
As she stepped out of the car and walked towards her door, she turned to see him still sitting in the car, watching her intently. Their eyes met once more before he drove off, leaving her with a racing heart.

Li Na closed her eyes, trying to calm her troubled mind. With that, she walked to her room.

As she stepped into her bedroom, Li Na let out a sigh. Making her way to the bathroom, she splashed some cool water on her face, feeling the refreshing sensation wash over her. She looked at her reflection in the mirror.

She traced her fingers over her face, feeling the lines and contours, and let out a sigh. Her mind wandered as she looked at her own reflection, her thoughts drifting to her past self.

Her eyes bloodshot and sunken from days of sleepless nights. The dark circles under her eyes seemed to be permanent fixtures on her once-beautiful face, now haggard and gaunt. Her hair falling in strands around her face, and her skin was pale. She looked like a shell of the person she used to be.

Li Na closed her eyes and, taking a deep breath to steady herself. When she opened them again

The image in the mirror changed, a painful reminder of the person she had become in her past life.

With that, she turned away from the mirror and headed to bed. As she lay on her bed, she couldn't help but think about Ning Yu. She picked up her phone and decided to send a text, hoping to bring a little comfort to her friend.


Meanwhile, Li Jing was in the living room downstairs when she caught sight of Li Na stepping down from the car. At first, she thought her eyes were playing tricks on her.

But as Li Na walked towards the house, Li Jing's annoyance grew. How could her sister possibly know someone with such a luxurious car? She had never mentioned any new friends or acquaintances.

As Li Jing walked to her room, a flicker of jealousy and anger burned within her. She had always been the center of attention, getting everything she wanted, and Li Na had always been the outcast. It was infuriating to see Li Na suddenly have something that she didn't.

She sat on her bed, lost in thought, as she tried to come up with a plan to make Li Na tell her who the person was and introduce her to him.

Back in the car..

As the car was driving through the city. Tang Zheng's gaze wandered out the car window as he appeared to be lost in thought.

Sun Yinghao noticed Tang Zheng lost in thought and decided to lighten up the mood by suggesting they go get a drink.

"Hey, Zheng-er, what do you say we go get a drink?" he asked with a playful grin.

Tang Zheng looked up. He cleared his throat before responding, "Sure, sounds good."

Soon, the car arrived at their destination.

As Sun Yinghao and Tang Zheng walked through the doors of the high-end clubhouse. The interior was dimly lit, with a low murmur of conversation and clinking glasses filling the air. The walls were adorned with expensive-looking art pieces and luxurious furnishings.

A well-dressed server approached them with a warm smile and led them to a private room where they could relax and enjoy their drinks in peace. Sun Yinghao immediately started chatting animatedly.

Tang Zheng, on the other hand, remained quiet and contemplative. He leaned back in his chair, relaxing.

Sun Yinghao scanned the room with nostalgia. "It's been ages since we last came here, but the place still looks the same."

Tang Zheng nodded in agreement, "Yeah, it brings back memories."

Sun Yinghao chuckled, "Remember when Lu Zhanbei got drunk here after his girlfriend dumped him and got so drunk here that he ended up proposing to a waitress?"

Tang Zheng leaned back in his chair, smiling softly at his friend's antics. He wasn't one for sharing personal stories, especially when it came to relationships. But he enjoyed listening to Sun Yinghao's tales.

Sun Yinghao took a sip of his drink and leaned back in his chair, his eyes fixed on his friend. "You know, Zheng-er, I heard your arranged fiancee is coming back soon. You ready to tie the knot?"

Tang Zheng fingers tapping against the table. He took a drag from his cigarette before blowing out a cloud of smoke. "Not really, but it's just a formality," he replied, his deep voice laced with a hint of boredom.

Sun Yinghao leaned forward, a playful glint in his eye. "Come on, Zheng, don't be so cold. Why settle for someone you don't even care about?"

Tang Zheng smirked, his lips curling into a seductive smile. "Who said I'm settling?" he said, his gaze flickering up to meet Sun Yinghao's. "I have my eyes on someone else."

Sun Yinghao raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "Oh? Do tell."