Chapter 506

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Zephyrin's axe-sword emitted a purple demonic energy.

At the same time, signal flares shot up from various locations in the desert and the Romin Forest. A variety of colored magical signals painted the sky in an instant, turning the battlefield into a festive spectacle.

"Enemy spotted! The enemy has been dete... Argh!"

The mage who shouted couldn't finish his sentence as he met his demise. The purple sword energy shot by Zephyrin cleaved his body in half.

Though the morning was breaking, the visibility remained hazy due to the sandstorm, and the mages waiting in the Romin Forest were extremely nervous and on guard.

They made a fatal mistake due to excessive tension.

Detonating signal flares without accurately identifying the enemy was clearly a fatal mistake.

"Assemble! Gather! They are planning to break through by force, block them!"

Zephyrin's sword energy ruthlessly ravaged the forest.

The mages spent the first few seconds desperately blocking the sword energy, but the commanders soon realized that something was amiss.


"It's not a shadow force or an aura... that demonic energy, it's not Runcandel! It's a demon, Kinzelo!"

"How many?"

"Confirmed as one! Unknown identity, presumed to be female!"

"Damn it, the signal flares...! Ugh!"


Zephyrin closed the distance in an instant and cut off the head of the commander who was shouting.

"Haha, what can I do if everyone is so stupid?"

The eyes of other mages nearly popped out as they confirmed her identity.

"You are... Zephyrin!?"

"3rd-class researcher, Zephyrin...?"

-Sir Berakt, Ms. Zephyrin is someone we cannot punish.

-I know. I simply asked you because I wanted to know if you had any tricks up your sleeve, vice-leader. If the leader's recovery is further delayed, it will postpone our great cause.

-...In that case, I will personally meet and make a request. I will ask her to stay among Zipfel's ranks as a spy for a while. I think this is the maximum we can demand from Ms. Zephyrin.

After forcefully leveraging the leader's power in Black King Mountain hideout.

Zephyrin complied with Bishkel's request and became a third-class researcher at Zipfel, working as a spy.

Therefore, her appearance was an even greater shock to the mages in the Romin Forest.

"Yes, I am Zephyrin. Oh, come to think of it, the commander who just died had a persistent grudge against me, didn't he? Ugh, he wasn't supposed to die this easily!"

"What kind of betrayal is this!"

"Are you all too bewildered to understand the situation? I've been a spy from the beginning. You stupid people were just captivated by my looks."


The mages were almost swept away like fallen leaves by Zephyrin's axe-sword that moved in all directions.

At least three or more mages died with each swing, but the number of mages gathering following the initial signal flare was well over a thousand.

A chain barrier casted, and attack spells rained down from all directions.

Meanwhile, the confusion among those watching the signal flares from the desert was intensifying.

'Signal flares were fired in the Romin Forest!'

'Did they find Runcandel?'

'What's this? A yellow signal is going off to indicate a mistake.'

'The same goes for the black signal that signifies internal betrayal.'

'What on earth is happening in the Romin Forest!'

From Drakka to the Sota Desert, through the Romin Forest, and up to the Federation's border, all the members of Zipfel in that area were too preoccupied deciphering the chaotic contents of the signal flares to focus.

Octavia still had to deal with Gurnil, so she had no room to spare. However, Drakka and the Spectre corps needed to make quick decisions.

'Was their escape towards the Kuta Forest initially just a diversion?'

'This could be a double bluff, or it might be another attack of Kinzelo.'

'But there are still no traces of their escape near the Kuta Forest.'

'Squad leader, decide!'

The squad leaders of the Spectre corps soon made their decisions.

"1st, 2nd, 3rd Squads head to the Romin Forest. The rest continue searching the Kuta Forest!"

1st, 2nd, 3rd Squads.

The dragons carried nearly twenty members of the Spectre corps and changed direction.

Now it was Jin's turn to make a choice.

'The entire Spectre corps won't come after us. Since the signal isn't clear, they can't completely give up the search in the direction of the Kuta Forest.'

Ha, ha.

Jane's heavy breathing quieted down after taking the painkiller.

"Kid, that crazy demon dragon sure knows how to attract attention. Let's move. Hey, Black Knight, can you hold out a bit? Can you go?"

"Yes, Lord Murakan. I can fight."

"What's the point of fighting with that body? Are you trying to show off? Get on my back. Hey kid, carry Yona again."

Surprisingly, Jane willingly climbed onto Murakan's back.

"...I am sorry for showing such an unsightly sight to the clan's guardian deity."

"Don't be so embarrassed. Even knights of ancient Runcandel, stronger than you, have thrown up and caused a ruckus on my back."

Which direction will they move in?

As forces converged on the right side where Zephyrin had broken through, it seemed like the obvious choice to choose the opposite direction. Everyone thought that way, but Jin was coming to a different conclusion.

"Let's wait for a moment. Then, we'll break through in the same direction as Zephyrin."

"Kid, what are you talking about? If that's the case, why did you tell Zephyrin to draw attention?"

"What did you say?"

"The Spectre corps is coming, so why do you want to wait?"

"Oho! Mr. Jin, is there something else on your mind?"

The group expressed their doubts.

"The goal of the Spectre corps coming to Romin Forest for support is not to subdue or kill Zephyrin. Their top priority of Spectres is to find us, whether the mages die or not."

The eyes of the group widened at his words.

"In other words, the Spectre corps will search the entire Romin Forest while avoiding battle with Zephyrin as much as possible. Fighting her would only hinder the search."

Jin's words were correct.

Even in the midst of urgency, the group couldn't help but admire him.

They couldn't comprehend how he could have such insights in such a short moment.

"Wow... it is so really crazy, so cool that I might faint."

"The moment troops are most concentrated on Zephyrin, we will follow her path. Then, we will quietly escape from the Romin Forest, dealing with some enemies that may follow. We need to refrain from using aura as much as possible in order not to be distinguished from Zephyrin."

The demonic energy, which was frantically cutting down the forest and the mages, was emphasizing Zephyrin's presence. 

The moment the aura mixes in between, the group will be immediately exposed to the Spectres.

"I will give you a signal when I think it is the right time."

Hiding in the sandstorm, the group waited for Jin to open his mouth again.

Five minutes had passed since Jin spoke, just after Zephyrin stirred up a storm with her demonic energy.

"Let's go!"

The Runcandels charged towards the Romin Forest.

Mages chasing Zephyrin were visible from the beginning. They were too preoccupied with reading the situation and spreading information, so they didn't notice the swords of Runcandel falling on their necks.

Squeak, thud!

Just because they don't use aura doesn't mean the blade becomes dull. Runcandels gritted their teeth and ran, leaving behind the fallen mages' necks.


"Run, Runcandel, quickly!"

They were desperate.

The entire time the Runcandels were running, they prayed in their hearts that the forest would end quickly and that they would be able to get out safely. Fortunately, the mages didn't discover them, and even if they did, they were immediately killed.


After running for who knows how long, the sound of the air being sliced sharply reached their ears. Dragons carrying the Spectre corps were flying in the air. They had just arrived over the Romin Forest.

As Jin anticipated, the Spectre corps refrained from engaging with Zephyrin and instead seemed focused on searching the area. The forest's shadows provided cover for Runcandels from their eyes.

"Ha, ha, ha!"


Eventually, when the morning was fully bright, Runcandels managed to escape from the Romin Forest. Their bodies were covered in the sticky blood of mages, sweat, wood fragments, and dust, but nobody was dead or severely injured.

The mages in the forest were still pursuing Zephyrin towards the border.

Additionally, some members of the Spectre corps were now also tracking Zephyrin due to the unexpectedly severe damage she had caused in the forest.

Now, if they could just cross the central border of the Federation, the chances of escape would dramatically increase.


It was inevitable that the group would be exposed to the Spectre corps before they could choose a new escape direction. Runcandels found themselves facing gray-robed figures, their staff pointed at them.

'… About ten of them.'

Jin calmly counted their heads.

Ten members of the Spectre corps.

The ones who had chased Zephyrin wouldn't be coming back. Instead, the Spectre corps stationed in the Kuta Forest would rush to support when the battle began.


Their leader fired a signal flare, signaling that the target had been found.

"Lord Murakan," Jane spoke up.

"Please let me down."

The first time she obediently climbed on Murakan's back was no different. She wanted to preserve every bit of remaining stamina. And the reason Jin tried to save Jane at all costs was the same.

The sacrifice of the black helmet was necessary in moments like this.

Although they didn't say anything to each other, both Jin and Jane had prepared themselves since the moment they decided for Zephyrin to attract attention.

"Dame Jane."

"You don't need to say it, 12th flagbearer."

"...I see."

"Your choice to bring me here was the right one. Sandra Zipfel, even though we are enemies, I am grateful for your help. The painkillers are proving to be somewhat helpful."

Jane drew her sword and stepped to the front of the group.

There was no room for apologies.

"I won't forget today's sacrifice, Black Knight."

"A death dedicated to the clan is more valuable than life. Therefore, this is not a sacrifice but the greatest glory."

The trembling that felt like she would break any moment while being carried on Murakan's back soon subsided.

Jane's sword was aimed calmly and firmly at the enemies.

"I may not be able to prolong this for much longer. Go quickly. You must survive to witness my glory."

Although there were other unspoken words inside her, Jane didn't say them out loud.

'12th flagbearer, in truth, I want to serve you if the opportunity arises. Not the 2nd flagbearer…'

After looking at Jane's back for a moment, Jin shouted, calling out to his eldest brother.

The 2nd flagbearer of the clan, Joshua Runcandel!

And then he continued.

"Don't just stand there. Assist Dame Jane in her final battle. That may be the only way to wash away a bit of your dishonor and betrayal."