Nobody expected to hear that name.

Of course, the moment his brilliant blonde hair hidden under the hood was uncovered, the moment his face covered in heavy makeup was revealed… Everyone knew the man called Vamal would introduce himself.

But to think it was actually Jin Runcandel.

For a moment, the square grew silent.

The people couldn't believe their ears and were waiting for Jin to continue.


'Jin Runcandel?'

'Not Vamel, but Jin Runcandel?'

'Runcandel's provisional flag-bearer?'


The reporters were busy exchanging bewildered and surprised looks with each other.

The eyes of the Runcandel delegates paying their respects to the late king on one side of the square were on the verge of popping out.


'That youngest, that crazy… brat. You want us to support you even after you did that without so much as telling us!'


Even Luna had not heard anything in advance.

But Luna figured that if it was the youngest, then he must've taken action because he was confident. 

For a moment she was close to uttering some foul swears, but she reminded herself that she had decided to become the 'sword' of the youngest.

The most reliable sword that could be wielded at will.

Since that was her role, she didn't panic and decided to interpret what the youngest was planning and act accordingly.

Joshua, who was next to Luna, glared at Jin as his face turned redder and redder.


'Jin, you bastard. So you plan to cause a scene.' 


Joshua thought that revealing his identity at this time would be literal suicide for Jin.

After all, Zipfel had sacrificed so much for the sake of punishing Vamel.

They threw away the family's prestige, their image, and even created a fake assassin.

It was like saying they would kill Vamel no matter the cost.

The Zipfels had sacrificed too much to simply gloss over this incident.


A vein appeared on Joshua's neck as he ground his teeth.

And that was because he felt he knew why his damned youngest brother had revealed his identity.


'So you're confident that even if we must break the laws of the family, we won't let you die. You're putting your faith in that damned contract…!'


The spiritual energy, the power that Joshua coveted.

If Jin died, then Joshua would be unable to take Solderet's contract.

In other words, Joshua felt that Jin was using him by staking his spiritual energy.

—Although it's inevitable that others may recognize you, revealing your identity as a provisional flag-bearer yourself is the greatest among all taboos.

This same rule applied to someone of the Garden of Swords helping a provisional flag-bearer.

A rule that meant when a provisional flag-bearer left to build their reputation, frivolous actions such as utilizing the authority of a Runcandel were not tolerated.

That rule was so famous even outsiders knew of it.

But what if both a provisional flag-bearer and a flag-bearer were to break such a rule in front of so many witnesses?

The only solution would be to kill or banish both of them. However, the flag-bearer was none other than Joshua, the next head of the clan.


'Mother won't ever punish me properly, and if I'm not punished, then I'll obviously be safe… There's no way that clever bastard wouldn't know that.'


The Black Panther, Rosa Runcandel, would protect Joshua at all costs.

And then, even Rosa wouldn't have any justification to punish only Jin.

This scenario was causing Joshua to explode in anger.

The fact that even though he knew exactly what the youngest was planning, he had no choice but to go along with it.


'For now, I'll be playing to your rhythm, but things won't stay like this.'


After calculating, Joshua calmed his emotions.


"Guardian knights, prepare for battle."


Joshua gave orders to the knights standing behind him in a low voice.

He planned to immediately protect Jin the moment Zipfel attacked.


""Yes sir.""


Even while whispering, the guardian knights answered with discipline.

Jin glanced over at Joshua, who was barely managing to control his expression.

Joshua and Jin.

Their eyes met for a moment.

Jin thought to himself with a light smile on his face.


'You're trying to keep an expressionless face, but I can clearly see what's going on inside your head. Joshua, the thought of having no choice but to help me would make you feel sick to your stomach. You're not on my level.'


Jin kept smiling as he spoke to the crowd.


"Everyone, as you know, I'm Runcandel's provisional flag-bearer. I began as a provisional flag-bearer in the year 1795 and have used several aliases. Today, I stand before you under the name of Vamel."

"Are you really Jin Runcandel? From what I know, Jin Runcandel has black hair and black eyes."


A reporter shouted out.

Jin then took out a handkerchief from his pocket and began wiping his face and hair.

Every time the handkerchief moved, his makeup faded and his golden hair returned to its original black color.

Vamel's physical appearance was described as having 'brilliant blonde hair and a pretty face', but Jin Runcandel's appearance was not known in detail even after the party.

However, everyone in the world knew the Runcandel's youngest son had black hair and black eyes.

In the midst of people reflexively sighing, there were actually a few who recognized Jin's face.


"Th-th... that's J-Jin Grey!"

"Oooh, Jin Grey, winner of Cosmos Arena!"


A portion of the nobles from the Bellard Empire who had come to give their condolences recognized Jin, and the one who excitedly shouted out was a noble who had won a lot of money thanks to him.


"There's no doubt about it, it's the young overlord I saw in the Mitel Kingdom."


Likewise, members of the 'Black King Mercenaries', a mercenary group that had visited the Holy Kingdom to pay their respects, recognized Jin.


"I definitely expected you to cause a huge uproar in the world someday, Young Master Jin. Because even at the party, he wasn't someone ordinary. Haha!"


Josina Perral of the Dragon King Knights also burst out laughing while looking at Jin. 

In addition, knights from other families who had attended the party and came to pay their respects to the late holy king had similar reactions.

Since holding the requiem was the final step in offering condolences, all delegations from all countries had gathered at the square.

Additionally, the reporters were recalling another incident caused by the figure mentioned by the nobles of the Belard Empire, 'Jin Grey'.

Kidard of Profusion.

The fact that the mysterious swordsman who killed him also left behind the same name, Jin Grey.

The reporters' instincts were at work.

An unprecedented scoop. One of a magnitude that would never be seen again in their lifetime, larger than the assassination of a king or Zipfel's interference in domestic affairs, was unfolding right before their eyes.

They had to ask a question right away.

Because the reporters knew it wouldn't be strange if Jin were to be struck dead right there and then.

Soon, Zipfel's mages would attack the square to capture Jin.

The reporters didn't think the Runcandels or the Huphester Alliance knights would help Jin.


"Young Master Jin! Was it you who killed Kidard Hall?!"

"Why did you risk your life to come here now? Do you not fear the Zipfel Clan?"

"Please answer why you decided to help the Holy Kingdom of Vankella, even if it meant breaking the rules of being a provisional flag-bearer. Did you receive an order from the clan?"

"Please answer what relationship you have with Lord Rani of the Holy Kingdom of Vankella!"


The reporters suddenly began to scream like crazy.

Even though the warriors of the Runcandel and Huphester Alliance were on high alert with their eyes wide open, the reporters decided that if they didn't ask now, they would never get a chance.

The moment Zipfel's mages arrived, the square would be engulfed in chaos.

So, they had to receive at least one answer and quickly leave.

Jin momentarily felt a sense of disillusionment as he saw the reporters screeching like starving ghosts. 

He had always known that the reporters were fanatical, but he'd never expected them to be throwing away their dignity like this at the square, a place of mourning.


"Everyone, silence. I will not be taking questions."


Jin shouted, putting some strength into his voice.

The reporters flinched and stopped talking.


"I am not here to satisfy your curiosity. From now on, any reporter who talks without my permission will never be able to hold a pen again."


The vivid murderous look in Jin's eyes made it clear he wasn't just speaking empty threats.

Once the reporters turned silent, Jin opened his mouth again after suppressing his bloodlust.


"As a provisional flag-bearer, I traveled to various lands for my own benefit and to build my reputation for when I become a flag-bearer in the future. During that time, I witnessed Zipfel's biological experiments in Kollon. I also learned that not only Zipfel, but a terrorist group known as Kinzelo, were also participating in the experiments."


The reporters were busy writing down Jin's every word, making sure they didn't make a single mistake.


"I was unaware that the holy kingdom had been occupied by these two forces, but their alliance had been broken because of me. As a result, the two powers within the holy kingdom engaged in all kinds of power struggles behind the scenes, and I felt somewhat responsible."


Rani wore a pitiful expression as Jin calmly spoke.


"And I thought of it as an opportunity as well. What greater achievement could there be for a provisional flag-bearer than uncovering the corruption of a country and dealing a blow to Runcandel's rival clan?"


This was something that had been planned in advance.

Jin's speech, saying he had helped the Holy Kingdom of Vankella not to repay the favor of Rani, but for his personal interest.


"And as such, I went to Kinzelo's land and rescued the holy kingdom's subjects, delivering them to Lord Rani. Lord Rani promised to testify to my contributions to the holy kingdom. However, the Zipfel Clan tried to drag me down. I did not kill Kal Zipfel, as that would only harm me."


As Jin shrugged his shoulders and spoke, sighs flooded the square.


"In other words, I stand here today to prevent my alias Vamel from becoming Kal Zipfel's assassin. Furthermore, revealing Zipfel and Kinzelo's corruption is entirely my own achievement and not that of my family. I hope everyone doesn't forget this fact. Because…"


Jin suddenly pointed to one side of the square with his finger.


"From this moment forward, they will attack me. Let us survive and meet again in the future, everyone."

The place his finger pointed to was the location of Zipfel's robe-wearing mages.

And it was at the exact moment they finished chanting and aiming their attack magic.


'Guardian knights, protect the provisional flag-bearer!'


Just as Joshua prepared to shout out his order, Luna raised her voice before he could.


"Guardian knights of Runcandel, and all knights of the Huphester Alliance, protect the civilians! Anyone who tries to help the provisional flag-bearer will be personally beheaded by me!"


As soon as Jin heard Luna's command, inwardly, he was smiling happily.

Luna perfectly read his intentions.


Five beams of magical energy flew toward Jin.

Jin jumped off the platform, easily cutting through the magic beams.