Chapter 509

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Mon got down on one knee and vomited out a handful of blood. If they exchanged a few more blows, Mon would have met death facing the monstrous demon's sword.

'...I've heard there are formidable demons among the demons currently active, but I didn't expect someone like that to be affiliated with Kinzelo. Was the demon that the first flagbearer cut in the past also like that?'

It had been a long time since he suffered such a powerless defeat and were so blatantly ignored. Mon managed to retrieve his severed left arm, but it would be difficult for him to continue performing his duties as a black knight if he did not receive treatment at the level of Holy Queen immediately.

But now was not the time to succumb to despair.

'The demon is heading towards the signal from the Romin Forest. The battleship Grenil is also flying towards the Romin Forest, and seeing Kozec following, there's a possibility that Jane and the others are there too.'

Mon didn't know the exact situation in the Romin Forest. However, the fact that the forces of Zipfel and Kinzelo were converging must have a good reason, and the most important thing in this situation was the items in the vault of the 2nd Magic Tower.

'Did the 2nd flagbearer succeed in looting, or did Kinzelo obtain something and intensify the battle? Either way, what I need to do now is request support.'

It made no sense to hold Bianca back. Mon survived because of the enemy's mercy, but he needed to move somehow to ensure the success of the mission.

After performing first aid and treating the wound, Mon took a step forward.

But the security at the border is very strict.

Each tall watchtower along the border emitted light. Border troops from the five autonomous districts and eight autonomous countries looked alternatively at their assigned zones, the battlefield of the Romin Forest, and the Sota Desert, with their alertness higher than ever.

The battleship Grenil and Octavia's forces were rapidly approaching the Romin Forest as if possessed.

As the battle intensified, border troops were beginning to worry that the Romin Forest might completely disappear from the map.

Commanders at the border decided to divert search teams towards the direction where Mon and Bianca were engaged in combat. As it was an individual battle, it was nothing compared to the commotion of Romin Forest and Sota Desert, but it was not enough for the guards to miss.

Mon went forward looking for a loophole in the border without being discovered by them.

'Darn it, my body is starting to stiffen.'

The bleeding was severe. Just like Jane earlier, Mon had sustained significant injuries, enough to lose consciousness if not for the mental strength and willpower of a Black Knight.

Ha, ha….

Mon leaned against a tree for a moment and caught his breath. The surroundings appeared hazy due to the fever, and with each shiver, it felt as though his bones would break.

While his senses were fading from the pain, Mon suddenly changed his posture and aimed his sword beyond the bushes.

He felt someone approaching.

'Is it a guard…..!'

It was likely border troops. If there were only a few below 7-stars, Mon could handle them quietly. However, if it was more than that, it was impossible to kill everyone before the signal flare was fired.

A moment later, when the owners of the approaching footsteps revealed themselves, Mon could finally exhale in relief.

"Sir Mon!"

It was Jin and his group.

They had limited routes to take while avoiding the surveillance of the border. Jin and his group had followed the same path as Mon, and during the process, they had noticed the trail of his blood. Hence, their encounter was more destined than coincidental.

"12th flagbearer."

"What happened... Sir, your arm."

"How did the mission go? Why are you the only ones here? What about Jane and the 2nd flagbearer?"

Mon, who had been speaking, stopped as he met the dark and heavy gaze of Jin and others.

"..... We escaped from the Romin Forest with the sacrifice of Dame Jane."

Mon remained silent for a few moments and then looked back, towards the direction of the Romin Forest where his lover had faced her death.

After becoming the Black Knight, they completely gave up their personal lives, but Mon and Jane always believed that their hearts were connected.

They had planned that if they ever retired safely one day, they would spend the rest of their lives together.

That hope had come to an end.

"I see."

Mon responded with a composed voice.

Just as Jane had prioritized clan and missing over choosing words to leave with her lover until the very end, Mon did the same.

Personal sorrow does not help the clan. The Black Knights believed that.

That is the black helmet of Runcandel.

"Did the 2nd flagbearer also stay behind?"


Mon didn't inquire about why the next patriarch remained instead of another flagbearer? Is that intentional or not? Why does Jin have the black sword Kainer? If not, what is the 2nd flagbearer fighting with?

Mon didn't ask because he somewhat knew why Joshua stayed behind.

"Was the mission successful?"

Jin took out the items from his pocket and showed them.

"As long as we escape unharmed, the mission is a success. Let's save the detailed stories about my injuries, Yona Runcandel, and Sandra Zipfel for after the escape. Let's get moving before I collapse."

Mon's gaze fell on Sandra. She was once again rummaging through her coat pocket, searching for painkillers.

"Oh, luckily, I still have some. Swallow this. It worked wonders for the other unnie earlier. It's tough to run when you're in pain, right?"

"...Unnie? Could it be you're talking about Jane, Sandra Zipfel?"

"Yes, that's right. She thanked me."

Mon took the painkillers without saying a word and swallowed them. Then, Mon lightly tapped Sandra's shoulder.

Mon hadn't explicitly revealed his romantic relationship, but the group somehow seemed to understand the sentiment behind Mon's gesture towards Sandra.

They resumed their journey.

'It would be difficult to just pass by without armed conflict.'

It was natural since it was the center of the Lutheran Magic Federation and the surveillance network was several times tighter than usual.

While Jin was contemplating the most efficient route to break through, Sandra spoke up.

"Ha, it seems like it's time to end our first date."

The group's attention shifted to Sandra.

She was biting her lower lip, trying to console herself.

"I guess I have to step forward now so you can escape, Mr. Jin. From now on, even if you want to see me, you can't just come looking for me like this. Mr. Jin, today is the last time, okay?"

Jin and Sandra's eyes met.

"I'll divert the attention of the border guards for you. Escape without getting caught. However, do you remember what I said earlier?"

-However, thanks to you, my siblings and the Black Knight's lives were saved. If there's anything you need, ask for it. If it's within my power, I'll do it after the escape.

Both Jin and Sandra recalled those words at the same time.

"What do you need?"

Sandra extended her golden prosthetic hand towards Jin, ensuring that his face engraved on her forearm was clearly visible.

"I would like you to engrave your name under the picture here."

"Wow... You truly are amazing. I thought only that Enya, the president of the kid's fan club, is crazy but even she is nothing compared to you. I might not see another human like you even if I live for another three thousand years."

"Fan club? After the Golden Pengi's advertisement, all sorts of unofficial fan clubs emerged. I even created and passed a bill related to fan activities and officially registered it. There have been several articles about it, even on the Huphester side."

"Oh, I think I've seen something like that. It was someone named Nodav Sarsaeng, probably."

"That's my alias. So, what Enya does is just a personal fan activity, while mine is an official fan activity. There's a big difference."

Jin silently drew his dagger and, as requested, signed below the picture on the prosthetic hand.

Sandra was about to scream but covered her mouth.

"Wow! I'll treasure this more than my life!"

The feeling of her arm turning into a golden prosthetic hand, with his face engraved on it, and even his signature below it, the feeling of hearing her say she would treasure it more than her life... there were no words to express it.

Regardless, the moment the signature was completed.


Suddenly, a tremendous explosion occurred in the Romin Forest.

It was a massive explosion, felt even at the central border, causing an earthquake. And this explosion wasn't caused by Kinzelo or Zipfel.

It was an explosion caused by Runcandel's decisive killing move. Everyone in the group was recognizable at a glance.

The clan's only self-destruction sword move, a sword created with the ultimate end in mind.

The Seventh Decisive Killing Move, Volcano.

It was the same as when Joshua faced Jin and Garmund in the Bluebird Archipelago. Joshua's clone had chosen the volcano as a final desperate act.

At that time, Joshua's volcano had demonstrated the power to obliterate the entire 32nd island of the Bluebird Archipelago. The volcano unleashed by the current Joshua, reinforced with murky energy, far exceeded that power.

The aura mixed with murky energy soared into the sky and fell to the ground, destroying the Romin Forest. It literally looked like a huge volcano erupting.

Even from where the group stood, the shockwave distorted and shattered the space and sky of the entire Romin Forest region.

The battleships urgently deployed their shields to the maximum, and the strong ones did their best to save allies who couldn't withstand the explosion.

"They are also firing congratulatory fireworks over there to celebrate the birth of my treasure!"

Sandra seemed cheerful, as if the fact that the volcano was destroying her clan's territory wasn't particularly important.

"Now let's go, Mr. Jin. Thanks to that explosion, the border guards seem a bit disoriented. If I cause a little more confusion, there should be a gap in their surveillance."

"Sandra Zipfel."


-But, Jin, I have a responsibility to fulfill on my own. If my clan is going the wrong way, shouldn't I correct it? I will make everything normal. I will return Zipfel to the proud clan I know.

-That is a story that lacks reality.

-I don't think there's anything I can't do if you guys help me.

-Regardless of us being friends, there are things that can't be done. It's impossible for Runcandel to help Zipfel.

Suddenly, Jin saw his friend in her. He remembered their conversation at Veradin's mansion. Leave the clan, discard the name Zipfel. That moment came to his mind.

"I'd like you to pass my regards to Veradin."

"Ah, I never thought I would at least hold your hand again… I was already planning to meet Radin and talk about Mr. Jin."

When Jin extended his hand, Sandra's eyes widened. Of course, it wasn't to comply with Sandra's request but rather a request for a handshake from the perspective of someone who had received significant help in this situation.

"Then, until we meet again, Mr. Jin."

"Goodbye, Sandra."

Sandra soon turned around and ran out of the bushes, and as soon as she encountered the guards, she screamed:

"I am Sandra Zipfel, the acting master of the Tower of the White Night. The intruders are fleeing towards the 16th checkpoint. Swiftly track them!"

As the border guards moved in response to Sandra's command.

Runcandels were finally able to cross the border and escape the center of the Lutero Magic Federation through the West Sea.