
After the unification and creation of Earthling, Humanity progress smoothly.

Year 30 of the Earthling calendar

A way to spend less energy and make it non-polluting has been found. Also, anti-radioactive products to disinfect the places which suffered the Third World War could be established.

Year 70 of the Earthling calendar

Successfully built a base on Mars with the first spaceship made which can contains up to 100 people.

This is the beginning of the construction of the first city on Mars.

Year 90 of the Earthling calendar

Finding in the asteroid belt and the Kuiper belt a large amount of raw material resources.

By now spaceships were able to go at a maximum speed of 1% of the speed of light, nearly 3000 km/s.

Also, Mars was now habitable, and with greenhouses new technology nature grew on this planet, food were able to grow. They imported different species of animals in special enclosuresand with air brought from Earth they were able to live.

Year 100 of the Earthling calendar

All rocky planets of the solar system were now habitable with special spacesuit since it's impossible to land on a gaseous planet.

For those closest to the Sun, it's possible to live there with the spacesuit because it can now withstand heat ranging from -190°C to 430°C, which is the limit in Mercury.

Year 120 of the Earthling calendar

Discovery of the void path, which is an invisible link between 2 places in space which can let you go at 99% of the light speed but you can only stop at the end of the path. A link was found behind the Kuiper belt which was connected to the closest star system near Earth, Proxima Centauri system.

Year 150 of the Earthling calendar

The Proxima Centauri System was modified for human to be able to lived there.

Year 200 of the Earthling calendar


Year 300 of the Earthling calendar

All star system at 10 light years around the solar system were now under the control of Earthling which is 5 star systems. By now, spaceships were able to go at 5% of the speed of light.

Discovery of another civilization called Falan, a higher civilization than Earthling, they wanted to kill and colonize them.

A law made by Zivar Marchant, an even higher civilization, a Falan hypothesis is that it controled the Milky Way.

The law was that if a new civilization appears, it must get 100 years to develops before taking any actions against it. All civilization must give their language in the form of a chip, to be able to communicate with others.

Zivar Marchant will give an electric ear chip which will automatically translate if the language is known directly to the brain.

Year 400 of the Earthling calendar

Humanity were advancing at an amazing speed in their own technology since knowing of the threat that the Falan made, but in this year, it was known that they were at a war with another civilization at the same level.

Even then, humanity was attacked by the weakest army of the Falan, they cause damages to them, but the Earthling never once won a battle. It was decided to only reveal than the Faman and Earthling were in equal standing so as not to scare the population.

Year 499 of the Earthling calendar

By now Earthling has a population of 100 billion people.

All the students were speechless hearing the true story of the battles against the Falan.

"I assume you now understand the gravity of the situation, right?" the headmaster said.

Each student responded in a serious nodding tone.

"Good, I know that you want to do everything possible to be able to help, but first we will assign you to the army where you will work understand?" saying with a smile, a gigantic hologram appeared with each student name, their ranking in their field, their overall ranking and the army they will be assigned.

At the very top, at the podium we can see:

Jeanne Leroy:

average: 20/20

military field: 1st place

scientific field: 1st place

overall ranking: 1st place

army assigned: 5th army

Arthur Knight:

average: 18,9/20

military field: 2nd place

overall ranking: 2nd place

army assigned: 5th army

Leonardo Moretti:

average: 18,8/20

scientific field: 2nd place

overall ranking: 3rd place

army assigned: 5th army

the first 10 are assigned to the 5th army while all the others are divided between the other 4 armies.

"I know, you must ask yourself why only the first 10 are affected to the 5th army while the 1st is the strongest, right?" the headmaster ask with a grin.

"Well in truth, this is just a rumor that we made so as to not scaring the world unnecessarily. But in reality, the 1st and 5th army are equal and a lot stronger than the other three. While the 1st army defend our main star system and will also be the final defense, the 5th army is the first line in defense since we could not go to other star systems to take control of them since around us, all star systems were own by the Falan race."

The students were awed by that new piece of information, and comprehend why only the first 10 could go to the 5th army.

"Now that we have finished explaining everything, you are free for two months before boarding to your respective armies, enjoy your time, you will not have a free time like that for a very long time haha!" the headmaster laughed.

Once everyone did get their own degree proof, they get together with their friends to talk about all this new information they learned.

Jeanne, Arthur and Leonardo were best friends together, even though Arthur and Leonardo fought for the second place, they were still friends. The friendship between the three happened since the first year.

"Eh! It seems that you finally got the proof that you inferior to me now." Said Arthur while grinning and looking at Leonardo.

"Don't get excited, the difference is minimal. Well, at least we are both the best on our own field, of course other than Jeanne." he said while both of them were looking at the beautiful girl next to them who give them a condescendingly look.

"It seems that both of you will never be able to beat me in your live. While arguing like that you look like a cute couple, you maggots." She said laughing.

Arthur and Leonardo were shocked and angry by her claim but they knew each other for almost 3 years, so they calm themselves pretty fast.

"Arthur, let's calm down and don't listen to her foolishness."

"You're right Leo."

"Tch! Not funny." Said Jeanne while pouting.

"Now, let's talk about something serious, what do you think of the war now? This is far more serious than we thought." Leo interjected with a serious face while the other two wear the same face as him.

"You're right, for now we can't do anything right now, we must drive up the ranks, we our achievements, and putting all efforts we can for the next 50 years before the imminent battle." said Arthur.

"You're right, the more important thing is the in the scientific field, we need to move fast to be able to catch up with the Falan, since technology is the only thing that can divide which civilization could win a war." Jeanne interrupt with bright eyes.

"You're right, did you not have some researches which were near the breakthrough point for Earthling?" when it was about science, Leo was not able to not speak about it.

"Yes, in my sleep I found the answers, I just must do some test, and when we will arrive at the 5th army lab, I will present it, maybe I will advance my rank more quickly than you, mmh!" She said with a glowing smile.

"Really?!" Leo and Arthur shouted in unison, it was weird that she found her answers in her sleeps practically every time but by now they were used to it.

"Yeah, well we have two months before our departure, so I have plenty of time, so let's work on our field, before the 500 anniversary of the Earthling creation which will be 1 weak before our departure, okay?"

"Yeah!" both of them nodded.

The three of them separated to return to their home and work.

Like that two months passed.

One weak before Jeanne will go to the 5th army, in her room, with here was 2 other men.

Jeanne, Arthur and Leo were together to celebrate the new year, with each of them were drive by a huge dream they wanted to shoulder.

With a drunk demeanor the three of them shouted.

"I will become the best military man of Earthling and succeed my father, and I will drive the Falan out and won the war!!!" shouted Arthur.

"I will become the best scientist of Earthling, I also want to succeed my father in his researches and with my inventions we will be able to won the war!!!" yelled Leo.

"For me, I want to become the same but I will do both, haha!!!" roared Jeanne.

While looking at the fireworks who were lighting up the sky to celebrate the 500 year of the Earthling calendar, the three of them did not know that they will be able to accomplished much more than what they're dreams were.

Especially Jeanne who will be an unparalleled genius in both fields.