
The spaceship Louis was in was flying toward the sky to escape from this Bir's planet, after reaching the atmosphere, they saw another spaceship stick to them, it was Elise and her group who manages to take their ship and take off.

The Bir general watched helplessly as the enemy's spaceships disappeared into the vastness of space. Frustration and anger filled his heart, knowing that the Earthlings had slipped through his fingers once again. He knew that this setback would have dire consequences for the Bir's grip on power.

"We must pursue them!" the general barked, turning to his subordinates. "Send out our fastest ships. We cannot let them escape."

The Bir soldiers hurriedly prepared their own spaceships for pursuit, fueled by their leader's desperation. They launched into space, determined to capture or destroy the escaping Earthlings and retrieve the valuable sonic wave weapon.

Meanwhile, Louis and Elise's teams regrouped and exchanged weary glances.