
The magic beam that hit Sigmund split into fragments.

Argh, aggghhh!

The subjects gathered in the square reflexively screamed at the sudden attack, and the Paladins of the Golden Shield jumped onto the platform.


"Protect Lord Rani!"

"Everyone get down! Otherwise you'll be swept away!"


The Paladins of the Golden Shield surrounded Rani and shouted to the subjects.

Fortunately, most of the subjects followed the instructions well and lay flat on the ground.

But 'most' was not everybody. 

Quite a few subjects were confused, creating a situation where the civilians could get caught up in the attacks from the Zipfel mages.

The mages attacking Jin were at least 7-star mages.

An ordinary person would suffer serious injury or even death from it just brushing past them. 

The mages continued to cast magic as if they didn't care whether the civilians died or got injured.

In fact, even if hundreds of innocents died, they had no intention of stopping until Jin was dead.

The Zipfels no longer cared for being the symbol of justice.

If they were unable to kill Vamel, Jin Runcandel, here and now, then they would be looked down upon for a long time to come.

No, it wouldn't just end with being looked down upon.

Losing Vamel here would be equivalent to the entire Zipfel Clan being made a fool of by a 'provisional flag-bearer' who had gone astray from his clan's rules.

They had to prevent that.


"We must deal with Jin Runcandel before he flees the square!"

"Herd him back to the center!"


The mages were desperate.

They knew that if they lost him here, the main family would not spare them regardless of their excuses.

Jin calmly checked the whereabouts of the mages.


'Four on the left, six in the center.'


For now, there were ten of them.

They were the only ones in the square.

But including those outside the square, there were several times that many mages who were attacking Jin.


'Seems the side with six is actually weaker.'


He had to get past them and leave the square first.

Not only would they be unable to escape if they were driven to a corner before enemy reinforcements arrived, but innocent civilians would get caught up in the battle and die. That was something that had to be avoided.

Of course, even before revealing his identity, he kept in mind that innocents may get caught up in it.

But this was for the best.

Jin judged that Zipfel would suffer the most if they were exposed in front of as many as possible. Those from the neutral media, those from third parties, witnesses, and as many people who could 'help' them as possible.

Rani had an earnest request.

Since many innocents would die as a result of the request, she wanted him to reveal his identity at the square.

So that if such an event occurred, all responsibility would lie with him.

Though he was reluctant to use the lives of civilians as collateral, he did not refuse.

Because he trusted Luna.


'I wondered what would happen if an innocent died or was injured…'


Jin glanced at Luna.


'But that won't happen. As expected of my sister.'


Under Luna's command, Runcandel's guardian knights and the warriors of the Huphester Alliance were swinging their weapons in unison.

Shockingly, every time the mage's attack passed by the subjects, they blocked every single one.

Though they were called a delegation to express their condolences, they were the guardian knights whose jobs were to fulfill the orders of the first, second and third flag-bearers.

Each and every one of them had abilities that were just below the level of an enforcement knight and most of the warriors from the Huphester Alliance were outstanding members from their respective families.


"If even one innocent person dies in the holy kingdom today, the honor of Runcandel and Huphester will be ruined. Block them and scatter! There will definitely be a battle outside the square!"




The guardian knights and warriors of the Huphester Alliance fiercely protected the subjects of the holy kingdom as if their own clan was under attack.

This was because carrying out an operation under Luna was in itself the greatest honor for them.

The noble White Whale.

The greatest legend after Cyron himself, and the name that the Huphester Alliance warriors admired.

They didn't know when they'd be able to swing their swords under Luna's command again.

They couldn't disappoint Luna in this glorious moment.

Luna, on the other hand, was thinking differently.


'Youngest, judging by your satisfied expression, it seems I did as you wished.'


Her heart raced at the thought of successfully accomplishing her first mission as Jin's sword.

She now could not imagine anyone else leading Runcandel after her father, other than Jin Runcandel, her youngest brother.

Slice, clang!

Countless magic was being fired but it was as if all of it was being directed to Jin.

The civilians were leaving in an orderly manner under Luna's protection, and several reporters risked their lives and stayed behind the guardian knights while recording the scene in their notebooks.


"First flag-bearer. Now is not the time for this."


Joshua sought out Luna.


"What is it?"

"Shouldn't we rescue the provisional flag-bearer? Even if we are going against the family's law, if we lose a provisional flag-bearer to the hands of Zipfel, it will bring disgrace to the family."

"Second flag-bearer, what does the death of a provisional flag-bearer and disgracing the clan have to do with one another? The provisional flag-bearer will deal with the matter himself. Our relationship with the holy kingdom takes priority over the life of some brat."

"…Then shouldn't we be punishing the provisional flag-bearer with our own hands? That is a far more pressing issue than saving the lives of some civilians. Please make careful decisions."


At that moment, Luna's eyes were suddenly filled with murderous intent.


"Your black knights are not here. What is giving you this confidence to stand against me? If you don't wish to be humiliated, behave."


In an instant, the color drained from Joshua's face.

As Luna said, though the black knights weren't present. Enforcement knights were waiting in disguise throughout the square.

And as such, he could go against Luna's commands as much as he wanted.

Since no matter what orders Luna gave, they would follow his first.

And if that happened then it would be Luna who would be humiliated, not him.

But Joshua decided not to argue any further against Luna.


'I mustn't stain the honor of the Runcandel Clan, which will soon become mine, just because I couldn't bear to be humiliated for a mere moment. Moreover, if I go against my eldest sister, I'll lose the trust of the other warrior families.'


The battle of hegemony should only occur within the clan, and antagonizing Luna in a public setting would only bring disgrace to the Runcandel Clan.

He was furious at Luna's arrogant attitude, but there was no need to act stupid.


"I understand."


Joshua answered in a calm voice.

'I stepped forward because I was worried that I wouldn't be able to take Solderet's contract if something happened to Jin, but on reflection, it seems like nothing is going to happen to him.'


A deep blue lightning was falling from the sky.

The lightning strikes from the Illustrious Bladeworks, the very strength that made people mistake Vamel for Peitel's contractor.

The six mages blocking the center of the square were unable to properly respond to the lightning strike and fell to the ground.


'The power of the Illustrious Legend Tribe. So you showed that much potential when facing me at the Bluebird Archipelago without using that power. It'll be difficult unless mages from the magic tower properly attack Jin.'


It was he who the prophecy referred to, so he couldn't understand why the heavens favored Jin.



Every time lightning struck, the square exploded, causing both stones and mages to fly out.

As long as he knew Luna was perfectly protecting the civilians, Jin could go all out.

The six mages lost their lives in an instant.


'This is why the Illustrious Bladeworks is so great. Unless you're a genius, if it's your first time facing it, you're bound to be easily defeated.'


Of course, the six mages in the center could be called geniuses in their own right.

That's why they were able to work as a mage belonging to the main branch of the Zipfel Clan.

But by Jin's standards, they were just mediocre.

Compared to the powerful enemies he had fought in the past, they were nothing more than a couple of small fry.


"Stay calm! Just like when dealing with an electric mage! And keep using magic to prevent him from getting close!"


The four mages on the right, however, were geniuses even by Jin's standards.

They had skillfully narrowed the attack radius of the lightning by blocking its path with barriers.

And they used various types of ice magic to disrupt Jin's vision. 

Suddenly, it became difficult for Jin to aim his lightning strikes because of the ice pillars that surrounded him.

It wouldn't have been a bad idea to trust the Huphester Alliance's knights and cut down all the pillars with his sword, but…

There was no need to spend any more time in the square since the center was already cleared.




Jin took out a crimson gem from his chest.


As the crimson gem glowed, Shurry appeared from it.


"The hell is that?!"

"A c-cat?"


This time, even the genius mages took a step back.

Anyone who encountered a cat larger than a carriage for the first time was bound to have a similar reaction.

Especially if that cat was able to shoot magic beams out of its eyes.




Shurry jumped up and let out a shriek, firing beams at the mages.

Jin leaped toward Shurry using the mage's ice pillars as stepping stones.

As Jin climbed onto Shurry's back, the mages were too busy blocking the beams with barrier magic.

Shurry landed lightly on the ground and roared.

Then, the civilians who were still standing in confusion and the reporters who were desperately trying to burn this scene into their eyes collapsed to the ground.

Their legs had given out from hearing the roar.

It was a roar that had been adjusted so that at least trained warriors would be able to endure it.


'Was that really Runcandel's provisional flag-bearer…?'


Not only the Huphester Alliance warriors, but also the fallen civilians and even the mages of Zipfel, who had barely survived, were all thinking the same thing.

A scene that was just like something in a children's fairy tale was unfolding before their very eyes.

As all the civilians fell, a path suddenly opened.

Shurry nimbly ran down the opened path.

Though Shurry was moving at insane speeds, not a single civilian was trampled on.




asked Shurry, which meant 'Which direction should I run?'.

Jin pointed to the transfer gate.

He was planning on going to the port.

The place where the gold bars the Zipfel Clan had bought were piled up like a mountain.

Jin's final plan was to melt all the gold there, throw it into the sea, and escape.

They reached the transfer gate in an instant.

The Zipfel mages outside the square couldn't even chase after Shurry.

As soon as Jin and Shurry entered, the Holy Kingdom of Vankella loyalists, who had been waiting in advance, opened the mobile gate.


"Thank you, Young Master Jin. I wish you luck."

"You too."


And as soon as Jin arrived at the port, he encountered someone unexpected.


"…Jin? It's Jin?!"


A white-haired youth with wide-open eyes who recognized Jin.

Beradin Zipfel.

It seemed Beradin had also just arrived at the port.

And behind him…

Furious flames engulfed the gold bars.