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Zhang Mei's phone buzzed in her bag, snapping her out of her thoughts. She turned to grab it. She didn't know why, but she hoped it was Li Yifeng. She truly did miss him, even if it was just for a little while. She could feel her eyes turn misty. Taking a deep breath to calm down, she slowly looked at the screen and felt disappointed. The caller was Li Jing. Seeing this, a drop of tear fell down her face. She quickly wiped it off and answered the call.

"Mom, where are you? I didn't see you yesterday." Li Jing's voice could be heard.

Zhang Mei was comforted just hearing the sound of her voice. It was enough to calm her breaking heart. Zhang Mei could not bear to tell her the truth, so she came up with a lie.

"Well, mom had an emergency. One of my friends had an accident when she came to visit. She has no one here with her, so I have to be with her." That wasn't half a lie. The part about having no one, she was actually referring to herself.