Chapter 505

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Only one second. Or perhaps even shorter than that.

If it had been delayed just that much, the battleship's blueprints would have been irreparably damaged.

Those who confirmed that Jin's fire had died down were unable to move for a while even after seeing that the blueprint was safe.

"Just in case."

Jin put the blueprint and machine back into his coat pocket with an expressionless face.

"It would be wise not to break your promise or plot anything behind my back. If you want to leave room for negotiation regarding the blueprints and machinery in the future, that is."

"...For someone worrying about that, you seem very confident, Sir Jin. Rest assured, that won't happen. However."

Zephyrin showed intense killing intent to the point where the skin on his face tingled.

"You will have to negotiate with us for those items in some way in the future. If you back down or change your words, I don't know how things will turn out for you at that time. It is a warning and I'll tear you into ten thousand pieces."

"Why are you trying to maintain a bloody atmosphere to the end on a moot point? If you kill Mr. Jin, I won't tear you into ten thousand pieces, but into a million pieces."

"Living golem, humans already have a short lifespan, so don't hasten your death too much. Do you want me to tell you how many half-immortal beings I've sent to hell in my lifetime?"

Jin lightly tapped Sandra's shoulder with his finger. It meant not to provoke Zephyrin any further.

"I was planning to negotiate with Kinzelo later even if you hadn't intervened. We obtained the blueprints, but our clan lacks the technological capability to decipher or realize this."

It was a weakness that didn't need to be hidden or wrapped up.

Runcandel had only withstood a thousand years with a single sword.

Having extreme aversion to magic, it was natural that Runcandel had contributed little to the development of civilization derived from magical research.

Other major factions had achieved various technological advancements and innovations during that time. Zipfel, the imperial family, and even Kinzelo, who recently revealed its prominence, were no exception.

'It may have been a miracle that the clan has survived until now solely through force. If you think the other way...… it could also be a testament to how remarkable Runcandel was.'

The overpowering strength each Runcandel possessed, the power that had sustained them for a thousand years, was coming to an end.

The current Runcandels were all keenly feeling it.

Now, Runcandel needed something more. In fact, the level of a Genesis Knight achieved by Chiron, for the first time since Temar, was clearly proving that fact paradoxically.

Even though a new Genesis knight had finally appeared, Runcandel was unable to prevent its inherent decline.

The time for change had come.

And even now, little by little, it was changing. Among the flagbearers, there were certainly those who attempted or thought about change.

Jin, who declared the reinstatement of the magic sword, Joshua, who believed in the power of prophecy, and Diphus, who was convinced of the need for innovation after this incident, were representative examples.

They each had these thoughts:

'I need to escape the desert and delay as much time as possible until sitting at the negotiation table with Kinzelo. I must secure information about the blueprints and devices somehow within that time. Otherwise, I have no choice but to make a losing deal.'

'Negotiation? There's no need for that, youngest. Even without Kinzelo's technological capabilities, I already have the means to produce battleships.'

'Joshua, Mother, and that entity called the Prophet... Perhaps they already have the means to produce battleships. Protecting the blueprints from the clan, and choosing who to trade between the clan and Kinzelo. It will all be a difficult battle. Before going back, I have to deal with Joshua so my burden will be lightened.'

Diphus had not given up on killing Joshua.

'We have to assassinate him before escaping the Sota Desert, if possible. Even if I can't kill him this time, I'll create an opportunity when I return to the clan. Definitely. That's the way for the clan.'

Zephyrin smiled brightly. She was hiding her agitated emotions again.

"That's right, to Runcandel those things are actually a pearl necklace around a pig's neck. I won't make such a foolish mistake in the next negotiation. So, enjoy today's small victory, Sir Jin."

Jin, Murakan, Yona, Joshua, Diphus, Jane, Sandra, and Zephyrin.

And so began a strange and uncomfortable companionship.

Zipfel and Kinzelo were still engaged in fierce battle in the sky and on the ground, and the dawn in the desert was coming to an end.

Being protected by one enemy from another was not a pleasant situation.

The Runcandels, who were walking expressionlessly, felt a suffocating feeling in their chests, as if a large lump of lead sat there.

Although not visible yet, the group felt that the Spectre corps' pursuit net was gradually closing in.

'At least two more hours. They will definitely find us within that time. It would be good if we're not exposed until we leave the desert.'

Zephyrin was strong. The confidence that she could contend with Murakan in his prime would not be false.

However, Jin believed that she, like Murakan, was not in perfect condition. It was the same when they first fought in the Black King Mountain Hideout, and now the shock from back then would make the situation even worse.

In reality, Zephyrin currently did not possess a transcendent power on the level of Hedo. Her strength was drawn from the leader of Kinzelo, and the leader was in a state of extreme instability following the terrorist attack on the Sword Emperor Castle.

'Even if Zephyrin is in a completely healthy state contrary to my thoughts, she cannot face the entire Spectre corps alone.'

That would be impossible even for Hedo.

If anyone discovers the group, they would send a signal, and then the entire Spectre corps would come here.

'Moreover, Zephyrin won't sacrifice her life to protect us. In the worst case, she can abandon both us and the goods and escape alone.'

Jin glanced back for a moment.

He intended to check the situation between Zipfel and Grenil unfolding in the sky.

Zephyrin let out a sly laugh at that sight.

"You seem anxious. There's no need to expect Grenil to push Zipfel aside and join this escort."

"This is not a crisis where I need more help from the enemy. This confirms once again that the power of your battleship is stronger than back then."

"Anyway, it seems like you will never shut up even if you drown, Sir Jin."

"You are just a kind of insurance. And insurance doesn't talk. If you don't want to get useless curses from Murakan or Sandra, it's better to follow quietly."

"That's right."

If one leaves the Sota Desert in the opposite direction of the Kuta Forest, they will come to the Romin Forest, and passing through that forest will lead to the central border of the Lutero Magic Federation.

The border is guarded by Zipfel and five autonomous districts, and eight autonomous countries. If they break through all of that and go further, they will reach the sea, the Lutero Western Sea, and then they have to travel a long way to reach the neutral waters.

Infiltrating and escaping the very center of the Federation is nearly impossible. The former was relatively easily achieved through the infiltration tunnels created by the Prophet, but that path couldn't be used for the escape.

The group moved on the assumption that the infiltration routes and tunnels created by the Prophet had already been revealed. Therefore, their speed was slower, and the burden of unpredictable dangers was significant.

Ha... ha...

In the midst of the desert winds, the harsh breathing of one member of the group became increasingly audible.

It was the rough breathing of Jane, the Black Knight.

She suffered the most significant injuries during the battle with Hedo. Despite being a Black Knight, she couldn't endure continuous bleeding and backflow without showing any signs.

"Dame Jane, are you okay?"

She nodded her head, but her entire body was trembling like an aspen tree.

Splish, splish. Blood was flowing from Jane's boots with every step she took.

She carefully removed the cloak covering her body, and they could see her ribs exposed between the torn infiltration suit and bandages.


Black blood poured out from the pale bones.

The reason she was still walking was because she is a Black Knight. If she weren't, she would have already fainted and met her death.

"..... I need to wrap new bandages."


The bandages with healing magic were just makeshift first aid.

She was sensing death. Not only her but everyone felt the same. This time, Jin couldn't hide his mixed emotions.

'Even though she followed Joshua, she is a Black Knight of the clan... she devoted herself to the clan more than anyone else. Is this the only way it ends?'

If they didn't leave quickly, Jane would surely die.

But, they simply couldn't escape that fast. While the group was changing the bandages, Sandra handed painkillers to Jane.

"I take this when I have aftereffects from experiments. If you swallow it, you'll feel a bit better. It's the most effective painkiller in the world. Don't be in pain, Mr. Jin seems sad. It gets in the way of our date."

Jin stared at the painkillers, and in that moment, he couldn't help but feel a twinge of self-loathing at the thoughts that crossed his mind.

"It's a scene that makes me cry. Do you happen to have a handkerchief? I might need one too. Her death seems inevitable, so wouldn't it be better to send her off comfortably? Even considering the efficiency of our escape, it seems like a better option."

Zephyrin said that and pointed ahead with her finger.

The entrance to the Romin Forest was visible.

"That forest was already under siege right after the shipyard terror attack began. It was a tight siege that no one could sneak out except for Sir Jin's youngest sister. We have to break through by force, but you wouldn't think it would be possible with a patient, right?"

There was no need to confirm the credibility of her words.

Except for teleportation and flying, the only possible escape routes were toward the Kuta Forest and Romin Forest. There was no way Zipfel would have left those routes unguarded.

'At least, the Spectre corps hasn't discovered us during our journey here. Not yet."

Jin met eyes with Zephyrin.

"It would have been difficult without you. That's your role, Zephyrin."


"From now on, break through to the right to divert their attention. We'll escape from the desert after the Spectre corps concentrates on you."

"I think it would be more rational for us to all break through to the border as quickly as possible, and then for me to act as bait from there, right? If there's a commotion, the Spectre corps will come, right? Do you really think that the black knight can survive? Are you planning to use me as bait, thinking she can survive here?"

Jin remained silent.

"You don't know that it would be impossible for everyone to return alive anyway, right? You're being too greedy, Sir Jin. That black knight is practically a half-corpse already."

"Shut up and go quickly. I am the decision maker, not you."

The reason Jin didn't give up Jane's life wasn't just because of emotional issues.

Although Zephyrin and Sandra, who do not show it but actually agree with that opinion, cannot know that fact.

"Why are you worried about me? It won't be much of a loss for you."

Zephyrin shrugged her shoulders at those words.

"Well, I will go along with it. It's not really harmful to me, as you said. It's a bit uncomfortable, but refusing won't make you back off at all. You are doing this for the life of the black knight... I thought you were completely cold, but it seems there's a childish side to you."

There would be no opportunity at all during the escort, but she judged that the possibility of stealing items would increase as Jin and his group escaped Zipfel's pursuit.

After all, she wasn't the only one from Kinzelo here.

Moreover, even after becoming bait, she could escape without getting caught and return to Jin's side at any time. At that time, Jin being in a critical situation was the best outcome for Zephyrin.

"See you at the border. Take good care of the items."