Norma War (1)

While Arthur fleet was moving toward the Bir civilization, the enemy race was also talking with each other about the approaching war.

On their mother planet, on a gigantic floating island, there was a blue palace, inside of it a meeting was being held with all the higher-ups from the Bir civilization.

In the center of a room, there was a blue throne, siting on it, there was the emperor, Fotu Bir, the 56th king of the bit race.

He has blue feathers all over his skin, he looks like a mix between a human and a blue bird.

"Do you think you can do it?" someone asked him.

He was a representative from the Raak civilization. He was here to prevent the Pinar civilization from intervene in the Norma arm war.

"Your excellency, while we don't know many things about this race, we know that they have already destroyed a previous level 2 civilization to take control of the Orion arm. It will be a war with a lot of hardships, but we will prove you that we will win." he responded.