Chapter 507

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It was a development that no one had anticipated.

However, Jin had planned to use Joshua like this from the beginning of the escape.

It is a crisis that can only be overcome if someone makes a sacrifice. And of course, the only one in the group who didn't mind dying was Joshua, the clone.

Jin also wanted to save Jane with a desperate heart.

But Jane was already in a state where she couldn't be revived unless there was a legacy of Numerus, and realistically, she couldn't hold her ground against ten Spectres, along with additional reinforcements.

A brief silence passed.

"I was thinking of doing that even if you didn't say it."

Soon Joshua answered in a calm voice, and even Jane looked back at him in shock.

The person who was most shocked was Diphus.

"What? Joshua, are you serious?"

"2nd flagbearer, you won't survive if you join me."

"I'm glad I can risk my life now rather than fighting the tower keeper."

"Joshua, what are you thinking?"

"It's straightforward, Diphus. I'm making a choice for the clan. If you have a complaint, step up instead of me."

"I am not complaining. Instead, the thorn on my side is disappearing on its own. However, I know better than anyone else that you are not the type of person who would give up your life so easily."

It wasn't the time for a long conversation.

"See you later, 2nd flagbearer."


Joshua threw the black sword, Kainer, which he had at his waist, to Jin. Even if the clone died, there was no need to lose the sword.

"I will return and get it."

"I was also thinking that the sword is precious, but what else can you fight with..."

The moment Jin spoke until there.

Suddenly, Joshua's pupils turned black, even the whites of his eyes.

-If it's still not enough, I should consider using that power…

The thought Joshua had when he fought with Hedo.

The power that he hesitated to use in the battle with Hedo was now coloring his eyes a dull black light and forming a new sword in his hand.

'Joshua, what is this?'

'What is this? It seems similar to the power the bushes use?'

'... Murky energy?'

What Joshua was enveloped in seemed similar to the murky energy used by Amela in the Gaifa Archipelago.

However, it felt much thicker and refined than that. Joshua's murky energy had a color almost identical to the shadow force.

'I anticipated to some extent that the Prophet is deeply related to chaos... Is it possible to use the murky energy to strengthen others in this way?'

The staffs of the Spectres fired pure white mana beams at the same time. It was an attack concentrated on Joshua, who had just started to move.

And the group was once again shocked by the sight of him easily blocking or deflecting all the mana rays with a protective shield.

'This can't be his skills. Is this also the ability of the Prophet?'

Diphus narrowed his eyes.

Joshua is definitely not at the level of being called a very strong martial artist or superman.

Moreover, he had suffered internal injuries from the fierce battle just now, so it was impossible for him to effortlessly deflect the attacks of ten Spectres.

[I cannot maintain this state for long. I'll try to hold them back as much as possible, so make sure to take the stolen items back to the clan.]

Jin and Murakan, who knew that he was a clone, were composed, but Diphus felt a strange sensation.

He had always wished for Joshua's death, but he had never thought that it would end like this.

Of course, he was a bit taken aback, but there was nothing sentimental about it, such as realizing that his feelings for Joshua were in fact love and hate, not hate.

"Well, I don't know what you're thinking, but we better leave before you change your mind. Elder brother, make sure to decorate your last moment gracefully. After all, you are in front of the enemies. There probably won't be a need for that, but if by any chance you come back alive, I'll personally kill you at that time."

Before leaving, Jin and Diphus gave a sword salute to Jane.

She was swinging her sword towards the newly emitted mana rays aimed at the group.


She made an unbelievably fast and accurate vertical slash and it was hard to believe that she was on the brink of death a few moments ago.

Jane was burning the last of her will. Like a fire that reveals a greater light just before it goes out, her sword surpasses the level she reached throughout her life, even if only for a moment. She went one step further. With her value of duty on her back.

Then, a group of three Spectres approached to block her, and the rest of the group seemed to be trying to attack Jin and his group, who were already moving away.

[Aren't you underestimating the close combat against Runcandels too much?]


Two of the staffs falling toward Jane were blocked by Joshua's sword. The remaining one, transformed into a spear, was repelled by Jane.

[Moreover, she's a Black Knight.]


One of the three people who rushed in did not hear Joshua's words.

Because Jane, who had lunged backward, cut his throat with a single slash. She got stabbed in the shoulder because she too had dug in too hard, but she couldn't let that dull her final resolve.

As the head of one Spectre fell, the Spectre corps showed a momentary pause.

No matter how formidable the sword of a black helmet was, they never expected that a nearly lifeless body could achieve such results with a simple sword.

The Spectre corps had expected that Jane would not be able to inflict any significant injuries, let alone decapitate those who attacked.

'What is this? Did she kill him with a single slash?'

'Seriously, just standing there is a miracle in itself!'

'These Runcandels are particularly unpleasant when this incomprehensible power occasionally manifests…'

Jane forcibly put her broken shoulder back in place while looking at the Spectres who were readjusting themselves.

"You cannot pass... Zipfels."

While her entire body was torn and shattered, only her eyes emitted a faint, piercing light.

The remaining nine Spectres felt a chill running down their spines as they met her gaze. Despite losing one person, they still held an overwhelming advantage, yet the indescribable eerie feeling made it difficult to express the discomfort.

Some stay, and some pursue the fleeing ones.

Given the difference in power, they could choose such options easily. However, the Spectres were engulfed by a strong intuition that leaving only four or five would result in irreparable damage.

'Not only the Black Knight, but also Joshua Runcandel's power has suddenly risen.'

'We can't afford to lose members so fruitlessly. The 4th, 5th, 6th squads and the main force will arrive soon, so let's decisively finish those two and resume tracking!'

'Sandra Zipfel probably still engrossed in her crazy love play. She will not provide any significant help without Hedo.'

The Spectres reorganized their formation. Those who were about to chase Jin and his group started opening up their mana and drawing magic circles.

"It seems you're determined for a proper fight, Spectres."

[It is an honor to join you in your final battle, Dame Jane.]

Joshua stood shoulder to shoulder with her.

"...Second Flagbearer. It seems the rumors were true."

Rather than expressing gratitude for his participation, Jane first brought up a different matter.


"That your body is not just one."

She said this in a dry tone, but within it, Joshua keenly felt deep disdain. It was the first time he saw the Black Knight so openly revealing emotions.

[...Is that wrong?]

Jane didn't answer.

[Regardless of how you view it, I am realizing the highest value of the clan in my own way.]

Although she harbored the desire to serve Jin, Jane wasn't dissatisfied when she followed Joshua under Rosa's orders. It was because she believed it was a way to show loyalty to the clan.

However, she was still human, so she could not help but feel disappointed right before her death.

"Struggle, is that what you're talking about?"


The sky was turning red as the Spectres spread their mana.

What was unfolding in the sky was the Spectre corps' exclusive large-scale magic, 'Red Abyss,' which Jin had encountered the first time he faced them.


Jane took a long breath.

"It's so lamentable... You should be ashamed, Joshua Runcandel."

Like blood-red rain, red mana particles spread from the sky and turned into swords and chains and rained down on the two people.

Swoosh, clang!

Jane's first move in response to the red abyss was to block the red blade falling on Joshua's back.


Witnessing the scene, Joshua felt something familiar and terrifying surge within his chest.


A monster that had taken root in the deepest part of his soul one day and had never retreated from there, not even once in a lifetime.

[What... How dare you speak so lightly without knowing anything, Dame!]

Joshua shouted, cutting through the chains falling towards Jane's head. His eyes, now stained black, were shaking.

"What's somewhat fortunate is..."

[Despite the harsh contempt shown by my father, sister, brothers, and sometimes even my mother, and the countless disappointments I faced—I never gave up even once in the face of such bitterness. I was more desperate than anyone else!]

"I dedicated my last glory for the real one, not the fake."

The two swords were relentlessly moving.

They were blocking the red blades and chains falling into each other's corner, and if one didn't look closely, they could almost mistake them for swinging their swords to cut each other down.

[Why won't no one acknowledge me...! No one, no one! No one...!]

Shouts that were almost like screams continued to scatter in the air with the deafening sound of the two swords and the mana of nine people colliding.

How much time had passed?

In the end, Jane's flame went out.


The blade of the Red Abyss pierced through her back.

Until just a moment ago, she had swung her sword fiercely like a vengeful ghost, but suddenly, her movements stopped.

Now her body has reached a stage where it cannot be moved by will or anything transcendental that a human can possess on its own.

[Damn it, Jane!]

Joshua instinctively extended his sword, but protecting her was impossible, and even if he succeeded, it would be meaningless.

In the moment when her devastated body was finished off by the chains and blades.

Jane looked directly at Joshua one last time.

I hope my current state serves as a lesson to you.

And thus, Runcandel's Black Knight, Jane, met her end.

The remaining clone continued the battle alone, amidst her corpse being scattered within the Red Abyss.