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While swords, magic, and chaos intertwined and clashed in all directions, only the small space where Talaris had begun to cast the sealing was emitting a pure white glow.

It looked like a pearl that never lost its light even in the deep sea.

And as soon as Talaris began to cast her absolute seal, Glyek focused all of his attacks on her alone.

Glyek didn't even defend himself in the slightest even though his entire body was being hacked to pieces by the giants.

The black flesh of chaos that was cut and burst continued to return to the Black Sea land, but that was not the concept of high-speed regeneration that humans were familiar with.

For the king of chaos, 'form' was just a means for minimal convenience.

The real Glyek was not the body that becomes larger and more elaborate as the Black Sea progresses, but the chaos energy scattered and mingled throughout the surroundings.

In other words, the attacks of the giants were not actually hurting Glyek, but they were merely distorting his form.

Even if there was a sword that can cut the sea with one stroke, even if there was magic that can erase the sky with one blow.

The sea and the sky cannot perish itself. Even if the waves would cease and the clouds would disappear, the sea and sky would always remain there.

Glyek was the same. Even though he received so many attacks and chaos was dissipating, not a single point was extinguished.

"What in the world is that?"

Murakan transformed into a human and stood next to Jin. Misha and Murakan, among the Vamel Alliance, chose to stay and fight alongside Jin instead of escaping.

"Hey, devil. Is there really no answer to that?"

Misha shook her head. She was exhausted to the limit, and was enduring by absorbing Murakan's shadow force.

"I think it will be manageable if I regain all my old strength, so can't you do something like surgery right away? Even if it's a bit risky."

"If that was possible, I would have done it right away. Say something that makes sense, please. I mean, show some composure and do what's called thinking. Right now, there is only one way as Jin said. Kinzelo must have the means. They have to agree to the negotiations."

"Oh, then why did you stay? You are using all my strength. You should have retreated with others earlier! If things go wrong, Jin and I have to take care of you too!"

"The situation has been messed up since that thing woke up. For now, I need to focus, so just shut up."

The reason Misha had exhausted most of her strength and remained on the battlefield was no different.

It was because there was still one thing she could do.

The casting of the absolute seal of the Hidden Palace.

Misha was going to help with that. She also thinks that the absolute seal of the hidden palace is the only means by which they could be prepared to respond to Glyek the moment he awoke.

"Master of the hidden palace, I will help you to seal it. The wall of chaos is getting thicker, so it will be difficult for the snow toad to open the way and help with the seal of the Hidden Palace."

Mort is a high-ranking being who can be said to be on par with Tess, but because of that, he cannot use all of his original abilities in the human world like Tess.

In addition, Mort was still exhausted from long-distance dimension movement after the sword emperor castle war began.

This means that in such thick chaos, Mort's ability to move in dimensions may not be used. Misha planned to offset that part with her shadow force.

"I didn't think of that part because I was in a hurry. Then I will trust you, Miss Misha."

Talaris didn't ask Misha if she'd ever casted a hidden palace secret sealing.

In the first place, you wouldn't be able to participate in casting the seal of the Hidden Palace if you could not read the flow.

Like food falling on the white snow, the shadow force began to mix with the energy of myriad ice.

The energy of myriad ice and shadow force showed a better combination than Talaris expected.

'It looks like she had casted a seal with the predecessors of the hidden palace in the past. That way, the burden will be much less.'

Amidst the battlefield resounding with clamor, the space where the sealing spell was taking place was filled with a faint but strangely pleasant sound of wind.

But that didn't mean it was safe.


Talaris, who was in the midst of casting the seal, suddenly spat out blood.

It wasn't Glyek sword and spear, or the chaos energy that struck her. All those attacks were filtered out by giants, knights, mages, Jin and Murakan.

"Madame Talaris!"

The Black Sea land was like Glyek's body. Glyek was not only striking, but he was also performing attacks using the black ground where Talaris stood.

It was only blocked by the frost of the myriad ice that covered the black ground.

The myriad ice, which was like a shield, was breaking through little by little.

Others could not block the chains and awls of chaos that came up out of nowhere from the ground, and Talaris, who started casting the seal, had to maintain perfect immobility.

The black awls of chaos protruding through the sole of her foor.

Even though Talaris was being pierced by Glyek's attacks in this way, she couldn't respond. That means she has to be exposed to chaos for a long time.

If the frost of the myriad ice hadn't immediately frozen the awl and the affected part, even Talaris wouldn't have lasted more than 10 minutes in that state.

Jin was going crazy as he watched her. But showing signs of distress can only hinder Talaris.

Jin gritted his teeth and devoted himself to parrying the attacks pouring in from the front.

Two hours passed like that.

Myriad ice was forming a huge light that was incomparably stronger than the one that spread over a small area at the beginning.

It was completed.

Talaris's whole body was impaled by the awls of chaos and she was bound in chains, and covered in blood.

'I might not have succeeded without Ms. Misha.'

Talaris, who had kept her immobility all along, reached out for the floating Myriad ice for the first time.

Then the myriad ice light shifted to her all at once.

Myriad Sword Magic Seal Casting

Great Ice field 

Then the moment Talaris opened her eyes. All movement on the battlefield stopped for an instant.

The hundreds of weapons that Glyek swinging, the giants who fought against him, the knights and mages. All of them stopped moving for an instant due to the energy of the absolute seal of the Hidden Palace.

Befitting the name of the great field covered with ice, there was no area that was not frozen no matter where you looked around.

The chaos energy that had violently swung over humans just now froze and shattered, turning into thick sleet and scattering across the ice fields.

Talaris stood like a tree in the middle and spread white energy. It was almost blinding when you looked straight ahead.

Glyek was frozen and cracked by the energy of the seal. Like a sandcastle collapsing, the chaos energy that formed his appearance was flowing down.

To those who didn't understand the nature of the being called the King of the Black Sea, it might seem like he was completely finished.

Even this did not essentially annihilate Glyek's chaos.

When the sealing time is up, the scattered chaos particles will again form Glyek's appearance.

Also, Talaris was not satisfied with the results of the sealing at all.

'Damn it, I even exerted the power used to seal Elona Zipfel once again. Ha, Is this really the limit…..!'

The Great Ice field was clearly casted properly. However, it could not completely seal Glyek.

Talaris's gaze fixed on the one thing that remained behind, beyond the ice fields like a black star.

It was a white stone.

Amidst all the chaos frozen and crushed, the cursed stone that awakened Glyek gleams black.

And everyone was feeling it.

The fact that the white stone was spreading chaos and causing cracks in the Great Icefield.

The three days that Talaris predicted at first became meaningless.

At most, it would be a long two days, or a short one day.

Talaris concluded that she was only able to keep the seal that long.

Fortunately, thanks to Mort's ability, they are able to go to the headquarters of Kinzelo.

"We only have two days or a day, that's all. Miss Misha, please open the way."


Mort emerged from the Great Ice Field. As Misha conjured the frozen path in the air, the shadow force formed a circular passage like a dimensional portal.

Mort immediately recognized that the passage played a supporting role to open the portal to the snow garden.

Stam and Octavia climbed onto Mort's back. Kelliark used the seal of fire to form a letter announcing the temporary alliance between Runcandel and Zipfel and gave it to Octavia.

"Master of hidden palace, how long will it take for the Snow Toad to reach the land of the beastmen?" Rosa asked.

"With Mort's current state, I think it will require three to five hours."

"If Sir Stam doesn't come back within 12 hours, we can consider that the negotiation failed. Good luck, Sir Stam."

"Please be careful, acting matriarch."

The shadow force passage closed as Mort entered.

And Ron was still swinging Rashid at the white stone even after it was sealed.


However, Ron's sword was blocked by the barrier of stone, and he swung his sword over the barrier without stopping even after being bounced back.

Nobody dared to stop Ron. Since his resurrection, he seemed like a demon determined to fight until his body ceased to move.

The sound of blade clashing against the barrier sounded like Ron's longing roar.

* * *

As Talaris had said, Mort was able to reach the Land of the Beastmen after five hours.

Unlike those who suffered in hell itself, Kinzelo and the land of the beastmen were not much different from usual.

Kinzelo had already deployed members throughout the land of beastmen to ensure a smooth and direct route to the headquarters.

As soon as Stam and Octavia arrived, they followed the White Wolf warriors and headed to Kinzelo's headquarters. There was a maze that seemed to have been built by the Felinoids tribe, so it was not possible to memorize the way to the headquarters.

"... So, are you saying that Runcandel and Zipfel have temporarily sealed the King of the Black Sea, and they will abandon him and send their entire army here?"

It was Zephyrin who came out as Kinzelo's representative and listened to Stam and Octavia's proposal, and confirmed the seal of fire.


 Zephyrin looked at the two without smiling for a while and raised the corners of her mouths.

"Well, it might sound a bit rude, but you really don't know much, do you?"

"What do you mean?"

"Do you really think that you can escape from the fifth King of Chaos and come to attack us?"

After saying that, Zephyrin erased her smile.