revenge they could achieve.

'Why didn't we think of such a simple idea all this time?'

The Exile knew the answer.

It was because their desire for revenge was aimed at 'Rosa Runcandel,' not Runcandel itself.

If they were to enter the Garden of Swords right now and reveal that they had survived all this time, Rosa would undoubtedly suffer significant damage.

But that was not the end of it. If the other knights were to learn the truth, the fact that the price paid for loyalty and dedication to the clan was this horrific punishment and exile...

That could potentially shake all of Runcandel.

The Exiles fiercely denied it but they continued to love Runcandel even after their punishment. Some might mock it as a twisted sense of loyalty, but it didn't matter.

Their brightest days were undoubtedly bound to this land.

-As the 12th flagbearer said, this is undoubtedly the only revenge we can take. But what we're about to do will not only threaten Rosa but all of Runcandel.


-The clan's unity will weaken, and it will be an opportunity for the great factions like Zipfel. Don't you see that?

-Is that the kind of Runcandel you wish for?

-What do you mean?

-An incredibly weak and dirty clan that can be devoured by enemies if you don't hide the stench? I don't think you want that Runcandel. Anyway, the choice is yours. Whether you want to die here or go reveal the truth.

He suddenly remembered a conversation they had with the 12th flagbearer before arriving at the Garden of Swords.

'We could have been the 12th flagbearer's knights if he were born just a little earlier. We could have upheld honor to the end.'

He took step after step with a haunting sense of regret buried within. He walked, savoring the Garden of Swords they had built with their own hands.

He looked at the countless swords planted around the garden, and paused for a moment. And when he encountered the familiar faces of the aging butlers and attendants, he silently recalled their names.

At that moment, he saw a construction site off to the side when he felt that nothing had changed from before their banishment.

'Is that the 12th flagbearer doing?'

It was the central arena that the 12th flagbearer had destroyed while making the patriarchy declaration. He stood there for a moment, imagining how fierce and extraordinary that battle must have been.

The raindrops that flowed indifferently into his armor felt cold.

He resumed walking, and finally his steps came to a halt in the courtyard right in front of the main house.

He stood tall and looked up at the main house. 

And the attention of everyone nearby gradually shifted towards him. Everyone began to sense that his actions were not ordinary.

'Why is the enforcement knight standing there so quietly?'

'Have there been any enforcement knights wearing old-style armor recently?'

They began to question as they passed by one by one, and in the midst of their passing...

The exile shouted loudly towards the person standing in the main house, the person they had despised so deeply.

His voice resonated like thunder.

"Knight, Rosa Runcandel, come out and listen to me!"