Jeanne's Turn

As Jeanne saw the message on her virtual watch, calling her to the arena with 99 other earthlings and 900 others participants of the 9 civilizations competing with them, her face looked serious, since she decided to show them what a real civilization will battle.

"It seems that this time, it's my turn to go to the arena." she said to Arthur and Leo.

They encouraged her while she was leading the 99 other Earthlings to the arena where the commentator, the other participants, the public and the empire were looking at them.

Emma, looking at the hologram display, was hoping for her to won triumphally.

She entered the virtual world and a vast land appeared around them, while the arena disappeared and only the 1000 participants remained there.

Jeanne took a deep breath, centering herself as she stood among the Earthling participants in the virtual world.