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"The moment he woke up, it was already his territory. The fact that you are now standing before me outside the Sword Emperor Castle is simply because he allowed it, not because your power is formidable."


Zephyrin was convinced that Glyek had only led them into a trap.

'He could have annihilated or ignored them all and fully awakened in a little bit of time. Still, the reason why he dug a trap...… There are probably only two things.'

The first is the existence of Chiron Runcandel.

The second is likely to efficiently devour Jin.

'But Chiron Runcandel has already entered the territory of the 5 kings of the Black Sea, so he won't be able to participate. Then they cannot prevent Jin Runcandel from being absorbed by the Fifth King of Chaos.'

That did not mean that there was no damage to Kinzelo.

They were also still making Demon God's orb and its counterparts, and Jin's power was needed at the core like Zipfel needed it.

However unlike Zipfel, Kinzelo had the means to bring Jin back out before he was completely absorbed by Glyek, even if Jin was swallowed up by the chaos.

Stam and Octavia cannot read her thoughts.

They couldn't help it because they didn't have as much information as Zephyrin had about the King of the Black Sea.

"Are you saying we were tricked by him?" Octavia spoke in anger.

Zephyrin acted as spy in Zipfel and had things done in the Sota Desert, so in fact Octavia wouldn't mind tearing her apart right now.

"Exactly, Octavia Zipfel."

"You seem confident. Your leader hasn't recovered yet, and I and the Leader of Runcandel's Black Knights have received orders to attack immediately if the negotiations break down."

"If I was afraid of that, I would have met you somewhere other than the headquarters, right? It's true that my weakling master is still in bad shape, but I can handle you all on my own. The leaders should have come in person if they wanted to make threats, not you...… leading everything. Ah, that would have been impossible, I suppose."

"You can handle me and Octavia Zipfel... I don't feel that much power from you."

When Stam spoke, Zephyrin turned her gaze to him.

"So, it would be good if we put aside unnecessary provocations and stick to the main point. Anyway, if you decide to listen to our proposal, doesn't that mean that there's something that you're expecting from us? Otherwise, you could have closed all channels and just waited for the fight to end."

"There is someone who can talk a bit. Fine, the conditions for Kinzelo to participate in this war are very simple."

"What is it?"

"Jin Runcandel. That devil...… Ahem, if he swears allegiance to Kinzelo, we will join the battle."

Stam's eyes narrowed in the black helmet.

"Are you not familiar with the 12th flagbearer?"

"I do. Swearing loyalty is something he can do anytime, and, of course, there's the possibility that he'll betray us after the incident is over. But there is a way to prevent that from happening, so you just have to hand him over to us."

"The demon's contract, it seems that you are planning to force Jin Runcandel to be loyal to Kinzelo."

At Octavia's words, Zephyrin nodded her head.

"Right. This can only be done with his sincerity and permission. In other words, the damn..… No, if he wants to keep everyone alive. It means that he must be truly prepared to give his allegiance to Kinzelo. I wonder what the next patriarch of Runcandel will choose between his individual life and everyone's life."

Stam shook his head as if there was nothing to think about.

"The negotiations have failed."

"It's too bad. So, are you going to attack us now as planned?"

"We will go back."

"I won't stop you. I will welcome you if you come back with the whole army."

Octavia did not object to Stam's unilateral decision. It's frustrating, but the situation was definitely in Kinzelo's absolute favor.

"But please tell him this when you return. If you just sign a contract with us, you will be able to save your clan and the world."

Stam and Octavia turned and left the meeting room.

Zephyrin shrugged her shoulders as she looked at their back, and the executives in the room next to her rushed towards her.

"Oh, as expected of the Grand Duchess. Defeating those mighty bastards with just a few words! Did you see it, Bubare! This is the majesty of the only Grand Duchess of the demon world!"

"I saw it! I'm inspired, I'll have to work on it today!"

"Great job… Grand Duchess. Did our cookies...… give you strength?"

Zephyrin nodded her head awkwardly, and the three of them jumped in a circle again, showing their joy.

"Um, by the way, it's unexpected."

Joe said that, glancing around.

He also wanted to express his opinion on the current situation, but he was worried that Berakt might be upset again.

"Rather than prioritizing negotiating with us, I thought the Prophet of Runcandel or Zipfel would bring out some hidden cards. Isn't it?"

For some reason, Berakt nodded his head at Joe's opinion.

As such, the proposal for negotiations was an unexpected event for them as well. Kinzelo expected that even if Runcandel and Zipfel couldn't kill Glyek, they would at least be able to seal it. Even if it is at an unstable level.

That's why, even though Zephyrin knew that Glyek would wake up, she hoped that after the incident, Jin would 'reasonably negotiate' with Kinzelo about the items he got from Sota Desert.

"They may not have as much potential as we thought."

"Maybe. But it's only natural that they can't deal with the 5 kings of the Black Sea, vice-leader. Even when my master was fine, he avoided being hostile to them. More than that, Miss Margiella, it would be quite disappointing for you if Jin Runcandel refused to negotiate."

Margiella pushed her wheelchair to Zephyrin's side.

"That's right, Lady Zephyrin. But didn't you admit that even though you called him a devil to be torn apart, you would mind if Sir Jin ended up being consumed by chaos?"

Margiella was hoping that Kingelo would help Jin unconditionally. Only then will there be a chance that Jin Runcandel in his 'whole' state will become Kinzelo's person.

"Anyway... Even if he gets eaten by Glyek, it's enough to get him out through the power of my master. He might become a fool rather than the devil we knew, but still, the fundamental fact that he is Solderet's contractor won't change."

* * *

Mort returned to the battlefield in eleven hours after leaving for Kinzelo.

The absolute seal of the hidden palace, the Great Icefield, was in good health.

Even then, Ron had been swinging his sword over the barrier of white stone without resting even for a moment.

The white stone still revealed the gleamed flawlessly without a scratch in the barrier.

Still no one was stopping Ron. He no longer felt the sorrow of a man who had lost everything. He was full of unfathomable madness.

Unable to fight with such profound sorrow, he had thrust himself into madness. 

His sword became more and more destructive, but that didn't mean it got stronger right away.

Rather, it was the opposite. The sword that had lost its composure and just randomly radiating its power.

However Ron's body, which had opened the Sword of Overlord, showed no signs of getting tired while still holding the same powerful energy as the first time.

"...That is all."

Stam and Octavia finished their reports.

Kelliark and Rosa refused Kinzelo's condition to hand over Jin, but one thing that Zephyrin said was triggering an ominous intuition in them.

'It was thanks to the King of the Black Sea's permission that the snow toad of the master of the hidden palace was able to go there….'

'If that's true, I'll have to think about countermeasures again.'

Both of them thought at the same time.

It was time to confirm.

"Runcandel will invade the land of the beastmen from now on."

"Zipfels, line up. I will open the way."

They had excluded Talaris and Ron from striking Kinzelo.

It was not only because the two were not in their control, but they also needed a few people to stop Glyek while they were attacking Kinselo anyway.

Moreover, faced with the resolute decision of Runcandel and Zipfel, Talaris had no choice but to make a decision.

'The moment Runcandel and Zipfel retreat from the battlefield, the world will come to an end.'

Elona Zipfel.

Talaris decided to unseal her. It would have been better for the world to be ruled by 'humans' called Zipfel, rather than being eroded by the king of the Black Sea.

"Kelliark Zipfel."

Talaris opened her mouth as Kelliark and Rosa released their powers against the frozen wall of chaos.

"It's an inevitable choice for us, Talaris Endorma."

"It's not that...…."

Talaris took a breath.

She couldn't bring herself to speak, but like Kelliark, she had no choice.

"In the hidden palace."

There is a sealed mage of ancient Zipfel.

Just as she was about to continue her words, Talaris suddenly opened her eyes wide.

It wasn't because she was hesitant at the end.

It was because she felt a change in the myriad ice and the Great Icefield was rapidly breaking apart.

It hadn't even passed the minimum number of days she had predicted, and the seal, which had been working firmly until just now, began to collapse out of nowhere.


As soon as Talaris vomited dark red blood, the energy of myriad ice that enveloped the battlefield dissipated.

At that point, Kelliark and Rosa had no choice but to realize intuitively that Zephyrin's words were not lies.

Glyek, before being sealed and after being 'subjected' to the seal.

At some point, he had been watching and listening to all the actions and words of humans.

Therefore, he knew that they negotiated with a group called Kinzelo to find a way to kill him and that they were rejected....

He also had a clue to how Kinzelo would get Solderet's contractor out again when he absorbed Jin.

[Jin Runcandel.]

Glyek's eyes formed within the white stone locked onto Jin.

[With this, all opportunities given to you and Solderet are gone...….]

As soon as Glyek finished his words, Jin felt his vision go dark in an instant.