Chapter 510

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March 5, 1800, a day has passed since those who participated in the special mission in the "Sota Desert" returned to the Garden of Swords.

The mission was successful, but the losses were enormous.

"We saved him. However, the arm... The necrosis and tissue loss were so severe that there was nothing we could do," said the medical director with a heavy voice. It was about Mon.

Although they managed to retrieve Mon's severed arm after the battle with Bianca, those who participated in the Sota Desert mission fought several fierce battles with the Federation's Navy even after crossing the central border of Lutero.

Even at the end of the battle with Bianca, the arm was in a state that could not be helped if it did not receive treatment at the level of the Holy Queen.

"Can he continue with missions in the future?"

Jin asked, suppressing the boiling anger.

Jin did not ask that question about whether Mon, the top knight of the clan, was capable of performing missions. He asked in a hope for Mon to maintain his existence and pride.

"Except for the left arm, the rest of his body will recover perfectly soon. It may be difficult for him to perform a Black Knight's missions, but I believe he can handle missions below that level."

"...Thank you, Medical Director."

"Please go inside. He's awake."

As Jin entered the operating room, he saw Mon wrapped in bandages and medical equipment.

"Sir Mon."

After their return, Jin heard from Zed that Mon and Jane were lovers.

"12th flagbearer."

Mon remained silent for a while, gazing out the window. The sky over the Sota Desert during the mission was either blurry or filled with the flames of battle, contrasting with the unusually sunny light that now filled the hospital room.

"It's inevitable that I will be demoted to a Guardian Knight or an Enforcement Knight. This arm will only be a burden to other Black Helmets."

"The mission could not have been successful without you, sir."

"The weather is nice."

Mon neither affirmed nor denied Jin's words. He was simply pondering the information he heard from Jin on the way back.

"Don't burden your heart too much. Being a Black Helmet is just a symbol of loyalty to the clan. Even without it, my essence remains unchanged. However."

Mon turned his head towards Jin and continued talking.

"If your words are true... if that really is the case, it seems like things have changed."

The expression 'changed' referred not to himself but directly to this place, the Garden of Swords.

-The 7th decisive killing move, volcano, the 2nd flagbearer probably faced certain death...

-No, he is alive. The one who executed the volcano was not the real Joshua but his clone.


-Youngest, what are you talking about?

While escaping from the Lutero Magic Federation, Jin informed the group that Joshua might be a clone. It hadn't been proven yet, but Diphus and Mon couldn't shake off the uneasy intuition.

"12th flagbearer."

"Please speak."

"Jane actually wanted to serve you. And the moment your words are proven true..."

At that moment, someone entered the medical room. It was Jin's butler, Petro.

"Young Master!"

Jin instinctively sensed why Petro had come so urgently. Mon felt the same.

"The 2nd flagbearer has returned...!"

As Petro finished speaking, an immense energy radiated from Mon. 

The entire building was shaking with such force that it was hard to believe it belonged to a person who was on the verge of death until yesterday.

Red bloody tears flowed from Mon's eyes. Soon, he withdrew his strength, rose from the bed, and looked at Jin.

"Come quickly, 12th flagbearer."

They went outside.

They saw Joshua standing outside the steel gate. He was in good health, without a single wound, and was leading all of his knights except the black knights.

A flag with the symbol of Runcandel, the black swords, was raised.

The knights outside the gate who came with Joshua and the knights gathered inside the garden were holding the same flag.

The sight was so horrifyingly repulsive.

"Your words were true."

Diphus stood next to Jin and spoke. Diphus's trembling was palpable as he barely restrained his anger.


"Yes, elder brother."

"Make sure to drag that guy down and kill him. And if Mother shields that disgusting man again this time, I will never let it pass."


Or reform.

Diphus had made up his mind.

Jin had too. However, unlike Diphus, Jin was almost certain that his confident eldest brother would have a hard time avoiding responsibility this time.

Looking at the knights standing behind Joshua, Jin's conviction deepened.

'He must have led his knights here out of fear. But does he still not realize that, I don't know about the hounds, but the knights of the clan pledge their loyalty not to him…'

It was a complete mistake for Joshua to bring the knights en masse to the Garden of the Swords.

Joshua should have come alone. Jin thought so, and so did their mother, Rosa, who left the main house.


The knights formed a line on both sides of the road. Rosa, who was walking between them, had indifferent eyes.

"2nd flagbearer, Joshua Runcandel. Reporting back after accomplishing the mission."

His voice, struggling to maintain confidence, lacked the pride of having successfully completed a challenging mission.

There was no boasting of accomplishing a difficult mission. There was only the fear of a son who couldn't be sure whether he would receive punishment or reward from his mother.

Until he entered the Garden of the Swords, Joshua always believed that he would receive a reward as usual.

No, he wanted to believe it. However, as soon as Joshua faced Rosa's cold expression, he felt the hope fading. Young children have a hard time withstanding their parents' unusual facial expressions.

Joshua was even rationalizing the fact that he had accompanied the knights.

It wasn't because he was afraid of Rosa's decision, but merely an act to raise the dignity of the next patriarch, who had returned after completing the mission diligently.

"I received a report that you died during the mission. What happened?"

No matter how much Joshua tried to rationalize it, he could tell from the first words. His mother did not seem pleased to see his return.

It was time to realize the painful reality.

"Mother, that's..."

"Address me properly. Right now, I am not standing here as your mother."

Joshua's eyes widened.

Those who were watching were also shocked. It was the first time that Rosa, not Chiron, trampled on Joshua's authority in front of everyone.

"I apologize... acting matriarch. I made a mistake."

"Explain clearly to me how the 2nd flagbearer, Joshua Runcandel, is standing there instead of being dead."

Why are you alive? You should have died there.

That's how Rosa's words sounded to Joshua. Joshua couldn't help but tremble at the sound of his mother's voice, which went beyond a simple reprimand and even felt malice.

"Answer me, the 4th and 12th flagbearers would not have dared to tell me a lie!"

As Rosa shouted again, a heavy pressure filled the surroundings.

"The reason I am alive is..."

Joshua stuttered. His eyes fluttered, and he felt that he was becoming infinitely smaller. There was a deep sense of contempt in the eyes of the clan members looking at him.

"I sent a clone on the mission..."

At that moment, Jin thought to himself.

'Not only did you make the meaningless mistake of bringing the knights, but you are also missing the last chance to change our mother's mind, Joshua.'

Joshua had no idea why his mother was exploding in anger like this.

It was because he had forgotten his essence.


Joshua took a breath and looked up at Rosa. However, his wobbly legs couldn't hide the fact that he was afraid.

"The reason I am alive is because I sent a clone created through a prophet on a mission. As a result, the mission was successful."

"One black knight died, and one became crippled. Can you call that a success?"

That was the main reason why Joshua was now being reprimanded. Mon survived, but in reality, Runcandel lost two black knights in this mission.

As the decision maker of the mission, Joshua had to take responsibility.

But there was a separate reason why Rosa was going this far.

The essence of Runcandel, the struggle. Joshua had forgotten that. Maybe he didn't forget but simply never existed from the beginning.

The method didn't matter.

Even if he used a fake body for the mission, even if it resulted in one black knight facing death and one becoming crippled, even if it caused greater losses.

Joshua should have fought. As the next patriarch of the clan, he should have elevated the values of the clan.

He should not have trembled and stuttered like a frightened dog, like a terrified child. He needed to prove that he was never wrong.

He had to stand against Rosa and stand against the clan.

He should have roared, asking if there was a superior way than using the power of the prophet and cloning, why anyone had not done anything if there was a better way, and who really caused the death of black knight of the clan.

Just like Jin did when he made the patriarchy declaration.

'If you had shown that you never forgot the essence of Runcandel, Mother would have defended you again this time.'

Jin felt nauseous.

He, more than any other Runcandel and more than any of her children present here, understood Rosa Runcandel better. It was a fact that made him shiver.

"I made a mistake..."

Rosa's eyes became even colder.


Why... wouldn't you acknowledge me?

Didn't I successfully complete the mission for the clan? Haven't you tolerated my use of the power of the prophet and cloning until now, mother...

Aren't I your most beloved child?

Joshua's head was filled with just such thoughts. The essence of Joshua Runcandel was nothing more than a child struggling to be recognized by his parents.

It couldn't be called a struggle.

"4th flagbearer."

"Yes, acting matriarch."

"Speak. Did you know that the 2nd flagbearer sent a clone?"

"I didn't know."

"12th Knight, did you?"

"I had a suspicion."

"But why did this mission require the sacrifice of the Black Knight, not just his clone?"

"As I reported yesterday, because our clan invested the least among the three major factions in this incident. However..."

Jin looked down at Joshua and continued.

"If he had shared all the information with me and the 4th flagbearer from the beginning, if he had volunteered the sacrifice of the clone in advance, there would never have been the death of Black Knight, Dame Jane, and the loss of Sir Mon's arm."

"Mother, no! That was just a hypothesis! Let me explain, my plan was clearly perfect, but there were too many variables in this mission...!"

A smirk more than contempt spread across Rosa's lips.

"Black Sword Association, subdue Joshua Runcandel."

"As you command!"

The ones who responded to Rosa's command were the knights led by Joshua from outside the garden, not inside.

Except for the Black Knights, all of Joshua's highest-ranking knights were formed of the Runcandel Elder Council's enforcement knights. Although Joshua himself has only just found out about it.

"Lain, Vex, Rihanna... and even Sinatra. Are you all... members of the Black Sword Association...?"

The enforcement knights of the Black Sword Association removed the masks concealing their faces and revealed their identities. Everyone in the hall held their breath as the mangled, unrecognizable old faces were revealed.

"As of now, Joshua Runcandel's status as the 2nd flagbearer of the Runcandel clan is suspended. Furthermore, I am issuing a secret search order for both his real body and the clones, who may be active outside."

"Confine him in the dungeon."

"Mother, Mother...!"


Everyone who was watching Joshua Runcandel crying for his mother was thinking of that word.