Chapter 439

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A sharp and thunderous voice resounded through the dark night sky as if it could tear it apart.

The raindrops that fell were scattered in all directions, unable to reach the exile due to the energy contained in the voice.

Knight, Rosa Runcandel, come outside and listen to me...

Everyone who lives in the Garden of Swords could not help but doubt their ears after hearing this.

Neither the enforcement knights nor the Black Knights could call Rosa like that. The clan members and guardian knights who passed by him, it was a scene that could not possibly believe this unless it was a dream.

'Was the strange and cloudy weather a sign of something like this was about to happen?'

'Why did he just stand in front of the main house like that!'


The guardian knights who drew their swords were confused by the sight. Judging by the strong and heavy aura, he was undoubtedly an enforcement knight, but they had no idea why he was doing this.

They were certainly not supposed to be his opponents. They just needed to hold on until other enforcement knights or flagbearers waiting inside would come out.

The exile easily parried the swords of the guardian knights flew at him.

He parried the guardian knights' attack in one blow and they tumbled on the wet grass, and the exile shouted once again.

"You must have remembered my voice, Rosa Runcandel. Reveal yourself!"

The flagbearers were watching this scene from various places in the main house.

"Wow... I thought my ears were playing tricks on me."

"I've never seen such a crazy person before. What on earth is happening?"

Myu and Anne, who were in the library, almost dropped their teacups. The same went for Ran, and Vigo, who were sitting in front of them.

"...Judging by his skills, he is indeed a real enforcement knight."

"Isn't that an old-style armor? Is he someone who was expelled from the clan a long time ago?" Ran and Vigo spoke, and a vein popped on Myu's neck.

"Damn it! How the hell is the discipline of the clan coming to this. The youngest has caused trouble every time, and now even the lower ones are causing a commotion. Isn't that too much, Orabeoni?"

Diphus and Mary were also watching the exile from a different room. They were speechless for a while and couldn't say anything.

"...Huh, what's going on? Orabeoni, do you have any guesses?"

"I don't. But somehow... it seems to be related to the youngest."

"The youngest? Looking at the armor, it seems that this person was already an enforcement knight before the youngest was born. So how could that be possible?"

"It's just a gut feeling."

"Well, it does resemble the youngest's style. Turning the clan upside down like this. Hm... Let's go down for now. I need to find out what this former enforcement knight has to say before being killed. We also need to see if there's really a connection to the youngest."

The exile continued to push back the guardian knights who were attacking, assisted by other guards.

Although it was a moment that showed the dignity of the 9-star knights known as the 'One-Man Army,' this was still the Garden of Swords.

He couldn't keep dealing with so many guardian knights alone, and the high-ranking knights who had realized the emergency situation were starting to come out one by one.

Knights wearing gray armor similar to the exile began to appear throughout the courtyard. They were the clan's enforcement knights.

They showed no signs of panic, even in the face of this unexpected and unprecedented situation.

They didn't care about why the exile was doing this or to which faction the enforcement knights belonged to. Their only concern was to subdue him as quickly as possible so that the clan's leaders could make a quiet decision.


The roar of the exile made the nearby guardian knights step back.

That was the exile's final struggle. About ten enforcement knights' blades were extended between the guardian knights, and there was no longer any chance for him to resist.

He managed to fend off a few blades at first, but soon the blades of enforcement knights of equal or superior skill pierced through his armor.

Like a chaotic vortex, shining swords tore through the exile's old-fashioned gray armor.

His upper arm was pierced, his chestplate slashed, his shoulder guards crumpled, and his gauntlets shattered.

Blood and muddy water splattered in all directions, but the relentless rain prevented his blood from leaving a crimson trace.


A torrent of blood poured from the exile's helmet.

Eventually, the enforcement knights could bring the exile to his knees in the middle of the courtyard.

Thud, thud!

The enforcement knights used their swords to pierce the exile's thigh to pin him down, and they stepped on his back to keep him from raising his head.

It resembled young hunters capturing and displaying an old and ferocious beast.

The exile did not scream even when the sword pierced his thigh and knee, nor did he make a sound when his arms were about to break.

Enforcement knights successfully suppress the exile. Now, it was up to the decision-makers.

All the flagbearers, except Luna, who had gone to the Black Sea, and Luntia, who was on a continent mission, moved to the courtyard.

The enforcement knights tried to remove the exile's helmet so that Joshua could see his face clearly.

But Mary shouted at that moment.

"Stop! Show him the mercy of being able to remove the helmet himself."

Mary believed that no matter what reason led the exile to commit acts of rebellion, preserving his honor to remove his own helmet was the right thing to do.

The enforcement knights only carried out Mary's command after Joshua nodded.

It took quite a while for the exile to remove his helmet with his broken and trembling arms.In the meantime, flagbearers and important figures of the clan arrived at the scene.

Jorden, who had just arrived, felt an intense pressure in his chest. If the exile started muttering nonsense, there would undoubtedly be problems regarding his position.

However, he couldn't just shout to have the exile killed immediately. Jorden suppressed his anxious feelings and silently observed the situation.

"State your name."

Joshua and the exile locked eyes.

Instead of revealing his name, the exile raised his voice once again.

"Rosa Runcandel! You are not coming out until the end. But you must be listening to my words."

"I asked for your name."

"I have no name to reveal to the likes of you, 2nd flagbearer. We were crushed and trampled by Rosa without even being given a chance to become your knights, so if you're curious about my name, ask your mother."

Joshua's eyes widened.

He had no idea that the old enforcement knights had been purged by Rosa because of him.

".... What are you talking about?"

"Puhahaha, what am I talking about? Don't tell me you know nothing. I can't help but laugh."

"Explain it so I can understand."

"My comrades and I used to serve the patriarch and the 1st flagbearer. But, 2nd flagbearer, we couldn't serve you. Rosa Runcandel deemed us unfit as your knights. She judged that you couldn't control us like the 1st flagbearer."

Joshua always felt inferior whenever he was compared with Luna. However, he didn't seem too shaken by these words.

"So, is that what led you to commit treason?"

"Treason? I'm merely revealing the truth. The traitors are elsewhere. Isn't it strange, 2nd flagbearer? The Black Panther herself purged us, yet here I am, alive."

The exile turned his head with difficulty to find Jorden and the elder council members. Jorden felt the impulse to tear him apart when their eyes met but managed to restrain himself.

"Chief of Black Sword Association, Jorden Runcandel. He saved me and some of my comrades without your mother's knowledge."

At that statement, the knights turned their attention to Jorden.

Joshua was the only flagbearer who looked at Jin, not Jorden.

'You bastard... this is your doing.'

'Your Runcandel is filled with lies and betrayal, Joshua.'

The two of them thought as if speaking to each other, and Jorden finally unleashed his anger.

"How dare you utter such nonsense, you filthy traitor! I saved you? At the time, it was I who confirmed your dead bodies, following the orders of the acting matriarch."

"So you created fake bodies to save us. Your acting skills are impressive, Chief of Black Sword Association."

"Furthermore, you were punished for your treacherous acts, not because the 2nd flagbearer was lacking. Did you suddenly develop a desire for honor as death approached, and resort to lies?"

"Lies? I came here with my own two feet, seeking the Garden of Swords and my death. If it's not the truth, then what could be other reason?"

The moment Jorden was about to respond with a desperate voice...

"As the Chief of Black Sword Association said, there's no evidence that you're not a traitor."

Joshua spoke.

"And the acting matriarch did everything for the sake of the clan. A few words from a dirty traitor can't tarnish the faith that the Runcandels have. Your plan has failed."

It was also a message to Jin.

The black blade of Sword Kainer emerged from its sheath with a smooth sound.

"If you have any last words, speak them now. I will listen."


The exile began to say his last words with his gaze fixed on Jin.

"When you least expect it, like an unforeseen disaster."

The exile smiled faintly through his torn mouth, and Jin chose to forget that the exile had once tried to kill his comrades.

"A deep-rooted soul will appear and reveal your filthy deeds to the world."


'Thank you, 12th flagbearer.'

The exile thought as the Black blade of Sword Kainer cut through his neck.

The last remaining exile, Luton Ferman, will someday find redemption through the 12th flagbearer and step foot on this land once again. The day when the unjustly deceased enforcement knights' spirits return.


The exile's head fell to the ground.

"Leave the corpse for the dogs to feast upon."

Joshua said, and as he turned away, the onlookers in the courtyard began to disperse.

Those who witnessed the exile's final moments were left with one lingering question:

Was he truly a traitor?

Amidst betrayal, doubt, and death, Jin stood tall and stayed there until everyone had left the courtyard.

Then, he took out a single flower from his pocket and placed it on the exile's chest. He also retrieved the broken sword the exile had wielded.

It was for the purpose to plant it in the Garden of Swords someday.